How many of you have been busted/close to being busted?

Ill grow bigger and bigger each year until it becomes so public they will either make it medical or raid me....They raid me though so many peoples lives will be affected by it that it forces people to liscen..It takes people like me getting arrested for it to happen..

Shit Boooky.... I gotta admire your "take one for the team" attitude in the interest of decriminalizing marijuana!

+Rep and a :hug: for you Booky!!!
Been pulled over for traffic violations twice while i had shit/paraphenalia on me. I'm a nice lookin' white boy though, so they just gave me a ticket and sent me on my way without being searched. I was trippin though.
Been pulled over for traffic violations twice while i had shit/paraphenalia on me. I'm a nice lookin' white boy though, so they just gave me a ticket and sent me on my way without being searched. I was trippin though.

dude...wierd situation...I once ended up stranded in San Pedro with my brother, we got a ride home from this tweaker with a plumbing company van. We were sitting illegally in the back, all on the equipment. I had just bought an oz of some bombies.

Suddenly this cop pulls up next to us, and yells, "You wanna get pulled over? You just ran that light!" The tweaker, who has a baggie of tweak in his hand that's gripping the steering wheel, talks to the cop, and cop just takes off. Scared the shit outta me though...
I've been busted twice, both for possession. the first time was kinda funny, I was 16 and was at a park with my gf at the time after hours. it was a par that never had cops in it and I had been going there for years after dark to do whatever. so we're there and I got her pants completely off, shirt is just chillin around her neck. I see a car pull into the lot ( the entrence was about 200 yards from where we were) and turn off it's lights, i didn't really think anything of it as many people went to the park all the time. but I decided to take the pot and put it in my pocket just in case ( at this point i was very nieve about cops, had never even talked to a cop before). so of coarse the car comes straight up to us as puts on the lights: all of them. my heart about flew out my chest. he immediately pulled me out of the car and told my gf to put her clothes back on. he searched me right away and found the makeshift pen pipe I had made to smoke out of. at that point he informed me that I would be placed under arrest and if there was anything else I had to give it to him, so i did. He called my parents to come pick up the car since it was registered to them, and had them wait there for my gf's parents to come get her since I had picked her up from home. bottom line is that I was charged with possession less than 2.5 grams for the pot I had and he didn't do ANYTHING about the makeshift pipe I had. in fact, there was never any mention of it in the police report or anything.

The second time I was going into another park, i was pulled over on the long entrence to the park for having a brake light out( i didn't know it was out). when he came up to the car he said he pulled me over for the light and asked me to get out of the car. when out he told me that they had had reports of people going to the park to smoke pot and get drunk and asked if it would be ok if he searched so that he could make sure I didn't have any of those items ( i was 18 at this point). I obviously said " no sir, I would not be comfortable with you searching my personal belongings or those of anyone in my car." he then told me that he had probable cause because he had smelled pot when he came up to my window ( this is complete bullshit as I didn't have any pot, also, the last time pot was smoked in my car was 48 hours before that). so he tore apart my car and found my stash spot that had some pipes in it. it was funny cause at that time I was dealing, the night before I had picked up and sold everything in like 2 hours, so I didn't have any pot, just lots of empty bags from having to put a couple together, and just leftover bags from picking up ( i still lived at home so couldn't leave it at home). he started pullin out bag after bag, like 15 of them, he stood up and goes "jesus man, what are you, a dealer?" i laughed at him and replyed " no sir, i just smoke alot of pot". (he had already pulled out a pipe at this point) then he pulled out another pipe, i knew both were in there. then he pulled out a cig pack and in it was a hitter ( i didn't see this). when he was done he came back over to me and informed me I was being placed under arrest for possession of 3 pipes, and asked me if there was anything else in the car that i should let him know about. I told him no so he put me in the back of the car and decided to put my car in a parking spot, but before he came back to the car he opened my trunk to take a peek, and found a case of beer that was back there. when he came back to the car he informed me that he was also charging me with possession of alcohol by a minor. It SUCKED.

so those are my stories :blsmoke:
I was pulled up suspected of being a smack dealer a few years back, they arrested me after having a quiet drink with my 17 year old friend after watching her younger brother play footy.

Was sprawled out in front of the whole pub and cuffed....

When they asked what I hid down my trackies, i stripped off in custody and gave them my ripped up rizla packet ...

They were so pissed off we were the wrong girls....

So I was cautioned for my friends 2gram with the excuse that i was the responsible one as i was older ... (i ate mine:roll:)

Dick heads never cottoned on I had bought an underager a drink though ....

They asked me under caution was I to do it again ... duh??

What go to the pub with a friend after footy? hmmmm...

Shitty caution shows up when I have my crim records checked, yet when i was caution for assault & criminal damage that never showed up...

Silly silly system ...
Great stories everyone, but I would like to hear from the people that said they got busted growing what lead to them being busted? How do you get caught growing 35 plants or 41 plants? I just would like to have people include in their stories what lead to the bust, were you being to flashy, traffic at the house, strong odors? What reasons? Keep the good stories coming!! :)
I'm bothered by police presence period. I don't think we need them, we have the right to bare arms. Now fuck stores, but if anyone robs from me. They should expect a 9mm round coming for their head. WORD
Great stories everyone, but I would like to hear from the people that said they got busted growing what lead to them being busted? How do you get caught growing 35 plants or 41 plants? I just would like to have people include in their stories what lead to the bust, were you being to flashy, traffic at the house, strong odors? What reasons? Keep the good stories coming!! :)

A friend of mine just got out after a year on tag for cultivation, he was the electrician in the outfit. His Dad and Brother were also cultivating.
Wasn't sure how they found out, I guess overhead heat source.


£70,000 WORTH


He hates buying weed from dealers now, when he were taking home oz's in his pocket every night ... can quite depress you ...
busts are never entertaining cops are as humorless as ashtrays and much meaner after smashing my wife in the face with a 9mm handgun, beating me senseless when I protested this act, threatening to shoot the dog AND THE CAT! tearing the house apart handcuffed and taken 50 miles (in Dec in Northern Canada -25degrees) charged and released w/o transportation or money or even any I.D. it was at home anyway I was growing 35 plants they were 1 day away from harvest I did 4 months and paid 3 grand in fines and donations to the DARE anti-drug campaign maybe I'm just cynical but I still don't see any entertainment value in this experience and it happened 9 or 10 years ago
I guess I'm lucky the porkchoppers didn't taser us to death good thing they didn't know my mother was polish or I'd be done for the only good bust is one that doesn't happen good luck

Could you explain what brought this on? I would love people to include what lead to them being busted so other people can hear and not make the same mistakes. Therei is plenty of people that get away with it for years if not forever, and you have to think the ones that get caught are doing something wrong. So it would be nice for people to also include their mistakes that lead them to being busted. :) Thanks!
I'm bothered by police presence period. I don't think we need them, we have the right to bare arms. Now fuck stores, but if anyone robs from me. They should expect a 9mm round coming for their head. WORD

you got that right, anyone coming into my house or threatening me or my families safety better expect a bullet in their brain.... i don't take kindly to people threatening my security...
Ive never been busted by a cop before, but one time at school my freind came in with a few prescriptions of vicodins and muscle relaxers. He gave me some of the relaxers, and I held on to em till 3rd period. (that was first). While this was all going on, my other friend stole his ipod, and he told the administrators. When they brought my other freind up, he ratted about the muscle relaxers so I got called to the office. Im a smart guy, so I figured I knew what this was all about. Gave my friend his relaxers back, and headed up towards the office. Even with no evidence, I got 5 days suspension and had to pay $400 for these stupid drug classes that went on for 6 weeks. Worst part about that were the drug tests, I couldnt smoke for that entire 6 weeks.
a couple of my mates were only last week outside a friends house waiting for him in the car. The plain clothes police pulled up and said loadsa people stop here for a smoke have u got some. To make it easy as they had about enuff for a spliff they gave it up, the copper said fine just let me search the car. No prob replied rick, the driver. 10 secs later copper emerges with a bag with 250 pills in it and a debt list of around a grand. Rick apparently went white and came clean as he had collected them earlier for some rave venues he has booked to go too. The debt list is for green he told them, the silly little sod is only 19 had not got legal representation , he is nearing the end of his HNC apprenticeship in engineering and a real lovely young polite charming kid...............He is due up in court in 7 weeks so fingers crossed please everyone. He aint even a scallywag, he has good parents that brought him up with manners and respect, just a silly little fooker showin off. No previous crime history of any sort good at school the works...........Lets hope it dont fuck up the rest of his life.
a couple of my mates were only last week outside a friends house waiting for him in the car. The plain clothes police pulled up and said loadsa people stop here for a smoke have u got some. To make it easy as they had about enuff for a spliff they gave it up, the copper said fine just let me search the car. No prob replied rick, the driver. 10 secs later copper emerges with a bag with 250 pills in it and a debt list of around a grand. Rick apparently went white and came clean as he had collected them earlier for some rave venues he has booked to go too. The debt list is for green he told them, the silly little sod is only 19 had not got legal representation , he is nearing the end of his HNC apprenticeship in engineering and a real lovely young polite charming kid...............He is due up in court in 7 weeks so fingers crossed please everyone. He aint even a scallywag, he has good parents that brought him up with manners and respect, just a silly little fooker showin off. No previous crime history of any sort good at school the works...........Lets hope it dont fuck up the rest of his life.

He's done. I've been there. And he talked to much. Just like all of us here talk to much. But I really like This Place. Shit is I'm not from Cali. And it's not the same here. No medical. So sometimes you gotta keep shit tight, and men do men things for men salaries, but gangstas don't say what they do. And in this world if you stand like a marine but don't belong to the armed forces yeah your a gangsta. Other people don't talk back, bite there toungue and usually out of fear and paranoia of the world. DONT GET CAUGHT> It's your friends. Your friends will always be your enemies. Thats why you keep your friends close to you and your enemies even closer. Marine types feel invincble till it all falls down. KEEP SHIT TIGHT> this is a stupid thread.
a couple of my mates were only last week outside a friends house waiting for him in the car. The plain clothes police pulled up and said loadsa people stop here for a smoke have u got some. To make it easy as they had about enuff for a spliff they gave it up, the copper said fine just let me search the car. No prob replied rick, the driver. 10 secs later copper emerges with a bag with 250 pills in it and a debt list of around a grand. Rick apparently went white and came clean as he had collected them earlier for some rave venues he has booked to go too. The debt list is for green he told them, the silly little sod is only 19 had not got legal representation , he is nearing the end of his HNC apprenticeship in engineering and a real lovely young polite charming kid...............He is due up in court in 7 weeks so fingers crossed please everyone. He aint even a scallywag, he has good parents that brought him up with manners and respect, just a silly little fooker showin off. No previous crime history of any sort good at school the works...........Lets hope it dont fuck up the rest of his life.

If its Extacy yeah hes pretty much fucked unless he snitches....So if he gets out of jail he might consider moving out of the country because his life will be in danger.. If someone can sell you 250 pills like that he can get as many as you need and they know that.. He wont be able to finish college either he needs to find a new occupation because what he planned to do has just been drained welcome to the real world if he ever sees it agian.

If those pills test results come back as a fatal dose he will get a life sentance on each pill and wont be able for parole..He gets a good lawyer he might get away with a few years by claiming he didnt know but even then good luck.
Damn right booky, like to hear a man with sense.

I feel like starting a new thread too.

Are we dumb for chatting here.

I'm sure we all love it, to me I found a community of my people. Like nudist colonies. But everyone can watch us.
i dunno about fucked i know a guy who got popped by feds moving ex....he got popped in vegas with 10k pills....he got hit with 26 months federal time