If only Anonymous had done what they promised.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Now this. This is on USA soil, it has to stop. The authorities won't do it, I thought maybe, just maybe Anonymous would do what the USA wouldn't do, but no they tucked their tails between their legs and picked up their balls and went back to the casa.

TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - The bodies of three suspected drug traffickers were found shot to death "execution style" in a remote area near the Arizona-Mexico border, police said on Tuesday, in a crime possibly committed by bandits.
Santa Cruz County Sheriff Antonio Estrada said Border Patrol agents found the bodies of the three men on Monday in the Tumacacori Mountains, about 20 miles northwest of the border city of Nogales.
Estrada said all three men had been shot in the head. Two were identified as Mexican nationals, aged 21 and 42, while the third man has not yet been identified.
"We suspect, because of the activity that is generated up there by illegal aliens and drug traffickers, that they were very possibly hauling drugs, and might have been ripped off," Estrada told Reuters.
"It's the first triple homicide since I have been here, about 19 years ... It is disturbing because of the way these people were murdered, execution style," he added.
Estrada said the bodies had lain in the area, known as the Devil's Canyon, for up to two weeks before being spotted by a Border Patrol helicopter crew on Monday.
They were found a few miles from the spot where Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was shot dead by suspected border bandits in December 2010.
Terry was a member of the Border Patrol's elite tactical unit, dubbed Bortac, which was hunting down border bandits suspected of committing robberies and violent assaults in the area.
We should send our military in and stomp the piss ants out then end the war on drugs.

We will have actually helped a country and our troops will be close to home.
We should send our military in and stomp the piss ants out then end the war on drugs.

We will have actually helped a country and our troops will be close to home.
Are you kidding??? I'm sorry to say but IN MY OPINION.. The USA is to much a coward to start a fight so close to home.
in my opinion troops aint the answer. legalize marijuana in all states is the only way. if its legal theres no reason to be growing in the mts in cali. or crossing the border with mules full of weed. i watched a program the other day and said like 75 or 80% was marijuana. if they stop the money they stop the cartell. and coke and heroin and meth would be easier to stop coming into the country. just my 2 cents.
That's the sad part we're too much of a coward to defend our own borders.

I'm moving to FLA and I wonder how I'm going to take to HAVING to learn Spanish. My husband has no problem telling someone to learn English in a tone that I swear someday will get him killed.
well it would be nice if english was the default language, but it aint anymore. im in mich and u need to speak mex here 2. but i dont and i never will .for all i care nuke mexico and columbia.
So what exactly did anonymous promise to do here? Besides promise to take down facebook which they failed to delivery on that one too
I agree with legalization, but it has gone way beyond that now. I'm afraid that it's about control of a country. Too many officials are being paid off by the cartels.

in my opinion troops aint the answer. legalize marijuana in all states is the only way. if its legal theres no reason to be growing in the mts in cali. or crossing the border with mules full of weed. i watched a program the other day and said like 75 or 80% was marijuana. if they stop the money they stop the cartell. and coke and heroin and meth would be easier to stop coming into the country. just my 2 cents.
I guess using the word 'promise' was too strong. I was just hoping that when they stood up to the cartel they would follow through even though the cartel released that kidnap victim.

I guess I was hoping for a hero to appear and help the populous of Mexico stand up and take it back. Sometimes all it takes is one person or event.
I refuse to learn Spanish, not because I'm xenophobic, but just because I didn't go to a Spanish speaking country. It's flat out mofoin' RUDE to come to someone else's home country and be like "Nah, I don't wanna learn YOUR launguage, YOU learn MINE." Bite me, GTFO of my country then. Same reason I won't learn anything else they tell me I just HAVE to learn up here, like Hmong. I'm not learning Hmong, screw you, LEARN ENGLISH.

We've always taken the tired, the weak, the poor, the huddled masses....well, time to knock that the hell off, it's only weakened us in recent years. The USA used to be a shining beacon of hope for those willing to work hard, a chance to bypass birthright and earn riches with the sweat of your brow and the brilliance of your mind...now it's a haven for every kind of undesirable group you'd want in your home country. There is no more birthright to bypass, and we've got quite enough of a population, thank you much.
in my opinion troops aint the answer. legalize marijuana in all states is the only way. if its legal theres no reason to be growing in the mts in cali. or crossing the border with mules full of weed. i watched a program the other day and said like 75 or 80% was marijuana. if they stop the money they stop the cartell. and coke and heroin and meth would be easier to stop coming into the country. just my 2 cents.

please explain how these drugs would be easier to stop. its a lot easier to conceal these drugs because of the size difference. plus if you take away there weed income they are simply going to up there production of other drugs to fill the void. the drug war would get far more serious. your not taking away any of the players just making the game harder for them. in turn making the players become harder and more ruthless they would have to be if they want to retain control over meth etc.
please explain how these drugs would be easier to stop. its a lot easier to conceal these drugs because of the size difference. plus if you take away there weed income they are simply going to up there production of other drugs to fill the void. the drug war would get far more serious. your not taking away any of the players just making the game harder for them. in turn making the players become harder and more ruthless they would have to be if they want to retain control over meth etc.

You remember Vietnam? How when we kept losing ground sorties we'd just napalm the hell out of the entire countryside? I bet if we start just napalming border-jumpers, people will think a whole lot more about jumping the fence than they do right now.

TONS of other countries have policies about sneaking in that include imprisonment and execution in some cases...because being too soft has consequences, as we can all see, you let them step on you once and you might as well call yourself welcome mat.
this shit sucks... i was watching a news report last night that the DEA and FBI will not include all the bullshit terrorist acts these cartels are doing as spill over violence... hmm, maybe they would be out of jobs if that were to happen... pieces of shit politicians man doing nothing for us who live along the entire border.
Anonymous is no one in particular. I could be Anonymous, you could be Anonymous, it could be your next door neighbor. Thats whats great about the group anonymous, anyone can claim it for any reason. Don't think of Anonymous as a group of hackers, or a group of people, its not organized in any fashion.

There are image boards such as 4chan.org which are anonymous. The group started from 4chan's random forum, they would "raid" games like habo hotel (they made a bunch of black looking people with afros that all looked the same, then lined them up into a swastika), or they raid people's facebook, youtube links, or other forums. It was just to create chaos. Some people even committed suicide over Anonymous's raids, they call it being "an hero" or "an heroine" if you're a girl. They made several people commit suicide.

Then people started getting behind actual causes, like hacking such and such website, or DoSing such and such website. It just escalated, and now anonymous has nothing to do with any web site or group of people in particular, but the news eats it up cause they're stupid.
please explain how these drugs would be easier to stop. its a lot easier to conceal these drugs because of the size difference. plus if you take away there weed income they are simply going to up there production of other drugs to fill the void. the drug war would get far more serious. your not taking away any of the players just making the game harder for them. in turn making the players become harder and more ruthless they would have to be if they want to retain control over meth etc.

in my opinion if they take away the tons and tons of pot how many officers will that open up to inspect MORE container/vehicles. i would think
Not just your opinion. Was also the opinion of our grandfathers ;)
Look it up if you don't believe me.

Yeah, everyone talking about fighting a war close to home, I'm going to assume you think war is the shit you see on TV..and that ain't war. War is ugly, dirty, messy, and a lot of innocent people get killed in the mix. Now, do you want the ugly, messy, dirty, civilian-life destroying act of war in the USA, or do you want it in some desert across the world where morons with hardons for SoF magazine can romanticize it?
No, I don't want that.

A little of vigilante wouldn't hurt. When the decent people have had enough and there is no where else to go they will take back their country. I've told the story about the old black men in the inner city just waiting for trouble to come down their street when the Pistons won the championship. They sat on their roof tops and waited. There is strength in numbers.

Good people should not have to be afraid.
No, I don't want that.

A little of vigilante wouldn't hurt. When the decent people have had enough and there is no where else to go they will take back their country. I've told the story about the old black men in the inner city just waiting for trouble to come down their street when the Pistons won the championship. They sat on their roof tops and waited. There is strength in numbers.

Good people should not have to be afraid.

Vigilantes are the LAST thing you want, you want order and law and all the good stuff, protecting people and all that...you don't get that by letting a few rednecks with guns shoot Mexicans. Trust.
Vigilantes are the LAST thing you want, you want order and law and all the good stuff, protecting people and all that...you don't get that by letting a few rednecks with guns shoot Mexicans. Trust.

it will come to that someday here