This is how sick MOST religions are ......


Well-Known Member
the entire western school of thought is a redundant waste of time, the children of Abraham are the cause of most of the worlds problems..


Well-Known Member
I believe it's things like this that t.d. is talking about, bad things that can only come from theism. There's no such thing as bad things that can only come from atheism, because there's no rules to follow for atheism, it's a lack of rules that come with the lack of belief.
I'd love for any believer to touch on this point.


Well-Known Member
no, broccoli and celery... thats the way to go...

lettuce and spinach are for pussies
I'd love to see you say that to POPEYEs face though guy..

Celery has a nerve toxin in it making you more docile sooo wouldn't that make ya more of a pussy?/hmm educate your self ;)


Well-Known Member
I'd love for any believer to touch on this point.
Why would we touch on that subject buddy? We obviously know it's true.

It's so true that it's like saying rabbits eat carrots. Like what's the point on touching on the subject? I'm drunk so I'm not sure if this even makes sense, but whatever lol.


Well-Known Member
you talk as if there some religion thats much better? :)
hinduism embraces every aspect of the godhead and every personal connection no matter what its called, anything other than the rejection of god is a fraction of hinduism. every spiritual being is a varying degree of hindu. there is a temple in kerala to express this, it has 30 million deities on and throughout it


Well-Known Member
hinduism embraces every aspect of the godhead and every personal connection no matter what its called, anything other than the rejection of god is a fraction of hinduism. every spiritual being is a varying degree of hindu. there is a temple in kerala to express this, it has 30 million deities on and throughout it
so, you are basically saying, hinduism is thinking all the religions are true? :)

its all hinduism? :) (that mustave been one clever priest that came up with that, lol)


well, in a way thats right, hinduism does embrace alot of other ideas.


its still, a santa for grownups :)

and the stories about the hindu "gods" about as ridiculous as any other :)

a bunch a blue skinned dudes going about fighting "demons" (who seemed about the same as the "gods" apart from their color)

30 million deities.

well, every flavor for everyone i guess.

never have seen the point in worship though

"please help me in this, please make sure i can do that, please help me get some money or pussy"

"am i ok if i do this? im not going to be reborn as a dung beetle next life?"


it seems to me, why ask the fucking gods? ask other people, judge by that. be nice to other people, dont be nice to the gods, whatts the fucking point of being nice to the gods?


Well-Known Member
and see in hinduism its disrespectful to ask for things you do not need, and anything that is simply sense gratification is a waste of time. and as far as the deities themselves, i believe they just simply left this place, that they were from another planet, genetically manipulated things to create us, and here we are.. Krishna's sunken city of Dawarka has been found, and it was a massive city with many modern conveniences, however the strange part is it was a coastal city, on an area that the coastline existed in that location 10,000 years before the western school of thought will tell you humanoids walked out of the sea... Its not easy for someone who does not understand to grasp.


Well-Known Member
and see in hinduism its disrespectful to ask for things you do not need, and anything that is simply sense gratification is a waste of time. and as far as the deities themselves, i believe they just simply left this place, that they were from another planet, genetically manipulated things to create us, and here we are.. Krishna's sunken city of Dawarka has been found, and it was a massive city with many modern conveniences, however the strange part is it was a coastal city, on an area that the coastline existed in that location 10,000 years before the western school of thought will tell you humanoids walked out of the sea... Its not easy for someone who does not understand to grasp.

well, only taking what you need is really good, but i think simple sense gratification is just fine once inawhile :)

well, if they left, then whats the point of worship?

have you read erik von daniken? :) (this seems to fit Alot with that :))
I completely disagree. How can a martyr killing people in the name of his god still kill if there's no cause to become a martyr over? How can heretics be killed, or lashed, or beaten if there's no heresy? The only reason most of these religious killings happen is because of the religion, not the people under the religion.

Look at the stance on homosexuality with most Christians; good people in all other aspects of their lives, except they take the time to spew hate speech about the abominations of the gay/lesbian lifestyle. If Christianity hadn't burned the idea that homosexuals were bad into everyone's heads, there wouldn't be this stigma that they're bad. They'd just "be". If Islam didn't exist and Islamic terrorists didn't think they were going to get 72 virgins when they died, how many planes do you think would be flown into buildings?

I believe it's things like this that t.d. is talking about, bad things that can only come from theism. There's no such thing as bad things that can only come from atheism, because there's no rules to follow for atheism, it's a lack of rules that come with the lack of belief.

As an atheist I believe I can look more objectively at hard to judge moral situations and make the correct choices based on the good of all, not based on what my religion tells me I have to do to properly practice my faith.
You can't say that an absence of Christianity or Islam would eliminate the evil that men do. People that want to do evil will do it. Period. "Bad things can only come from Theism and not any bad things can come from Atheism because there are no rules to follow for Atheism?" The "rules" of Christianity dont say to be judgemental of others, only God can judge. The "rules" of Islam dont tell people to blow up airplanes. These are not the "rules" of either religion. You need to do much more research about these religions if you think these are the rules. You are helplessly misinformed, quite foolishly, I might add, if this is how you came to your beliefs.


Well-Known Member
religion is not evil, because of religion.

some people are evil

they desire power over other people and taking more than their share (much more)

killing people for material things or enslave them.

lying for gain or power.

and so on.

stuff like "im better than you, so i deserve better" (and not actually being a better person (more likable or lovable)just bigger and stronger or more cruel)


Well-Known Member
You can't say that an absence of Christianity or Islam would eliminate the evil that men do. People that want to do evil will do it. Period. "Bad things can only come from Theism and not any bad things can come from Atheism because there are no rules to follow for Atheism?" The "rules" of Christianity dont say to be judgemental of others, only God can judge. The "rules" of Islam dont tell people to blow up airplanes. These are not the "rules" of either religion. You need to do much more research about these religions if you think these are the rules. You are helplessly misinformed, quite foolishly, I might add, if this is how you came to your beliefs.
no but removing those three will remove most of the worlds conflict. it would remove zionism, and the center of the worlds greed. look at vedic culture, a society that has existed since the dawn of life. cremations are still performed in the same place, the same fire has been going for thousands of years, same fire to start the fires, by the same family. one family has performing the cremations for thousands of years, the darkest aspects of society exist, the aghoris, but they keep to the cremation fields and the river banks, the lightest aspects, the Brahmans they recite Vedic texts and memorize every word keeping the vibration going, every other aspect fitting in between, but it all has its place, even the dark, and i mean true dark, aghoris eat body parts from the cremation fires, drink alchohal, human blood, human feces, urine, and blood out of a human skull. they eat and drink everything from a human skull, they are allowed to commit 7 murders, and have sex with prostitutes but only when menstruating. even they have their place. its not evil they represent the darkest aspect of lord shiva, lord Bai Rahv the form he will take when it is time to destroy manifestation. everything is godly, and has its place, the abrahamic and western school of thought lack the basic concept of universal respect. and the understanding that everything belongs, everything is godly, and to reject aspects of life are to reject aspects of god.