How many of you have been busted/close to being busted?

Stealing from a store does not effect just employees, or the companies, I have worked in retail, and the prices of items cost more because of it. That is where they make up most of the money they lose through shrink. They charge more for things, so EVERYONE PAYS!!! So quit fucking stealing ASSHOLES, its costing me and everyone else that doesn't steal money!!! I bet the companies don't skip a beat, they make up for it by screwing the little people!
It was sometime in mid '82. I'd come back down from XXXXXXXX (to protect the innocent) to Cairns to see some people. I'd cashed my Sickness Benefits cheque (check for the Americans and others) up at the Lion's Den Hotel a couple days before and after buying tobacco and the little food I needed, I decided I could probably get on in the City.

A grower up North in XXXXXX had been supplying me with unlimited leaf due to the size of the crop he and his associates. We spent days sitting around sucking on pipes, with onion bags full of leaf hanging in the bamboo hut drying. We were less than 10 metres (30 feet) from the sand of the sweeping bay, backed by a horseshoe of mountains draped in dense, wet tropics rainforest. The leaf was better than nothing in those days and the shear amount of it promised that there would be pounds of 'head' once the crop matured. The place where it grew had a reputation for having an ideal climate to grow huge sativas. If you walked into a crop, you'd disappear from view. Imagine a thirteen foot high 'sea of green' that you had to almost wade through. At times, the branches on some plants would droop with the weight of masses of thumb sized buds growing almost the length of the branch. If you could look across the tops of the plants, huge colas would poke their heads up through the canopy.

Anyway, I got into Cairns and went to a communal house that welcomed anyone from the various loosely described 'communes' up North of the city. A free bed and food, but you could contribute food if you could afford to. I got there in the afternoon and there were around fifteen or so people in the high-set Queenslander. A mixture of Rashnishi's (Orange People), freaks (that was term we hippies used to describe each other), local Oeace Love and Brown rice type people and ferals. Ferals were a smallish group of who followed the fruit picking up and down the Queeensland coast, living on whatever was in season. But they rarely worked. Most often they'd raid plantations and orchards at night, stealing from the crops.

Anyway, one of the locals said he could score for me and took a few other orders while he was there. He said he'd be back later with some nice head (it was the early eighties, we used the term head back then, not bud).

By nine o'clock that night I was getting a bit worried, but then it was all good. He rocked in just after nine, full of apologies. He'd had some trouble. He gave me the $25 'stick' I'd asked for and a bit more for the house bowl. The stick was a foil wrapped line of prime buds, about fifteen inches long and an inch in diameter. He might as well have bagged it and called it an ounce. I threw some more in the bowl and slipped the foil up in the roll at the front of my sarong. I did say I was a hippy didn't I? We rolled up a half dozen scoobs and they started getting passed around the lounge and the kitchen were everyone was congregating.

We were all having a good time, getting stoned and having a yarn and telling stories in between tokes and listening to music. I was just starting to toke up on on a half smoked joint, relaxing in a lunge chair, buzzing on the music, when there was some commotion to my left. I looked toward the kitchen and everyone was staring at the front door. The guy who had brought the weed around looked past me to the door, then turned around and in one jump leaped to the bottom of the steps and started to bolt. Then this cop came leaping past me from the front door, an old senior constable type, and took off down the back steps after this guy. A second cop, a plain old junior constable was standing at the front door. I looked at him with the scoob hanging from my mouth. I turned away slowly and then, opened my mouth and rolled the lit joint into my mouth with my tongue. Then I swallowed it... I turned back and he had this confused look on his face. I got out of the chair and was pretty freaked, but just played it like a stoned hippy would.

"How long have you been in the public service Constable?" I asked.

He looked at me nervously and replied. "Er, about eighteen months now."

"Do you always come upstairs without knocking?"

The other cop came back up the front steps after about five minutes. He came inside and said that someone in the neighbourhood had made a complaint that someone was smoking "marijuana" in the house.
"We're going to search everyone."

Before this cop could start searching anyone, I walked over in front of him, lifted my sarong up from the hem and said, "Here, search me!"
I don't wear undies under a sarong. The weed was safely tucked up in the roll and these two cops were staring at this crazy long haired half naked hippy with his dick hanging in front of them.

They gathered their composure and declined my offer. They didn't search anyone after that. They asked a few of us who the bloke was that ran down the back steps, but we told 'em we had no idea. He was new in town and was in the 'drop in house' for a bed. They were looking uncomfortable, but threatened to come back later. All up, the guy had sold about half a pound in the house and had a brown paper bag with another half pound in it when he bolted from the coppers. Nobody in the house got busted and the cops didn't come back.

I headed back up to XXXXXX the next day and 'the grower' and I smoked up the stick that I'd bought. Ah, they were good days.
everytime i think of herb i think of those cola nuggs that arent mine anymore. everyone on here is helpin me out sendin me a lil cash to pay for stuff since im literally broke n everything went into that grow.

Randy Reynolds
407 Birch
Richland, WA 99352

any help is appreciated
We were pulled over because the guy who was driving was speeding ... I told him not to, as we all had weed and we didn't want to attract any attention. The car smelled like weed, as we'd smoked a blunt before we set off. As the officer was walking up, I ate the three dime bags we had ... plastic and all. Good thing, too, because the smell of weed coupled with the speeding gave 'em cause to check out the car AND us. We all looked like hippie-punks, which probably counted against us more than the smell and the speeding combined. Cops seem to have it in for people who have blue hair.

You getting busted, I mean. I'm gonna do some rallying and see if I can get a few bucks to send your way.

Please PM me, I have a couple of questions to ask you and things. :)

everytime i think of herb i think of those cola nuggs that arent mine anymore. everyone on here is helpin me out sendin me a lil cash to pay for stuff since im literally broke n everything went into that grow.

Randy Reynolds
407 Birch
Richland, WA 99352

any help is appreciated
During a small town fish fry, two of my friends and I decided to go for a ride in their van and schmokum peace pipe.We found a nice secluded little spot in a field not far from the road, and sat there with the lights out and proceeded. Suddenly a cop car comes and flips on the lights. There were a few seconds of desperately stashing the contraband as we each sprayed our own perfume about the interior of the van. It smelled like a french whorehouse. The officer walked up. The window rolls down, and smoke billows out like a scene from a cheech and chong movie. He blinked a few times, then asked, "What are you ladies doing tonight out here?' And we lamely replied, "Talking." He checked the drivers Id in his car, returned...and said..."have a nice time talking." Sobering experience, that.
back in 10th grade me and one of my boy was smoking from a pipe in da bathroom. i had 2 pipes and 3 dub sacks on me. right wen we was about to step out the door the hall monitor stopped us and brought us back in the bathroom. at that time my mind was racing plus i was high as fuck, i pulled a fast one wen my back was face him i grab the pipe and 3 dubs and stuff it down my draws(good thing i had on tighty whities ;) ) the other pipe was in my backpack =(. They called the police and sent us to the principle office. the principle told us give him everything we had now for lesser consequence or wait till the police come and search us, so i gave him the pipe in my backpack. the police came and pat us down (didnt find my other stash =) ) look through my backpack, when he pulled out my binder and flip through it a pack of zig zag fell down which i forgot i had. but lucky they didnt think too much of it, took my fingerprints and give me a misdemeanor for paraphernalia and got suspended for a week. i got lucky though if they would of found the 3 dubs i could of been expel plus they dropped the misdemeanor.

second time in 12th grade at a different high school. friend got called into the office, so he handed me an oz to hold for him. 10min later hall monitor came and pulled me outta class. they told me (my friend) told em everything, that i had nothing to do with it that i was just looking out for my boy and to give them the oz. they started lecturing me about dont hold shit like this for anyone and i can get really in trouble for it bla bla bla. got suspended for a week..... i miss them high school days
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haha me and my girl were crusing around one evening and we just got done smokin a few bats cop pulls us over found about a half gram of weed. A FUCKING HALF GRAM barely enough to fill the corner of a bag and of course the bat. she lost her license for a year owi posession and pariphinalia a total of 600 bucks in fines plus sky high car insurance.
It was sometime in mid '82. I'd come back down from XXXXXXXX (to protect the innocent) to Cairns to see some people. I'd cashed my Sickness Benefits cheque (check for the Americans and others) up at the Lion's Den Hotel a couple days before and after buying tobacco and the little food I needed, I decided I could probably get on in the City.

A grower up North in XXXXXX had been supplying me with unlimited leaf due to the size of the crop he and his associates. We spent days sitting around sucking on pipes, with onion bags full of leaf hanging in the bamboo hut drying. We were less than 10 metres (30 feet) from the sand of the sweeping bay, backed by a horseshoe of mountains draped in dense, wet tropics rainforest. The leaf was better than nothing in those days and the shear amount of it promised that there would be pounds of 'head' once the crop matured. The place where it grew had a reputation for having an ideal climate to grow huge sativas. If you walked into a crop, you'd disappear from view. Imagine a thirteen foot high 'sea of green' that you had to almost wade through. At times, the branches on some plants would droop with the weight of masses of thumb sized buds growing almost the length of the branch. If you could look across the tops of the plants, huge colas would poke their heads up through the canopy.

Anyway, I got into Cairns and went to a communal house that welcomed anyone from the various loosely described 'communes' up North of the city. A free bed and food, but you could contribute food if you could afford to. I got there in the afternoon and there were around fifteen or so people in the high-set Queenslander. A mixture of Rashnishi's (Orange People), freaks (that was term we hippies used to describe each other), local Oeace Love and Brown rice type people and ferals. Ferals were a smallish group of who followed the fruit picking up and down the Queeensland coast, living on whatever was in season. But they rarely worked. Most often they'd raid plantations and orchards at night, stealing from the crops.

Anyway, one of the locals said he could score for me and took a few other orders while he was there. He said he'd be back later with some nice head (it was the early eighties, we used the term head back then, not bud).

By nine o'clock that night I was getting a bit worried, but then it was all good. He rocked in just after nine, full of apologies. He'd had some trouble. He gave me the $25 'stick' I'd asked for and a bit more for the house bowl. The stick was a foil wrapped line of prime buds, about fifteen inches long and an inch in diameter. He might as well have bagged it and called it an ounce. I threw some more in the bowl and slipped the foil up in the roll at the front of my sarong. I did say I was a hippy didn't I? We rolled up a half dozen scoobs and they started getting passed around the lounge and the kitchen were everyone was congregating.

We were all having a good time, getting stoned and having a yarn and telling stories in between tokes and listening to music. I was just starting to toke up on on a half smoked joint, relaxing in a lunge chair, buzzing on the music, when there was some commotion to my left. I looked toward the kitchen and everyone was staring at the front door. The guy who had brought the weed around looked past me to the door, then turned around and in one jump leaped to the bottom of the steps and started to bolt. Then this cop came leaping past me from the front door, an old senior constable type, and took off down the back steps after this guy. A second cop, a plain old junior constable was standing at the front door. I looked at him with the scoob hanging from my mouth. I turned away slowly and then, opened my mouth and rolled the lit joint into my mouth with my tongue. Then I swallowed it... I turned back and he had this confused look on his face. I got out of the chair and was pretty freaked, but just played it like a stoned hippy would.

"How long have you been in the public service Constable?" I asked.

He looked at me nervously and replied. "Er, about eighteen months now."

"Do you always come upstairs without knocking?"

The other cop came back up the front steps after about five minutes. He came inside and said that someone in the neighbourhood had made a complaint that someone was smoking "marijuana" in the house.
"We're going to search everyone."

Before this cop could start searching anyone, I walked over in front of him, lifted my sarong up from the hem and said, "Here, search me!"
I don't wear undies under a sarong. The weed was safely tucked up in the roll and these two cops were staring at this crazy long haired half naked hippy with his dick hanging in front of them.

They gathered their composure and declined my offer. They didn't search anyone after that. They asked a few of us who the bloke was that ran down the back steps, but we told 'em we had no idea. He was new in town and was in the 'drop in house' for a bed. They were looking uncomfortable, but threatened to come back later. All up, the guy had sold about half a pound in the house and had a brown paper bag with another half pound in it when he bolted from the coppers. Nobody in the house got busted and the cops didn't come back.

I headed back up to XXXXXX the next day and 'the grower' and I smoked up the stick that I'd bought. Ah, they were good days.

And I thought all the real hippies where dead... nice to see one still kicking :)
I came very close once.
My step son came to visit and I had a grow going on. Of course the room was locked and out of the way. Well when it came time for my stepson to leave my husband drove him to the airport and dropped him off and then he took off for work.
Well, the little tike had broken into my grow room (I was un aware) and he clipped some buds and put it in his carry on. He got caught, and he freaked and told the police about my room.
Needless to say the next day child protective services was at my door. They went through the whole house, I had already trashed everything. When they didn't find anything the requested UA. It sucked, but we agreed to do it. Well we passed the UA and the next month we put our house on the market and we moved to a different county all together...It really sucked.
I came very close once.
My step son came to visit and I had a grow going on. Of course the room was locked and out of the way. Well when it came time for my stepson to leave my husband drove him to the airport and dropped him off and then he took off for work.
Well, the little tike had broken into my grow room (I was un aware) and he clipped some buds and put it in his carry on. He got caught, and he freaked and told the police about my room.
Needless to say the next day child protective services was at my door. They went through the whole house, I had already trashed everything. When they didn't find anything the requested UA. It sucked, but we agreed to do it. Well we passed the UA and the next month we put our house on the market and we moved to a different county all together...It really sucked.

Wow thats incredibly close!

I got busted once, Well not really arrested but they just took my weed. Im hoping thats the only time.
i got arrested for selling an 1/8 of silver haze to a pregnant highschool chick 60 ft. away from the school at a gas station. talk about 3 strikes your out
I was "protesting" Nixon in East Lansing, Michigan waaaaayyyy back in 1971. Michigan State University was the starting ground, but we blocked traffic on the main road, Grand River Ave, and basically stopped the flow of traffic, people and business to make our point about Nixon (well, some of them were protesting Nixon), while others (me included) were having a ball "protesting". We sat down right in the middle of the road and lit up a brand new pipe. As I'm taking a big lungful, I felt a hand on my shoulder and the person asked "what 'cha got there kid". I felt like Arlo Guthrie in "Alice's Restaurant" when he said "kid". I was waiting for him to take "glossy pictures with explanations on the back of each one". Long story short, they arrested me and my 2 friends. We were released the next day after posting a small bond. When I went to court, the judge must have been really tired of all the people arrested at the protest, he fined us a dollar each & said "now I don't want to see any of you again." I said Okay, paid my huge fine and slid into obscurity. BTW, I never did get my pipe back:cuss:.