Well-Known Member
it will come to that someday here
Only if people accept it as inevitable and don't work to do anything else. You know what's killing America, motherfucking sheer laziness.
it will come to that someday here
I wasn't thinking about Americans shooting Mexicans, I was thinking that Mexicans will get fed up and take out the cartels. All it takes is hit one Zeta here and hit one Gulfer there and set the rumor the Zetas have killed a Gulfer and visa versa. Of course, lazy as I am I'm not the one for the job
Couldn't we just, I don't know, train their military up a bit? We do it for like everyone else. Maybe give them some of our awesome guns and thermal imaging equipment and such, maybe loan them a spy satellite to track their targets?
well it would be nice if english was the default language, but it aint anymore. im in mich and u need to speak mex here 2. but i dont and i never will .for all i care nuke mexico and columbia.
Now leave Colombia out of it!! It's really a beautiful place. The colombian cartels haven't been players in a long while anyway. Since they no longer control Coke, you won't find any Colombians coming here for better opportunity. They like it there just fine contrary to our governments propaganda to the contrary.
Just legalize the shit, and not just for medicinal purposes, take the profits outta the picture and you'll eliminate the violence associated with the trade. It's really not that hard to figure out.
Only if people accept it as inevitable and don't work to do anything else. You know what's killing America, motherfucking sheer laziness.
I refuse to learn Spanish, not because I'm xenophobic, but just because I didn't go to a Spanish speaking country. It's flat out mofoin' RUDE to come to someone else's home country and be like "Nah, I don't wanna learn YOUR launguage, YOU learn MINE." Bite me, GTFO of my country then. Same reason I won't learn anything else they tell me I just HAVE to learn up here, like Hmong. I'm not learning Hmong, screw you, LEARN ENGLISH.
We've always taken the tired, the weak, the poor, the huddled masses....well, time to knock that the hell off, it's only weakened us in recent years. The USA used to be a shining beacon of hope for those willing to work hard, a chance to bypass birthright and earn riches with the sweat of your brow and the brilliance of your mind...now it's a haven for every kind of undesirable group you'd want in your home country. There is no more birthright to bypass, and we've got quite enough of a population, thank you much.
yes but i see greed as the killer. greed is why we have no jobs. the only way big business will come back to the us is when they have child sweat shops.
You, sir, missed the entire fucking point. Congrats and goodnite.I used to feel much like you but let me say that you couldnt be more wrong.
First off nobody is asking or telling you that you MUST learn spanish,what people ( smart people) are saying is that it is in every young persons best interest to learn spanish,lets look at this from a business stand point.
Mexicans are extremely valuable to american business because of their work ethic,its a fact & a sign of the times where most young americans WILL be working side by side with spanish speaking workers,the workers who are bilingual will able to communicate with their fellow workers ,this fact alone will make them a more valuable worker compared to other workers who are not bilingual & cant effectively communicate with the spanish workers.
The bilingual workers will have more job security,they will be more productive at their own job,the bilingual workers will also have a higher worth as a worker to management which translates into pay raises & larger salary,americans who refuse to learn spanish will end up working for a mexican immigrant who is fluent in english,he will also make more money than the americans because he can communicate with the entire work force.
Mexican workers are here to stay & not by accident,their work ethic is 2nd to none,mexicans come here & learn english so they have more job opportunities ,the cold hard truth is this,americans who refuse to learn spanish will allways take a back seat to bilingual americans,they will not advance as high in their job feild,they will get promoted less,they will make less money & they will be more expendable & the 1st to be laid off.
Before i retired last year i hired & fired men in the union construction industry,i paid mexicans the same wage as americans to start,if they spoke english i kept them but if they only spoke spanish i sent them back to the union hall,when work slowed & i had to lay off men the 1st to get laid off were non bilingual workers,mexican & american alike,if you spoke both languages you were more valuable to my operation.
People who cant see past biggotry & ignorance will suffer greatly in the work force.
I was just hoping that when they stood up to the cartel they would follow through even though the cartel released that kidnap victim.
Didn't they say unless the cartel released the victim, they would leak the names? They kept their word, I respect that.
And don't forget the other reason, Greed........Only if people accept it as inevitable and don't work to do anything else. You know what's killing America, motherfucking sheer laziness.
And don't forget the other reason, Greed........
I disagree, we have no jobs because Americans have just got to have everything. Nothing too hard, nowhere too hot, nothing that we might have to give up a Saturday or Holiday for. If you don't want to dedicate several years of hard work and sacrifice to something, then maybe you don't want it that bad.
Of course, I'm not saying the corporations should be capitalizing on the desperation of third-world countries without consequence or anything, just pointing out that maybe the American worker is so desperate to attain the Dream by 21, they don't seem to get that there's a certain amount of sacrificing you have to be willing to do to achieve it. No such thing as a free lunch, or a free puppy. Everything costs something. And people just don't seem to think they should have to sacrifice anything or work hard and earn anything anymore. We all start at different levels and it's easier for those whose parents put in the hard work already, but going after them just because their parents worked hard is like going after the poor kid because his dad's a drunk...how the hell is it their fault?
But just because someone is handed something doesn't mean you automatically have to be handed it too, their parents worked hard and sacrificed, maybe yours didn't, maybe there was some horrible family death crisis and you're a child of the system...it's still no excuse to think you're owed anything. Go get 'em, tiger, you show people you can get shit done and there will always be work.
I'm talking about the companies that ship jobs overseas to make more profit, the millionaire Congress that won't raise taxes on the rich, what a fucking joke. Me heres a knife stick it in yer throat. Them yea right... People here talking about training them to defend them selves, who do you trust? Who do you train?My problem with that is that it's totally natural to want things, things you think are pretty or cool or whatever. Ok, some people take it too far...some people take cleaning too far, or running, or masturbating. I don't hear a lot of call to stop the fapping.
Point is, greedy people are just another type of addict with no willpower, just like me with cigarettes. Just because you may not suffer from the addiction to expensive things doesn't mean someone else doesn't need their $2,800 purse fix for the week.
although I'd like to agree, part of me thinks drugs should be illegal because they just should not exist in the first place. But I also think thats the kind of thinking that made pot illegal, so I'm kinda in the middle on that.I say don't just legalize weed. Legalize all drugs. Eliminate most of their business. And goddamn I think a man should be free to put whatever the fuck he wants in his body.
Only if people accept it as inevitable and don't work to do anything else. You know what's killing America, motherfucking sheer laziness.