How many of you have been busted/close to being busted?

It was a cool fall evening in san diego. I was living in a little ground floor apartment about 1 block away from a police station. We had been up 30 hours (roughly) straight, living on "mini-thins", coffee, fast food and marijuana playing Lords of the Realm on the PC. My roommate, once in a while after getting sped up on minithins and coffee then getting high would get a bug in his ass and do a top to bottom cleaning. He had finished and our apartment was cleaner than it had been in months. He had then placed our 3ft bong in the middle of the living room floor like an idol worth worshipping and then placed a huge joint rolled up from the last of our bag right next to it on the floor. Our front door opened up into our living room and thus the bong was in direct view of the doorway, about 7ft away from the front door. He then proceeded to prop the door wide open to "air out the place";. note: it was about 3am when he did this. *Knock*, *Knock*, *Knock*, we all get up and turn the corner to the front door, to find....2 cops standing in the door way. They looked at us, then turn and stared at the bong and the joint just steps away. I rushed to the door an stood in the door way, pulling the door closed behind me. "May I help you sir?" "We were just driving by and saw your door wide open at 3 in the morning and wanted to make sure everything was OK" "Everything is OK, we are just playing a computer game, thanks for checking in." "Ok, then you boys be safe, its not safe to leave your door open at night, just anybody could walk in." *smile* I then shut the door and proceeded to freak out. Nothing happened.
When I was in highschool I was in the principals office, and I had four grams of kush, in four separate little bags in my pocket. Anyway, I was in there with the vice principal and CPO and they questioning me about some bullshit, then out of nowhere the vice principal says..."officer bowser do you smell that, smells like some sweet maryjane" like the total homo that he is. So then they tell me to empty out my pockets...For a second I figured they were gonna search me anyway, might as well pull them out now, but at the last second i was like fuck it, might as well chance it. so I pulled everything else out of my pockets, which included clear eyes and a lighter, which was a total burn...and left the weed in my pocket, so then the vice principal pats me down, pats right over the weed, and doesnt even reach in my pockets.... I thought for sure I was busted, but thank god the vice principal sucked at being a narc...
Oh I had to jump back in on this one... good story! (I think atleast)

Was at a kegger Friday night. I got extremely high, lost my weed out the window of a 2 story house... couldn't find it. So I got bummed out and left, I don't drink anyway.. Had nothin to do at that point.
So today I get a call. The party was busted. Cops came over because of loud music, smelled weed and tore the place to shit and gave about 25-30 citations. I left the party 15 minutes before the cops arrived.

Bahahahahaha..... Oh... about the weed... yeah, some guy found it.... he smoked it all... but that's okay, I hope he enjoys his $350 fine for having MY grass....

I have an interesting for all you readers out there!

I used to drive pounds of dank from Humboldt down to So Nevada. On the last 2 hours of my 15 hour drive, I pass a sign on the freeway that says "DRUG CHECKPOINT 1 MILE AHEAD" After I shit my pants(I have 3.5 lbs of some nice norcal outdoor)I pull the car off at the first exit I saw. That was my first mistake...

As soon as I exit the freeway I am pulled over immediately. The cop comes up to my window, and asks me for my paperwork. I give him all my shit, and he gets me out of the car, said I ran a stop sign. After he searches me he asks me to stand in front of his patrol car, while his buddy talks to me.

This cop is being whatever, and about 8 minutes pass. The other cop comes out and says "I'm just gonna give you a warning. Slow down and stop at stop signs." Yea I'm walking back to my car wondering what the fuck just happened the cop asks "Hey you dont have any weapons or illegal contraband in your vehicle do you?" Of course I deny deny deny...

Meanwhile the other cop comes back with a black lab k-9. I dont say a word. The dog "alerts" on my passenger door, and the officer tells me to walk out in the middle of the desert. Mind you I'm on a lil side road in between nothing..I think these cops are gonna put a bullet in my head.

A couple of minutes pass, and the cop meets me in the desert. He asks me if there is anything I want to tell him..I say I want to talk to a lawyer. He cuffs me and throws me in his patrol car. His stereo is blasting some born again Christian preacher shit, and I'm thinking my life is over. Im fucked.

The officer lets me out of the car, and asks me if I will cooperate. I tell him I won't incriminate myself. He says "fair enough." I answer some bs questions, and then the cop says he doesnt want to take me to jail. Jail isn't a place for a guy like me he tells me. And lets me go................I couldnt fucking believe it.

It was an expensive life lesson.. I dont do half of the risky shit I used to do. My one and only "get out of jail for 3.5 pounds of dank free card."

Im just glad the cop must've been a stoner. Or a merciful Christian.
I have an interesting for all you readers out there!

I used to drive pounds of dank from Humboldt down to So Nevada. On the last 2 hours of my 15 hour drive, I pass a sign on the freeway that says "DRUG CHECKPOINT 1 MILE AHEAD" After I shit my pants(I have 3.5 lbs of some nice norcal outdoor)I pull the car off at the first exit I saw. That was my first mistake...

As soon as I exit the freeway I am pulled over immediately. The cop comes up to my window, and asks me for my paperwork. I give him all my shit, and he gets me out of the car, said I ran a stop sign. After he searches me he asks me to stand in front of his patrol car, while his buddy talks to me.

This cop is being whatever, and about 8 minutes pass. The other cop comes out and says "I'm just gonna give you a warning. Slow down and stop at stop signs." Yea I'm walking back to my car wondering what the fuck just happened the cop asks "Hey you dont have any weapons or illegal contraband in your vehicle do you?" Of course I deny deny deny...

Meanwhile the other cop comes back with a black lab k-9. I dont say a word. The dog "alerts" on my passenger door, and the officer tells me to walk out in the middle of the desert. Mind you I'm on a lil side road in between nothing..I think these cops are gonna put a bullet in my head.

A couple of minutes pass, and the cop meets me in the desert. He asks me if there is anything I want to tell him..I say I want to talk to a lawyer. He cuffs me and throws me in his patrol car. His stereo is blasting some born again Christian preacher shit, and I'm thinking my life is over. Im fucked.

The officer lets me out of the car, and asks me if I will cooperate. I tell him I won't incriminate myself. He says "fair enough." I answer some bs questions, and then the cop says he doesnt want to take me to jail. Jail isn't a place for a guy like me he tells me. And lets me go................I couldnt fucking believe it.

It was an expensive life lesson.. I dont do half of the risky shit I used to do. My one and only "get out of jail for 3.5 pounds of dank free card."

Im just glad the cop must've been a stoner. Or a merciful Christian.

That was so epic I almost cried.

The cop had mercy, Jesus himself had mercy, or you lucked out and they just didn't find your stash. Those dogs are wrong a lot more than you think. Sometimes the trainers train the dogs to give false signals with playtoys and shit like that.
No they found my shit...They also took $1500 from me..Maybe he sold my pot and took all the money and donated it to Jesus. You know how much Jesus loves money.

I was driving sloppy..The shit wasn't properly sealed. The thing that gets me is there is was no "drug checkpoint" They just had a sign up to fool dumbasses like me into getting off the highway. Basically putting an arrow over my car saying "I have drugs! I'm Stupid! Pull me over! I should've never gotten off the freeway.
I was driving sloppy..The shit wasn't properly sealed. The thing that gets me is there is was no "drug checkpoint" They just had a sign up to fool dumbasses like me into getting off the highway. Basically putting an arrow over my car saying "I have drugs! I'm Stupid! Pull me over! I should've never gotten off the freeway.

shit man... i wont get off the highway if i see a sign like tht now... thanks for the heads up
I like to justify my past shop-lifting habits by clarifying that I never stole from people only stores. :D Somehow that always made me feel better.

It's a good thing ive never stolen from anyone, or any Coorperation. But I've been taken advantage of before, and plenty of my stuff has been swiped without my suspicion.
got busted by my city's equivalent of SWAT, they thought we had a gun, it was just a lazy bong.

lol thats awesome.
Be proud for that.

Uhm, well i had my bag with my bong, stash, grinder, and some other things at my friends moms house. And i left it in his room and as soon as i was about ready to walk out the door, she started to open it cause she thought it was his bag and she wanted his dirty cloths, but i turned around and stopped just before touched my bong. I almost shit myself. Hardcore =(
I have an interesting for all you readers out there!

I used to drive pounds of dank from Humboldt down to So Nevada. On the last 2 hours of my 15 hour drive, I pass a sign on the freeway that says "DRUG CHECKPOINT 1 MILE AHEAD" After I shit my pants(I have 3.5 lbs of some nice norcal outdoor)I pull the car off at the first exit I saw. That was my first mistake...
I made that same exact mistake in Nevada, just north of the hoover dam. They put a big sign that says "drug checkpoint ahead" And they put the darn sign up right before a turn-off that goes down a dead end street! and they are waiting for you to turn off! And guess what? There really is no checkpoint, they just have a couple of cop cars parked up ahead with nobody in them to fool you. I'm not going to get into how I didn't get busted; but if you ever see a sign/setup like that, DO NOT GO WITH YOUR FIRST INSTINCT TO TURN OFF AND AVOID, thats what they are looking for.
One time I got busted masturbating, which is where my avatar picture came from. People shouldn't be allowed to bust in and take pictures.
shit, when i was 16 i jsut got done smoking a few joints at a freidnds and on my way home i guess i was doin 75 in a 55 and didnt notice the cop behind me for some time. First thing he said to us was whos weed is it. After askin us questions seperatly he asked me if he could search my car and i said yes. I had a few roaches in my sock and my friend had about a gram in his pocket. Right before he goes to search my car calls me over and asks me how high i am. I said the weed was shit and didnt really get me high, so he said go straight home and that i dont need that one my record.

Another close call i remember was on the day of my open house (graduation party) im on my way home with a few friends after pickin up a quarter ounce for the party. Were drivin in my friends 76 nova which is spotless and stands out very much, so my dumbass friend, with no seatbelt on and a cop behind us, cuts threw a sub division to get home quicker. Cop pulls us over, i crotch the bag and my friend just recently was arrested for possession. The cop takes all are ID and asked us if he needs to call the dogs in. To my luck he just let us off on a warning, and i was able to go to my party.

A more funnier story.... Leaving a party at a friends, still trippin on acid, following more friend that are drunk with a full bottle of vicodin, also trippin. As we pull onto a less crowded road I noticed a cop coming the other way and may a U turn to follow us... its about 3:30 am. Cop follows us for about 3 minutes and then passes us to get behind my drunk ass friends. Follows them for about another 3 minutes till we hit the road we needed to turn on. As my other friends in front turn right, the cops turn left, makes another u turn, gets right behind us and pulls us over. At first one cop comes up adn asks what were doin out so late, takes our ids and goes back to his car. Im trippin balls, so when the cop comes back and asks the same questions we answer it the same, jsut out havin fun, another cop comes up to me on the passenger side and knocks on my window for me to roll it down. At first im thinkin, he wants me to get out of the car? as I reached for the handle i noticed he just wanted me to roll down my window. The second cop asks a few questions i dont remember, then asks again, " What are you guys doing out here tonight?" I dont remember him sayin this and jsut sat there and stared at the cop fuckin jsut trippin nuts. All of a sudden without saying anything the cops just turn back to there cars and drive off. I ask my firend what happened and hes like dude, the cop asked you what we were doin and you just sat there starin at him, i thought we were fucked for sure, then out of nowhere they just took off.

Ive been lucky as hell when it comes to police. Lucky and smart.... sometimes!
senses fail ayy?

lol Yeah. good call

shit, when i was 16 i jsut got done smoking a few joints at a freidnds and on my way home i guess i was doin 75 in a 55 and didnt notice the cop behind me for some time. First thing he said to us was whos weed is it. After askin us questions seperatly he asked me if he could search my car and i said yes. I had a few roaches in my sock and my friend had about a gram in his pocket. Right before he goes to search my car calls me over and asks me how high i am. I said the weed was shit and didnt really get me high, so he said go straight home and that i dont need that one my record.

Another close call i remember was on the day of my open house (graduation party) im on my way home with a few friends after pickin up a quarter ounce for the party. Were drivin in my friends 76 nova which is spotless and stands out very much, so my dumbass friend, with no seatbelt on and a cop behind us, cuts threw a sub division to get home quicker. Cop pulls us over, i crotch the bag and my friend just recently was arrested for possession. The cop takes all are ID and asked us if he needs to call the dogs in. To my luck he just let us off on a warning, and i was able to go to my party.

A more funnier story.... Leaving a party at a friends, still trippin on acid, following more friend that are drunk with a full bottle of vicodin, also trippin. As we pull onto a less crowded road I noticed a cop coming the other way and may a U turn to follow us... its about 3:30 am. Cop follows us for about 3 minutes and then passes us to get behind my drunk ass friends. Follows them for about another 3 minutes till we hit the road we needed to turn on. As my other friends in front turn right, the cops turn left, makes another u turn, gets right behind us and pulls us over. At first one cop comes up adn asks what were doin out so late, takes our ids and goes back to his car. Im trippin balls, so when the cop comes back and asks the same questions we answer it the same, jsut out havin fun, another cop comes up to me on the passenger side and knocks on my window for me to roll it down. At first im thinkin, he wants me to get out of the car? as I reached for the handle i noticed he just wanted me to roll down my window. The second cop asks a few questions i dont remember, then asks again, " What are you guys doing out here tonight?" I dont remember him sayin this and jsut sat there and stared at the cop fuckin jsut trippin nuts. All of a sudden without saying anything the cops just turn back to there cars and drive off. I ask my firend what happened and hes like dude, the cop asked you what we were doin and you just sat there starin at him, i thought we were fucked for sure, then out of nowhere they just took off.

Ive been lucky as hell when it comes to police. Lucky and smart.... sometimes!

Thats the best fucking stories ive ever heard. If those are real. then god damn. I cant believe you just stared at him haha.

That one cop that knew you were high was pretty cool too. Hes good.
I guess he didn't pay? My buddy stuck a 600 dollar amp in his sweat shirt at a stereo shop one day. It's gonna take a lot of inflation for him to pay that off.... They quit sticking their sale items out on tables after that lol.