How many of you have been busted/close to being busted?

i dunno about fucked i know a guy who got popped by feds moving ex....he got popped in vegas with 10k pills....he got hit with 26 months federal time

10k pills and only got 26 moths? WOW! Seems like it would be way worse! Do people growing for personal use and have say under 50-100 plants around get any jail time for first offense? Anyone know?
10k pills and only got 26 moths? WOW! Seems like it would be way worse! Do people growing for personal use and have say under 50-100 plants around get any jail time for first offense? Anyone know?

you should check out NORML's it im too lazy right now they have all the state laws, in my state any offense carries a 6 month minimum(please disregard any of my previous posts where i typed out years instead of months...i am a stoner after all)

but as far as cultivation it's in pounds...

50 to 100 lbs felony 1 year MMS*** up to 2.5 - 15 years $500 - $10,000 100 to 2,000 lbs felony 3 years MMS*** up to 15 years $2,500 - $25,000 2,000 to 10,000 lbs felony 5 years MMS*** up to 15 years $5,000 - $50,000 More than 10,000 lbs felony 10 years MMS*** up to 15 years $20,000 - $200,000 Within 1,000 feet of school felony additional 2 years MMS*** up to 15 years $1,000 - $10,000 ***Mandatory minimum sentence. yea...... here's NORML's site Marijuana Law Reform - NORML check out state laws...its good info
I like to justify my past shop-lifting habits by clarifying that I never stole from people only stores. :D Somehow that always made me feel better.

When you steal from stores you are stealing from all of the employees paychecks. Someone may not get there raise because of people like you or someone may not even get hired. Businesses call this "loss" and it is always factored into the things businesses do.

So sorry but your REALLY stealing from all the people that work there because the business are going to make their money back somehow.
I never got busted knock on wood but i've come close a couple of times. when i was 17 some friends and i were celebrating halloween . we had a shit load of toilet paper and were rolling yards. after a while we got bored and went to the football field at the high school and plopped down on the bleachers to smoke a spliff. well after we smoked we decided to tp the goal post. did a hell of job too. then the cops showed up. the dumb ass cops had there blue lights on so we all hid under some bushes and held our breath lol. they searched but never saw us hiding under there. good thing too cause my dad was a cop and even if i could get out of it there would have been hell to pay. now i would never sing the praises for a cop but i know for a fact he looked the other way plenty of times for others. he was known around town as the top rated cop by the local teenagers. for giving people a second chance.
i never got busted. but today i had a quart hidden on me and i was searched. in my county they dont check very good. he just empted my pockets and kinda barely patted down. i was freakin' cuz i dont wanna go 2 jail. it was x3 bagged cuz it reeks. lucky for me he didnt find it. so he drove away and i flipped him da bird. i was high but a clear bong high. so i could pass. im still high from 12:30. i did an 8th of some dank. its been 12 hours and i did 3 bowls on a pipe and 2 on a bong. im still high!
arrested 4 drunk an disorderly3/4 times ,an pissing in street 1nce ,im also due in court 4 drink driving tho im not at all proud/ill be getting banned off the road 4 about 2 years .....garda scum.
I got caught smoking with a buddy at an apt complex. One of the cops was a neo-con prick who wanted to haul us off to jail asap. his partner saw we had no priors made us toss the weed and leave asap. That was the closest.
I used to get busted all the time when I was younger. 18 and under I got busted for possession, selling, trespassing, stealing. I wasn't a very good criminal.:mrgreen:
My husband is on felony probation for possesion with intent to resale.

But me, I've never been busted. A couple of years ago my ex and I were driving downtown in our car (smallish town, cops knew him too) and he was in the drivers seat. He has no license. We passed the cops, he freaked and pulled over, we switched drivers and about 1 minute later they pulled us over. We had an ounce and about a gram of coke in the car. Luckily, since they couldn't prove he was driving, they had to let us off.

Talk about nerve wracking.
i was sitting in my friends car on the side of the road ( we were on a side street), we were rolling a blunt, nothing unusual and all of a sudden the poloce come up on the drivers side and we open the windowns (by this time we were just about ready to leave) so we start talking to the cop hes of course asking us what we were doing and all that we just made up some excuses about going to a friends house. After about 5 minutes of talking he says "Alright good deal, you fellows enjoy the rest of your night and i hope you rolled you BLUNT nice and tight" and walked away, me and my friend look at eachother astonished and realize that we left the guts of the blunt in his cupholder slot. the cop must of put 2 and 2 together. Thank god it was just a routine check and he wasnt a ball buster haha, that was the best blunt i have ever smoked.

this was the most recent interaction with the police i have had.
I never felt bad about stealing from stores, they're there to make money, I'm stealing to save money, the store and I know what the other's game is. We play against each other.
With people, if you have the opportunity to take something, it means they feel comfortable enough around you, think enough of you, to allow that opportunity. It's just wrong to abuse that.

Are you an idiot? you know there are people that own those stores. Man I hate theives, some of the lowest forms of life on earth.
Are you an idiot? you know there are people that own those stores. Man I hate theives, some of the lowest forms of life on earth.

agreed :-?

Like I told that idiot...You steal from a store your stealing from the employees, Thieves creat "loss" and big corporations may not give raises or bonus's because of it. :evil:
I once got 1k in stolen shit, but thats from the past. Funny thing is, I got caught but they only got like 3$ back and I got away with a slap on the wrist cause it was my first time. Now I don't steal at all and I think it's stupid when people try to brag to me about how much money they just made stealing shit.
nealry been busted with cocain, i was so smart and gave him my smoke...

he said, This is how u should be, confront youself with your stash... and no problems !

I was like, damn i got 1gramm cocain in my pocket ! Thank god !

hehehehe that was the scaryist moment ^^ all my friends were like pale from sickness that i would get cought ^^
agreed :-?

Like I told that idiot...You steal from a store your stealing from the employees, Thieves creat "loss" and big corporations may not give raises or bonus's because of it. :evil:

Don't you think that's a bit unfair? Certainly, I'm not perfect, but to simply surmise that I'm an idiot because of a bad habit that I have dropped, and then to label me as such... I think that's rather presumptuous of you.

The largest cause of "loss" or "shrinkage" is theft from the employees themselves, through abuse of employee discounts, and removal of anti theft devices. So obviously, if theft had direct impact of the quality and quantity of pay for the employees in the store, they wouldn't be doing that shit.
Don't you think that's a bit unfair? Certainly, I'm not perfect, but to simply surmise that I'm an idiot because of a bad habit that I have dropped, and then to label me as such... I think that's rather presumptuous of you.

The largest cause of "loss" or "shrinkage" is theft from the employees themselves, through abuse of employee discounts, and removal of anti theft devices. So obviously, if theft had direct impact of the quality and quantity of pay for the employees in the store, they wouldn't be doing that shit.

Just because they do it does not mean that it doesnt effect their pay. They just dont care because they are stealing. The ones that are losing out are the honest employees that dont steal....not everyone steals you know.

You were the one that claimed it didnt hurt anyone but the big corporations...

Sorry I called you an idiot but I think thievery is disgusting...You know how everyone here feels about rippers...a thief is a thief and they all disgust me...

living off of the hard work of others is disgusting and as low as it gets. thief's are literally leeches, parasites, living off of other people.

No matter what you say to defend thievery the bottom line is YOU ARE STEALING FROM SOMEONE....I guess those words dont mean anythign to some.

The people that used to steal from the store I worked at were stealing from me and my fellow employees that worked our ass's off to pay for their families...barely able to enjoy life because everything was about trying to make ends meet. We DID NOT steal because we couldnt risk losing our jobs.

Of course "loss" has an effect on could it not.
deny it if you like but thats the honest truth to it.
Just because they do it does not mean that it doesnt effect their pay. They just dont care because they are stealing. The ones that are losing out are the honest employees that dont steal....not everyone steals you know.

You were the one that claimed it didnt hurt anyone but the big corporations...

Sorry I called you an idiot but I think thievery is disgusting...You know how everyone here feels about rippers...a thief is a thief and they all disgust me...

living off of the hard work of others is disgusting and as low as it gets. thief's are literally leeches, parasites, living off of other people.

No matter what you say to defend thievery the bottom line is YOU ARE STEALING FROM SOMEONE....I guess those words dont mean anythign to some.

The people that used to steal from the store I worked at were stealing from me and my fellow employees that worked our ass's off to pay for their families...barely able to enjoy life because everything was about trying to make ends meet. We DID NOT steal because we couldnt risk losing our jobs.

Of course "loss" has an effect on could it not.
deny it if you like but thats the honest truth to it.
Agreed completely.

Even at the fast food restaurant I work at, there are thieves that will steal $40 from a drawer in someone else's name multiple days during the week. How is that fair to the mother of a newborn baby who has to have that taken out of her paycheck because some asshole felt like stealing from a big corporation? It's bad enough you're working for minimum wage, but to have to suffer from the actions of others is worse.
Agreed completely.

Even at the fast food restaurant I work at, there are thieves that will steal $40 from a drawer in someone else's name multiple days during the week. How is that fair to the mother of a newborn baby who has to have that taken out of her paycheck because some asshole felt like stealing from a big corporation? It's bad enough you're working for minimum wage, but to have to suffer from the actions of others is worse.

Thats another perfect example, thank you :peace::joint:
have a good friend that got busted for growing because of a guys that got popped for coke, he rolled on my friend for a lighter sentance...

worked out ok he got the charge but his wife got off all together and he only has to do 90 days on weekends then a year of probie...

and of course they took all his shit including his computer....