If only Anonymous had done what they promised.

Anonymous, whatever their intentions may be, would be completely ineffectual at changing the dynamic of the cartel wars. I get the impression that many here don't really have any idea what's actually happening in Mexico, or why it keeps happening, why the people just haven't ejected the cartels, or why the government hasn't mounted a massive military campaign to route them out...It's simply not that easy.

In Mexico you have about a dozen or so major cartels, Sinaloa Federation and Los Zetas are the two biggest and they have multiple allies, enforcement arms, and alliances with other smaller cartels. At this point ALL of Mexico is caught up in some sort of complication involving the cartels. This is not a problem that will be solved by focusing on one, or two cartels - if you do that others will emerge (case in point: La Familia and the Knights Templar). The structures of the cartels are like that of Anonymous, there is no way to single out leaders that cant be replaced within days. If a cartel disintegrates (La Familia) we have seen that they just splinter off into smaller cartels that forge new and different alliances.

In order to really make a difference one would have to stop the flow of precursor chemicals and arms from China and Korea (dont even start with the America blah blah blah I heard on the news blah blah blah - just stop right there, STFU, and do just a BIT more research), stop the cocaine traffic from Columbia (yea, they are still MAJOR players), and eradicate Mexican MJ cultivation. This would require absolute control of Mexican port cities (and subsequent monitoring of neighboring lesser traveresed port citites), it would require an immense dedication of money and manpower - it's something that we don't even have here in the US.

For the time being, the cartels are here to stay. It is a positive development that US INTEL has been deployed to Mexico, but I wouldn't hold your breath that this will dramatically change the game in the near future. The power struggle between SF and Los Zetas involves people from ALL walks of life from foot soldier, to Hefe. There are politicians, powerful businessmen, and a large contingent of former military people...this is something that will probably be a part of the landscape for a long time to come.
I say don't just legalize weed. Legalize all drugs. Eliminate most of their business. And goddamn I think a man should be free to put whatever the fuck he wants in his body.

in portugal they legalized all drugs. u can go the the govt ( i think) and get ur haroin or crack or weed. the crime rate dropped overdose dropped it seemed to be working. i seen this on natgeo or some channel last year. theyve taken the money ut of it. thats what we need.

but the man makes u wear a seatbelt and a helmet for your protection and tax dollars. cant collect if uve killed urself in a car or motorcycle accident.
You, sir, missed the entire fucking point. Congrats and goodnite.

Also : Unions used to serve a purpose, but now all they do is protect incompetence and greed. Way to be a cog.

Not only did i not miss the point i hit the nail squarely on the head.

In the 20's & 30's it was the irish & itialians who were condemed or demonized by true " americans",in the 70's & 80's it was the blacks,all the irish,italian & other real americans condemed & demonized them,blaming them for their inability to land or hold a job,now days its all the mexicans fault.

As for your comment on unions it shows ignorance on the subject,where is your opionion comming from & what experiences in your life helped base your opinion ?

Unions are the only thing looking out for the common worker,helping keep jobs in america & making sure the blue collar worker makes a good wage based on company profits.

Without a union nobody will make a living because no company in the usa is going to pay an employee any more than they have to.

Instead of union bashing try taking the time to look up a union that covers the trade or job that you make a living at & see how much better the union men live because of higher wages & better insurance.

Union bashing & anti union sentiment is allways based on ignorance,i'd like to discuss your anti unionism & see where its roots lie.
well panhead, i can see where unions helped to get workers paid a descent wage. but did the unions help when the free trade agreement ripped apart business? my family lost union jobs when the entire hastings filter line went to mexico.. or how about when they retired after 30 years of hard work they pulled pensions, and medical. dont forget to pay ur dues. or well break ur legs. man i think the union has had a big hand in ruining this country. just my opinion. not hating.
I think State ran unions would be good considering it's in the best intrest of the State that both sides get the best deal.
Not only did i not miss the point i hit the nail squarely on the head.

In the 20's & 30's it was the irish & itialians who were condemed or demonized by true " americans",in the 70's & 80's it was the blacks,all the irish,italian & other real americans condemed & demonized them,blaming them for their inability to land or hold a job,now days its all the mexicans fault.

As for your comment on unions it shows ignorance on the subject,where is your opionion comming from & what experiences in your life helped base your opinion ?

Unions are the only thing looking out for the common worker,helping keep jobs in america & making sure the blue collar worker makes a good wage based on company profits.

Without a union nobody will make a living because no company in the usa is going to pay an employee any more than they have to.

Instead of union bashing try taking the time to look up a union that covers the trade or job that you make a living at & see how much better the union men live because of higher wages & better insurance.

Union bashing & anti union sentiment is allways based on ignorance,i'd like to discuss your anti unionism & see where its roots lie.

Wrong, the point was that's it's RUDE to come to someone else's country and expect them to work around YOU. I don't go to France and go up to people and say "Hey, stop talking that stupid language, I don't understand it. Speak English.". It's just not fucking done, man. If you want to come to America, come...but show some motherfucking respect, would you?

And my anti-union rant is based on me watching unions in my area bitch and whine and moan about having to pay more into their own benefits. These fuckers make more than most other people in the area, do less work for that money, and still go on fucking strike when people are starving out because they have to pay a few extra bucks for the amazingly generous benefits package? THAT'S greed, in it's truest fucking form. And unions are just the strongarm they use to get what they want now, after all there are Federal level laws to protect workers rights now.
Unions still have there place. I know that if the saw mill I worked for was union I would have still done better
Now this. This is on USA soil, it has to stop. The authorities won't do it, I thought maybe, just maybe Anonymous would do what the USA wouldn't do, but no they tucked their tails between their legs and picked up their balls and went back to the casa.

TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - The bodies of three suspected drug traffickers were found shot to death "execution style" in a remote area near the Arizona-Mexico border, police said on Tuesday, in a crime possibly committed by bandits.
Santa Cruz County Sheriff Antonio Estrada said Border Patrol agents found the bodies of the three men on Monday in the Tumacacori Mountains, about 20 miles northwest of the border city of Nogales.
Estrada said all three men had been shot in the head. Two were identified as Mexican nationals, aged 21 and 42, while the third man has not yet been identified.
"We suspect, because of the activity that is generated up there by illegal aliens and drug traffickers, that they were very possibly hauling drugs, and might have been ripped off," Estrada told Reuters.
"It's the first triple homicide since I have been here, about 19 years ... It is disturbing because of the way these people were murdered, execution style," he added.
Estrada said the bodies had lain in the area, known as the Devil's Canyon, for up to two weeks before being spotted by a Border Patrol helicopter crew on Monday.
They were found a few miles from the spot where Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was shot dead by suspected border bandits in December 2010.
Terry was a member of the Border Patrol's elite tactical unit, dubbed Bortac, which was hunting down border bandits suspected of committing robberies and violent assaults in the area.

What was the date that Anonymous set up for phase 2?
That's the sad part we're too much of a coward to defend our own borders.

I'm moving to FLA and I wonder how I'm going to take to HAVING to learn Spanish. My husband has no problem telling someone to learn English in a tone that I swear someday will get him killed.

Well why the fuck not? They come into our country and dont speak english (I'm sorry american!). They SHOULD learn english its bullshit any other way. You don't have to learn spanish, no-one does unless your one of those cultural pricks for college credit or have nothing better to do. They come into our country, they should learn our language, why the fuck should we have to learn theirs. THE PRESIDENT SPEAKS ENGLISH!

..I'm stoned, but I've re-read this statement a few times, and I agree with everything.
Listen at one point or another, our ancestors had to learn english
Yeah, everyone talking about fighting a war close to home, I'm going to assume you think war is the shit you see on TV..and that ain't war. War is ugly, dirty, messy, and a lot of innocent people get killed in the mix. Now, do you want the ugly, messy, dirty, civilian-life destroying act of war in the USA, or do you want it in some desert across the world where morons with hardons for SoF magazine can romanticize it?

Im gonna assume you dont know who the hell you talking to there kiddo. I served with numerous of combat deployments under my belt. Along with 2 purple hearts.

3/1 Kilo Company
USMC 0311 Infantry

So before you go spilling words out your cum dumpster there buddy do a little research before you call a combat veteran out you fuck!..
Im gonna assume you dont know who the hell you talking to there kiddo. I served with numerous of combat deployments under my belt. Along with 2 purple hearts.

3/1 Kilo Company
USMC 0311 Infantry

So before you go spilling words out your cum dumpster there buddy do a little research before you call a combat veteran out you fuck!..
You need to watch your bitch hole, slutmuffin. You think I give a flying fuck that you can type you were a Marine? What are you gonna do, come track me down and bomb me? Internet tough guys, you're a dime a dozen and not nearly as satisfying as a good kick in the nuts. Do the world a favor and go slice your wrists (down the road not across the street), and quit attention-whoreing. Besides, dick for brains, do you know who the fuck YOU'RE talking to? No, you fucking don't. Now go fuck with the neighborhood kids some more, because you don't e-scare me, internet asshat.
You need to watch your bitch hole, slutmuffin. You think I give a flying fuck that you can type you were a Marine? What are you gonna do, come track me down and bomb me? Internet tough guys, you're a dime a dozen and not nearly as satisfying as a good kick in the nuts. Do the world a favor and go slice your wrists (down the road not across the street), and quit attention-whoreing. Besides, dick for brains, do you know who the fuck YOU'RE talking to? No, you fucking don't. Now go fuck with the neighborhood kids some more, because you don't e-scare me, internet asshat.
Hahaha you sound pathetic lol I'd woop you ass irl kiddo believe it or not dont give a dam its the dam truth :) Enjoy being a worthless piece of shit thug that just thinks hes hard.
Hahaha you sound pathetic lol I'd woop you ass irl kiddo believe it or not dont give a dam its the dam truth :) Enjoy being a worthless piece of shit thug that just thinks hes hard.

Thug that thinks he's hard? Yeah, you soooo get me. I'm gonna enjoy being exactly as I am, you enjoy trying to get that e-peen up to par, there tough guy.

Woop my ass...can't even spell whoop, how are you gonna do anything? Idiot. You sound more or less like a pretty typical American success story. Ignorant as fuck and thinking you rule the world.
Thug that thinks he's hard? Yeah, you soooo get me. I'm gonna enjoy being exactly as I am, you enjoy trying to get that e-peen up to par, there tough guy.

Woop my ass...can't even spell whoop, how are you gonna do anything? Idiot. You sound more or less like a pretty typical American success story. Ignorant as fuck and thinking you rule the world.

Dude you sounded retarded do you understand that?
You keep saying "blah blah blah come get me" then you go sounding half ass retarded by saying its impossible because we are talking over the internet... Umm ok... what your point?? lol when did i say i was gonna look you up. I dont care about you i wouldn't step in your roach infested ghetto.
I'm simply saying you sound like retarded thug that thinks hes hard because he lives with 10 other black dudes in the projects in a 5x5 apartment lol good job im sure mom is proud.
Or even more pathetic your some punk ass white kid that just thinks hes black haha sad..

Then you go attack a simple typing error showing signs of being a grammar nazi umm wow your awesome you can use spell check here is a gold star for you special one.... You do know that just shows you were losing controls of the situation so you got desperate to attack any imperfection just to feel in control. In other words i think you are the one that intimidated my a complete stranger in other word a Coward.
Dude you sounded retarded do you understand that?
You keep saying "blah blah blah come get me" then you go sounding half ass retarded by saying its impossible because we are talking over the internet... Umm ok... what your point?? lol when did i say i was gonna look you up. I dont care about you i wouldn't step in your roach infested ghetto.
I'm simply saying you sound like retarded thug that thinks hes hard because he lives with 10 other blakc dudes in the projects in a 5x5 apartment lol good job im sure mom is proud.

Then you go attack a simple typeing error showing signes of being a grammar nazi umm wow your awesome you can use spell check here is a gold star for you special one.... You do know that just shows you were losing controls of the situation so you got desperate to attack any imperfection just to feel in control. In other words i think you are the one that intimidated my a complete stranger in other word a Coward.

Right, pay attention redneck, one quick course. Almost everything you said? Racist. Me? Walking away from your ignorance. Goodbye now.
Right, pay attention redneck, one quick course. Almost everything you said? Racist. Me? Walking away from your ignorance. Goodbye now.
Yes I'm a California red neck that lives in the big city and goes to a state university....
Think i have a reality show in my future ;)
It is not racist if its the truth. Go to school educate your self and you will be able to see the difference. Or do they not have a education system in your part of the ghetto?