How many of you have been busted/close to being busted?

This has happened twice to me/my friends.. goin for a doobie tour and run into a RIDE program (road checks to check for drunk driving).
Both times, the cops peek in with they're flashlights, smell the pot and do their entire speil about drugs
One of those times (when i was younger), we were headin to a cottage for the weekend so we had coolers/cases full of beer the cops saw 1 empty beer.. we argued for a bit and ended up having to crush our ~5grams into the gravel on the side of the road (the cop let us keep all the beer.. we were minors.. what a nice guy)
The other time, the cop lectured us that "drugs stay in your house, not on the road, thats how you get in trouble" and promptly let us on our way

A year ago, my roommates and i were throwing a keg party.. the cops show up due to a noise complaint.. they step inside the house and want to speak to the us.. (we're all in a back room gettin blazed)
We all walk out to chat with the police, drunk and stoned as fuck, u could see the smoke lingering in the air.. one cop was a rookie, he laughed the whole time while his partner tried to talk to us.. but we were so fucked that we couldnt make much sense.. the cop just ended up tellin us that we need to turn down the music, blah blah, didnt care about the dope at all and left

All i have to add is that living in ontario, NEVER have any of my friends or I getting into trouble due to marijuana.. in my experiences the cops just dont care.. they're tring to catch drunks drivers and meth heads, not pot smokers

sry to all those living south of the 49, you have no idea how lax most cops are about dope up here :peace:
Back in the day (6 years ago) I was a little kid in grade 8, didn't think anyone noticed i was selling weed, well i was wrong. i was chilling in class and there's a knock at the door, they ask to talk to me, they take me down to the office there are 3 police officers there.
At this point i know i'm in shit, so i'm trippin balls pretty hard at this point, They ask me if i have something i would like to tell them, And i was like no...
Then they pull my backpack for under the office desk, and he was like would you like to tell us about this?
Well i was gonna admit to what was in there but decided not to, then opened it up and found 200 dollers and like 1.3oz, then the cops start talking to me, ask me where i got it, i said i found it. well cops are not that dumb but in some shit, they let me off with a big fine, but i had money to pay it.
turned 16, record was clear and i went back to doing what i do best, only better this time around. i stopped selling when i finished school, i only grow for personal use now.

It was pretty embarrassing getting taken away in front of my class :oops:
They wrote in the paper about it, made me sound like a dangerous pot selling, gun totting criminal.:mrgreen:

I was in a small Indiana town with my boyfriend and his brother. We had been smoking in the car, when we started to get pulled over. I went to put the pipe away, and the first place I thought of was the glove box. We had one headlight out, so the cop wasn't suspicious or anything, so even when my bf went to open the glove box to get his registration, the cop didn't see anything because the light from his flashlight didn't reach the corner where the pipe was sitting. We felt so lucky.

Later the SAME NIGHT, we went to check on some plants we had been growing in this forest preserve we had found in the middle of nowhere. There was a gate with an abandoned farm house, a small soy field, and then the forest. We were suspicious when we first got there, because the gate to the property was open and there were tire tracks near the farm house. My bf said "This property's for sale, they're probably just showing it off." So we decided we would still go in, and just be really quick and then leave.
So we get into the forest, but we realized we had gone too far right from where our plants were. My bf's brother kept saying he heard noises, I didn't hear anything, but he was really freaked out so I knew something was up. We got a little lost, and ended up wandering around, occasionally turning our flashlights off and being quiet to see if we could hear anything. My bf's brother was sure he heard someone, so we decided to leave. We were heading back through the soy field, which was really hard to walk through I kept tripping, and came to a fence in between the soy and the farm house. We paused to listen, and we heard one dog bark. Then another dog bark. Both coming from the forest preserve. My bf's brother yelled "RUN!" and we all sprinted to the car. We drove away with our headlights off for a while.
About four months ago, me and a buddy had hot boxed my Camaro one night on the way to a friends house. We partied there for a little bit and then I decided to go home for the night. I was a little tipsy and still high on the drive home but I was extra careful not to drive stupidly. Oh forgot to mention, I had bought a half ounce of mids earlier in the day. Only smoked a blunts worth out of it. So I was about one minute down the road from my neighborhood, and as I went around a curve, my heart dropped like a rock. Checkpiont. Cops on either side of the road, no where to turn. I wasn't going anywhere. I was slightly intoxicated, my car reeked of bud, and I half almost a half ounce of bud on me. PERFECT. Being in the mind state I was, I paniced and threw the bud under my passenger seat. I had only had my Camaro for about a month at that time, so I wasn't completely familiar with any hiding spots in the car. So I get up to the cop and he asks the usual shit, and then he smells the weed in my car. Asks me if I had been smoking any that night or had any weed in the car. I said no. He asks me to pull over to the side of the road and get out of the car so he can search it. He asks me if I had anything to drink that night and I said no. He didn't breathalize me either, so I was safe for that. A few minutes of sitting outside while the cop tears up, and he pulls out the bag of weed... Fuck. So he asks me if there's anything else in the car and I say no. I get handcuffed and seated inside the cop car while he searches further. Apparently, I had some OLLLLD rolling papers in my jacket pocket that I had completely forgot about that weren't even mine. The cop found them too and bottom line is I got charged with possession and paraphinalia. First offense, so it's not too big of a deal. My attorney is still handling the case for me haha.

Sorry if I left something out I'm high and I suck at telling stories lol.
Later the SAME NIGHT, we went to check on some plants we had been growing in this forest preserve we had found in the middle of nowhere. There was a gate with an abandoned farm house, a small soy field, and then the forest. We were suspicious when we first got there, because the gate to the property was open and there were tire tracks near the farm house. My bf said "This property's for sale, they're probably just showing it off." So we decided we would still go in, and just be really quick and then leave.
So we get into the forest, but we realized we had gone too far right from where our plants were. My bf's brother kept saying he heard noises, I didn't hear anything, but he was really freaked out so I knew something was up. We got a little lost, and ended up wandering around, occasionally turning our flashlights off and being quiet to see if we could hear anything. My bf's brother was sure he heard someone, so we decided to leave. We were heading back through the soy field, which was really hard to walk through I kept tripping, and came to a fence in between the soy and the farm house. We paused to listen, and we heard one dog bark. Then another dog bark. Both coming from the forest preserve. My bf's brother yelled "RUN!" and we all sprinted to the car. We drove away with our headlights off for a while.

quite a story. what happened? the farmers dogs maybe? or were they police dogs? ever go back to check on your crop again? I've been chased by farmers on trucks and 4 wheelers before when I was out 4 wheeling. some people tear up the middle of fields and make a mess. makes me look bad just staying on the side.
But had a few close calls. One I always remember is 1981 in Texas. I was driving cross country from CA to GA. I had been put into my car the day before by friends with all my belongings (I was moving) and under the seat I had a frisbee with some "supplies" for the road. Going across TX I ran across a roadblock with cops stopping all cars. I considered throwing the frisbee out the window, but by then I was in line and thought I would ride it out. When I arrived at the roadblock, it turned out they were looking for the "fruitfly" pest and just wanted to make sure I was not bringing infested fruit into the state. After inspecting my cooler (which contained beer and little else) - they sent me on my way.
I have a felony for B&E, I broke into some kids house with a friend stoned as hell and stole the kids wii,xbox 360 and ps3 +all the controllers and games and shit, then he got all paranoid and went back and said he that i did it and i got all the charges, I have only been caught once with weed and the cop let me off with a warning, i got the feeling he smokes or had smoked cause he was cool as fuck, I was almost caught once in a car lighting up a joint, me and my uncle and another good friend were on the highway heading to our next job(we do home improvement, landscaping and just all around labor) so anyways we were relaxing lighting up the joint and had some cookies that we were going to eat after and a cop pulls us over and my friend dan took a cookie and took the joint and ate the fucking joint haha, he probably saved our asses man, thats about the only serious shit thats happened, i havent been caught growing yet so thats good =p
havent been busted for anything ever but got pulled over for the first time today.

young driver? I have close to 10 tickets for traffic violations.. cops suck. my car has never been searched, but once the cop kept asking me questions like I was on the fbi's most wanted. do I have an alias? yeah, I'm gonna tell you my list.. it's not so bad when the cop is cool, but usually they're just a douche bag.
ok this happened about january
i was out partying at my dudes (18 big dude) house he bought 5 bottles of e&J and there were only like 5 of us there so we are all knockin back shots all night smokin blunts playing quarters and bashin pizza its comes around to about 4 am and his lil brother (17 but when i say lil i mean lil haha)start fighting cause he wont leave him alone and his brother has school in the morning so we are sittin there drunk and these guys are fist fighting we pull the big dude off his brother and then we all hop in my dudes car to get him out of that situation (dont want my boy to go to jail ya dig?) and as we take off his mom calls the cops tells them what kinda car we are in color and the direction we are heading and we are about 1 block from being outta town and needless to say home free and then a cop pulls us over every1 there got an underage they tried to hit my boy wit a trafficing charge for have 1300 dollars on him they hit all of us with underages and they tried to hit the driver with a posession charge for shake on the floor but that didnt stick
I guess a good chuckle can be had from a quick get away or a night or two in a county tank over a couple of joints, but it's the lure of easy money as the song goes...I was home in CA recupperating from surgery when the Fed's smashed down the door for my arrest. A neighbours contractor at the land next to my grow house in western Washington jumped my fence to steal power (I had the only power around and he had no generator is what he told the local cops) and while looking for a place to plug in noticed (heard) my exhaust fans and thought it his christian duty to call the police ( thats what the police report stated!) I had six acres, only an intruder could have heard the fans, but I was away from the property and had given the live in help some vacation time they were due...there is no moral to the story....smoking good:eyesmoke:, busted bad.
so the cops tell me they can smell all my dope rom walking around the house. (there was no smell my buddy, or who i though was my buddy, ratted on me to get out of some trouble) one thing they thought i wasnt home so they were on my lawn. (not aloud) and second when i go to leave they come out of no where and grab me and question me. (only 17 years old not aloud also) They say theyre going in my house whether i show them or not. i said dont you need a warrant for answer. more questioning and i find myself showing these two asshoels where my grow is for the reason i didnt want my moms house being detroyed. so they got my 3 plants (yea they said they thought it was 15 to 20 plants by the smell, there was no smell though remember) so i kinda played dumb and let them in which was illegal on their part (unreasonable search and seizure) so i made a complaint that night to the sgt. on duty and said that they forced me to let them in and all and i got off my charges and drug rehab.
got busted years and years ago like in the 70s for cultivation did a drug diversion and got off. Then my hubby got busted again for cultivation a second time and had to do 30 days in jail. but got out in 15 then got the felony dropped to a misdemeanor and expunged. this was in the late 80s. So glad we have prop 215 in California. Makes life much easier. Even have a deputy living next door and he is fully aware of our growing garden. Gives a body a good feeling!
Year or so ago I was pulled over by a county sheriff. He pulled me over because I was out driving around at 2 in the morning down a road that is known for drug activity. I live out in the country, and we have a bad bad bad meth problem out here.

Well this particular road is the fastest way home for me. It's about 5 miles long, 1.5 lanes wide, and all gravel. No houses or trees on it, no street lights.. It's just dark. So I'm cruising along and another car pulls out behind me, and the disco lights come on. He was sitting in the driveway to a cow pasture and I guess I just missed him.

Well the reason I was driving around was so I could smoke a couple jays, listen to some music, relax and unwind.. I had a bad day. The cab of my truck smells like total hell.... I'm freaking out so I fucking ATE a burning jay and the last one I had. Chugged that crap down with some Dr. Pepper and sat there.

Well the officer walks up, "Can I see your license and reg......" He pauses, tells me to get out of the vehicle and grab my wallet and information and to please step to the back. Then he informs me he smells marijuana and if I had any on me, had I been smoking. WELL, as most of us know, they can't do shit if you're high, that's not illegal. So he says he's going to search my vehicle, I said that was fine. The officer was real polite about it, he didn't cuff me, talk dirty. So I let him search, and of course he found nothing..
Well he walks back over to me and gives me 2 options, I can tell him what I was doing, or he can get the drug dog out there and ruin my night.. So I pretty much just told him I was driving around, I had smoked, and I wasn't carrying anything else on me.

In the end he let me go. He told me personally he had no problem with marijuana, but it was part of his job to enforce the law. He told me to get my head out of my ass and smoke at home and to not carry the stuff around with me.

The end.
I wanted to give +rep to a bunch of you guys, almost all. But to be fair Ill give it to none because it shouldnt have occured in the first place. Stay strong all fellow growers and really great stories everyone. Read all of them.
When I was in 8th grade, they busted me lightin up on the bus on the way to shcool haha. It made the front page of the local paper and people told me that they cluked about it on "The View." yaaa, i done some stupid things and I'll be the first to admit it:bigjoint: Ahhh, but those days are gone
Dude this happened last night.

I was at this huge halloween bash with like 12 bottles and everyone i knew had a little more than a half oz on them.

sitting there smoking blunt after blunt and kicking some ass at beer pong was great.

i got the spins, so i went outside for some fresh air. all of a sudden 4 cops are all walking toward me from diffrent directions. my first thought is o fuck i have my $50 piece on me and im not getting busted again lol. so i turned around and walked right into the house, as i shut the door i hear one of the cops tell me to come back over there. like hell i'm gunna. as soon as i shut the door i run to each room of the house to tell everyone cops are outside and might be coming in.

the plan

everyone got into one room to hide, like fucking 40 drunk people are going to shut up. i dont think so.
in an unlikely turn of events my brother somehow got outside with my sister and knocked on the window of the room. hey _________ get the fuck out now.

I ran at the window and jumped out head first, i was so pumped I didnt even feel myself get sliced on my face or hit the ground.

according to the others i made it out the window as they came in the door.

if that wasnt almost busted i dont know what is.
of course i actually got busted with just an empty pipe when a cop came up on us while we where all tokin on a spliff one day. Bastard didnt even have the decency of letting me get a hit before he stoped us.