Female Calyx or Male Sacks ??? Please help me Identify


Well-Known Member
No harm in giving it a few days to make sure. If they are make the plant will get chunked.
Hell why not keep it around for another 2 weeks, just to be extra extra sure.

But if it were mine it would have been gone yesterday.


Active Member
Hell why not keep it around for another 2 weeks, just to be extra extra sure.

But if it were mine it would have been gone yesterday.
It's not yours. If I post an update in a couple days that this was indeed Calyx, and the have sprouted pistils, what then ? Not that I don't value the opinions of RIU users, but this is my grow and I will go with my gut. It will not hurt to watch them another few days.


Well-Known Member
It's not yours. If I post an update in a couple days that this was indeed Calyx, and the have sprouted pistils, what then ? Not that I don't value the opinions of RIU users, but this is my grow and I will go with my gut. It will not hurt to watch them another few days.
Of course you should do what you want, that's what I was encouraging you to do. I don't have any feelings which way or the other about it, it's your plant to do with what you please.

But you came here looking for proper advice and the 100% no question about it move here is to chuck the plant. I just wanted to be extra clear about this to you; since you're not familiar with male flowers yet I presumed you are new at this. If I was mistaken about your skill level I apologize.


Active Member
Of course you should do what you want, that's what I was encouraging you to do. I don't have any feelings which way or the other about it, it's your plant to do with what you please.

But you came here looking for proper advice and the 100% no question about it move here is to chuck the plant. I just wanted to be extra clear about this to you; since you're not familiar with male flowers yet I presumed you are new at this. If I was mistaken about your skill level I apologize.
" They are not in clusters, Only one little ball each side of each node. Don't look like any male balls I've seen. Nuts normally show in a cluster one shows up shortly followed bt many more smaller ones. I'm saying female"

That is a quote from an experienced grower. I have also read numerous post from people that had a look similar to my plant and it turned out to be Calyx. They may very well be male, but either way they won't release pollen for atleast another week. I just want to be sure. I appreciate your feedback and your interest in helping me, I seriously do. I just want to make damn sure before I get rid of something I have put so much work into.


Well-Known Member
if they are just developing then no harm in giving it a few days, the flowers wont actually open and pollinate for another week or so anyways.

but in the intrest of the thread it does look like a flower man :( hope you prove us wrong tho :)


Well-Known Member
also i wonder why everyone calls "flowering" flowering as female plants dont actually flower, males do. the females produce something more similar to a fruit. should start calling it fruiting....nah that just sounds wack


Well-Known Member
I am growing the same plants right now. DP White Widow. This is my 3rd go around with these. Those aren't males....well, not necessarily from the pics. They look like that early on, two hairs will spit out of each one. I'll see if I can get a zoomed in pic after lights on... Keep an eye on it, but I'm 95% sure you're looking at a female.


Active Member
if they are just developing then no harm in giving it a few days, the flowers wont actually open and pollinate for another week or so anyways.

but in the intrest of the thread it does look like a flower man :( hope you prove us wrong tho :)
I just want to be sure before I throw my plant out. I realize they could be male, but I'm not sure.


Active Member
I am growing the same plants right now. DP White Widow. This is my 3rd go around with these. Those aren't males....well, not necessarily from the pics. They look like that early on, two hairs will spit out of each one. I'll see if I can get a zoomed in pic after lights on... Keep an eye on it, but I'm 95% sure you're looking at a female.
Same thing the experienced grower I quoted above was saying. I appreciate your feedback and I hope you are right. The instant they prove what they are I will post pics. In the meantime I would love to see the pics of yours. My lights don't come on for another 3 hours.


Well-Known Member
I'm looking at about 3 hours myself. Those Calyx's will keep you wondering all grow long too. About 7-8 weeks you'll start seing them again. I have dealt with hermies (Fucking Incredible strain was plauged with that shit) and while you's "may" be a hermie my experience has been that straight up hermies grow balls on the lower branches while having female flowers up top, OR they grow nanners and they can pop up at any point. I've only ever seen 1 plant that was a straight up hermie and that's what you'd have to have here. I'd be surprised to see that from DP White Widow. I saw it from that FI strain and it was obvious and not at all questionable.


Active Member
I'm looking at about 3 hours myself. Those Calyx's will keep you wondering all grow long too. About 7-8 weeks you'll start seing them again. I have dealt with hermies (Fucking Incredible strain was plauged with that shit) and while you's "may" be a hermie my experience has been that straight up hermies grow balls on the lower branches while having female flowers up top, OR they grow nanners and they can pop up at any point. I've only ever seen 1 plant that was a straight up hermie and that's what you'd have to have here. I'd be surprised to see that from DP White Widow. I saw it from that FI strain and it was obvious and not at all questionable.
Thanks for the info bro, you are a tremendous help. Even if they do turn out male it's nice to have someone that isn't demanding I chop immediately. I have been saying all day I thought I should atleast wait, but I have a feeling they are Calyx. We'll see. I will check on mine in 3 hours and I would like to see your pics whenever you can get to it. Thanks again for the feedback.


Well-Known Member
It's not yours. If I post an update in a couple days that this was indeed Calyx, and the have sprouted pistils, what then ? Not that I don't value the opinions of RIU users, but this is my grow and I will go with my gut. It will not hurt to watch them another few days.
exactly MAKE SURE! i got told i had a male Untitled-2.jpgand to throw it and next thing you know pistils sprouted and now i have a beautiful girl :DView attachment 1905402


dont chop it man!! i thought mine was a male for the past week, woke up today and i found out i had another bitch to add to the list! DONT GIVE UP


Active Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6684317 said:
exactly MAKE SURE! i got told i had a male View attachment 1905407and to throw it and next thing you know pistils sprouted and now i have a beautiful girl :DView attachment 1905402
That is a beautiful girl, fantastic work. I will keep you guys posted on how it turns out, fingers crossed. I appreciate the optimism, thats how pot people are supposed to be :)