rollitup member busted?? how safe are we?? lets start a tech talk forum......

speaking as a former cadet from the san bernardino police dept, i'd have to say that task forces on illegal activity streamed via the internet like this forum.. is highly likely to get someone tracked down.. in order to do that they would have to be posting pics, babbling out loud of they're gracious grow.. and also helping others contraband illegal activity (endorsing it).... i am growing my own plant, however i am licensed and it is for insomnia purposes and individual purposes also.

in other words, the best case scenario for this (since i do not know the story) would be that he problably got busted just like anyone else who doesnt know how to grow and sell properly without the distrust of it's comrades.

cheers! and happy toking.
speaking as a former cadet from the san bernardino police dept, i'd have to say that task forces on illegal activity streamed via the internet like this forum.. is highly likely to get someone tracked down.. in order to do that they would have to be posting pics, babbling out loud of they're gracious grow.. and also helping others contraband illegal activity (endorsing it).... i am growing my own plant, however i am licensed and it is for insomnia purposes and individual purposes also.

in other words, the best case scenario for this (since i do not know the story) would be that he problably got busted just like anyone else who doesnt know how to grow and sell properly without the distrust of it's comrades.

cheers! and happy toking.
So if I read you correctly, someone would have to go out of their way to incriminate themselves in order to get noticed.

In essence, that's what this kid did. His activities were very public online and not limited to this site.

Even so, it was a tip that got him pinched. The internet stuff just helped their case along. Plus, he sang like a fucking canary.
well let's just say, this is a good expectation towards our privacy and the way we grow and share information.

use mango as an example, and always grow smart.
Jesus there were at least 15 pages when last I checked and it was definately determined in the damn news story that it was a TIP meaning someone narked on him that he was talking to and furthermore the guy openned his mouth to cops. It had nothing to do with someone tracking an IP address calm down and stop being paranoid. If the FBI really wanted to find who the hell you are. You can mask all you want and proxy off a zombie pc or BNC connection but if they thought you were a terrorist they would be able to back track as many hops as you can fake. They are not worried about people posting pics and talking on a world wide website period, this guy was narked on, anything afterwards can be used as evidence. Be cautious as with any site and do not give real info in your registration as far as home address and such, most ISP are not going to just give out the information about thier subscribers just because someone is asking. They are more worried about who is uploading copywritten content than people on forums who arent talking about screwing kids and stalking people. Just dont put things in your pics that could identify you as it would be evidence in long run if a girlfriend printed something that you posted or printed what you typed. You dont need technical advice here, yes there are ways to mask but its not magic, the feds know the tricks as well. Reverse engineering works for both sides so no one is fooling anyone if your really good. Dont piss off people after telling about your grow

you go man! +REP
So if I read you correctly, someone would have to go out of their way to incriminate themselves in order to get noticed.

In essence, that's what this kid did. His activities were very public online and not limited to this site.

Even so, it was a tip that got him pinched. The internet stuff just helped their case along. Plus, he sang like a fucking canary.

Sang like a canary for sure what a tard:dunce:
They may only be looking for people who put pics as its clear evidence on growing because they cant look up everyones account just because there talking about growing a plant. For them to go through every post and every account would be a waste because they know and understand that some people on here are not really growing they just want to sound smart, and they know that some people who post pics just found pics on the internet and copied and pasted. So dont be stressed people unless you got pics on here that are clearly original.
i have been to prison numerous times & in a nutshell you are entitled to face your accusors so untill your pre trial hearing [the one that decides if its bound over to superior court or not] you dont know where the d.a. is getting their info its easy to point the finger here or there ,but do you really know???
anyone with a degree in computer technologies please post on this thread, i would like to keep this thread free of random opinions from random joes,

I was building, upgrading, repairing computers before you even needed a "degree" to do so. I was also programming and making websites before you needed a "degree" to show you can do it.

However, I will honor your request about not posting information in your thread because I fall in the "random Joe" category because I do not have a piece of paper that validates my experience.

I do find it odd that you start a thread and you have not given us any "security tips" or advice on the subject you started.

I suggest you know what you are talking about before you do not allow others to post.

p.s. Correct spelling and grammar would also help your cause.
I think the dude means he doesnt want people trolling on his thread. Just helpful info would be good. But if you cant figure it out, well then, I guess he was talkin about you.
I was building, upgrading, repairing computers before you even needed a "degree" to do so. I was also programming and making websites before you needed a "degree" to show you can do it.

However, I will honor your request about not posting information in your thread because I fall in the "random Joe" category because I do not have a piece of paper that validates my experience.

I do find it odd that you start a thread and you have not given us any "security tips" or advice on the subject you started.

I suggest you know what you are talking about before you do not allow others to post.

p.s. Correct spelling and grammar would also help your cause.
Both of you guys are talking about something that was posted 11 months ago. :roll:

And the guy who posted it hasn't signed on here in 6 months. :lol: :lol:

speaking as a former cadet from the san bernardino police dept, i'd have to say that task forces on illegal activity streamed via the internet like this forum.. is highly likely to get someone tracked down.. in order to do that they would have to be posting pics, babbling out loud of they're gracious grow.. and also helping others contraband illegal activity (endorsing it).... i am growing my own plant, however i am licensed and it is for insomnia purposes and individual purposes also.

in other words, the best case scenario for this (since i do not know the story) would be that he problably got busted just like anyone else who doesnt know how to grow and sell properly without the distrust of it's comrades.

cheers! and happy toking.

Everyone has their excuses. Me I just enjoy a good tasting reefer. Heroin's good for pain killers and I'm sure it would make you forget a lot of things that ail ya, but you won't get me doing it. I've smoked pot since 1974 and I don't buy into this medical marijuana hoopla. Pots good for one thing, TOO GET HIGH!!!
Pots good for one thing, TOO GET HIGH!!!
haha thats funny at least now it is. once it is legalized, scrutinized by the medical feild in countless studies, and isolated into the different compounds. then it can be a medicine. if we dont know exactly what and how much we are dosing like when we take 50 mg of aspirin, is it really medicine? people are getting closer. Isreal is one of the places where they are trying to do this for cancer patients.
haha thats funny at least now it is. once it is legalized, scrutinized by the medical feild in countless studies, and isolated into the different compounds. then it can be a medicine. if we dont know exactly what and how much we are dosing like when we take 50 mg of aspirin, is it really medicine? people are getting closer. Isreal is one of the places where they are trying to do this for cancer patients.
there is a place in Massachusetts..usa..that is right now mapping out the entire chemical make up..what you said is happening right now..and everything is gonna change
I agree. We don't know for sure that he was busted just for putting up a couple of picks. If he was supplying the masses then yes, I might understand that they might have been tracking him but common sence says that if they were tracking our IP's then all of us would have been nabbed and there wouldn't be a forum.
Just in case I have a sterile zone and you might be able to guess where that is. I always send my pics to another computer miles away and then they are posted from a open network after being manipulated through several programs. Then the originals are deleted 7 times overwright. Maybe I'm paranoid I dunno. But I think I am taking a chance posting in here. Why take another chance? If I thought for a second that RIU was sharing info, I would have never started participating in here. Think of the 1000's of people in here that have had zero problems.
But are the police in here? Sure they are! High RES pics are known to pic up an address from a piece of junk mail. So watch what you post!!!!!!!!
Doing too much. O_o unless your evading taxes on your 3 homes they could care less.
Just in case I have a sterile zone and you might be able to guess where that is. I always send my pics to another computer miles away and then they are posted from a open network after being manipulated through several programs. Then the originals are deleted 7 times overwright. Maybe I'm paranoid I dunno. But I think I am taking a chance posting in here. Why take another chance? If I thought for a second that RIU was sharing info, I would have never started participating in here. Think of the 1000's of people in here that have had zero problems.
But are the police in here? Sure they are! High RES pics are known to pic up an address from a piece of junk mail. So watch what you post!!!!!!!!
I bump... because this is important. Internet safety for each individual should come first. Fuck corporations. We the people need Safety from the government. If anyone hasn't realized from recent "conspiracy" news, our Human Rights as individuals are quickly disappearing. The Founding Fathers of the United States are rolling in their graves, because the original Constitution and Bill of Rights have been raped and trampled on like a pair of used up hookers. Where the fuck did all this new oppression come from ? Corporations and Greed from excessive wealth. Federal Bank never existed ... until the last century. Fuck the FED. Where does all the $$$$$$$$$$$ get defecated from when it's time for a glorious war on Drugs? Fuck paper money too. What do we do now? I don't know. But in the meantime, I will continue smoking weed everyday. Can
Hugs to all my douche pro government drones, I wait for your trollololol