This is how sick MOST religions are ......


Well-Known Member

TSH also resorts to name calling, is this a good example of good atheistic ethics?

There once was a man. And he couldn't cry.... (johny cash song).
There is no atheist doctrine, how can there be ethics based in non-belief? Doesn't make sense.

There is however a Christian doctrine, that says love thy enemies.

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"
- Matthew 5:44

Turn the other cheek! lol


Well-Known Member
...maybe it's time to start a thread on random horrors executed by the non-religious and 'people in general'. Oh wait, sorry, that's called "the news".


Well, since 95% of the American public believes in a higher power, the odds are that the vast majority of the random horrors on the news are committed by believers (but not in the name of religion, of course). I don't agree with TSH's style, but it doesn't make his points any less valid. Throughout these atheist/religious threads a point often comes up that a lot of people seem to forget: Religious horror stories (like the OP article) are done in the name of god/religion, I can't think of a single instance committed by a non-believer that was done in the name of atheism. Religion is the platform that made the 14 year old flogging-to-death and the above HIV tragedies possible, they couldn't have happened without religious dogma. The people committing these acts were not evil or insane, they were simply being pious in following the teachings of their holy books. While the decent theists here would never use religion to commit similar horrors, many theists do, and we can thank religion for that...


Well-Known Member
oh, so you would let someone just tell whatever they want you would keep a clean tongue? i hate it when atheists have nothing better to do then entrap believers... losers and those are some cheap ass tactics

looks like the faithful christian folks have gone to name calling , is this an example of good christian ethics ?


Well-Known Member
hey, you silly atheist. I might be a believer, but that dont mean im some punk bitch thats gonna let people walk all over...stupid cunt...

so i guess i aint happy with american soldiers who are believers that have lost their life protecting this very country and state you live in that lets you enjoy marijuana... yea, you are...

Ah yes, the logic of a Christian

Never ceases to amaze me :clap:

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Well, since 95% of the American public believes in a higher power, the odds are that the vast majority of the random horrors on the news are committed by believers (but not in the name of religion, of course). I don't agree with TSH's style, but it doesn't make his points any less valid. Throughout these atheist/religious threads a point often comes up that a lot of people seem to forget: Religious horror stories (like the OP article) are done in the name of god/religion, I can't think of a single instance committed by a non-believer that was done in the name of atheism. Religion is the platform that made the 14 year old flogging-to-death and the above HIV tragedies possible, they couldn't have happened without religious dogma. The people committing these acts were not evil or insane, they were simply being pious in following the teachings of their holy books. While the decent theists here would never use religion to commit similar horrors, many theists do, and we can thank religion for that...

...yes, there's a law somewhere about large numbers :)

I see where you're going. I agree with where you're going. But, I've seen quite a few people in here say that this religious tendency is a genetic trait (or mishap :) ) If there weren't established religions would they still do the same thing? Looks like it. So, who would be to blame? Can't go throwing rocks at the seasons in anger :lol:


Well-Known Member
...yes, there's a law somewhere about large numbers :)

If there weren't established religions would they still do the same thing? Looks like it. So, who would be to blame? Can't go throwing rocks at the seasons in anger :lol:
I completely disagree. How can a martyr killing people in the name of his god still kill if there's no cause to become a martyr over? How can heretics be killed, or lashed, or beaten if there's no heresy? The only reason most of these religious killings happen is because of the religion, not the people under the religion.

Look at the stance on homosexuality with most Christians; good people in all other aspects of their lives, except they take the time to spew hate speech about the abominations of the gay/lesbian lifestyle. If Christianity hadn't burned the idea that homosexuals were bad into everyone's heads, there wouldn't be this stigma that they're bad. They'd just "be". If Islam didn't exist and Islamic terrorists didn't think they were going to get 72 virgins when they died, how many planes do you think would be flown into buildings?

I believe it's things like this that t.d. is talking about, bad things that can only come from theism. There's no such thing as bad things that can only come from atheism, because there's no rules to follow for atheism, it's a lack of rules that come with the lack of belief.

As an atheist I believe I can look more objectively at hard to judge moral situations and make the correct choices based on the good of all, not based on what my religion tells me I have to do to properly practice my faith.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I completely disagree. How can a martyr killing people in the name of his god still kill if there's no cause to become a martyr over? How can heretics be killed, or lashed, or beaten if there's no heresy? The only reason most of these religious killings happen is because of the religion, not the people under the religion.

Look at the stance on homosexuality with most Christians; good people in all other aspects of their lives, except they take the time to spew hate speech about the abominations of the gay/lesbian lifestyle. If Christianity hadn't burned the idea that homosexuals were bad into everyone's heads, there wouldn't be this stigma that they're bad. They'd just "be". If Islam didn't exist and Islamic terrorists didn't think they were going to get 72 virgins when they died, how many planes do you think would be flown into buildings?

I believe it's things like this that t.d. is talking about, bad things that can only come from theism. There's no such thing as bad things that can only come from atheism, because there's no rules to follow for atheism, it's a lack of rules that come with the lack of belief.

As an atheist I believe I can look more objectively at hard to judge moral situations and make the correct choices based on the good of all, not based on what my religion tells me I have to do to properly practice my faith.
...I run the risk of starting a chicken or egg deal here - but - people happened before religion.

And don't get me wrong, I know a lot of the extraneous facets of religions are bs. People sell fckn water on tv! I'm not blind man. I can see it clear as day. MY religion does not tell me to do things. It doesn't even tell me to be anything. I don't need it to be a good person. Ever.

Every single religion in the world has a way to help a person achieve happiness. That is why I'm 'in it'.


Well-Known Member
Lol, sh is a bitch... Who cant even box to save his life... oh wait, i sory man, i didnt mean it...

Hey, i like how you demonstrate to the world how much of a retard you are... You make the job a bit easier..

Punk bitch, id whoop your ass anyday boy...
you mad bro?


Well-Known Member
oh, so you would let someone just tell whatever they want you would keep a clean tongue? i hate it when atheists have nothing better to do then entrap believers... losers and those are some cheap ass tactics
Most of us quit believing in mythical magical being at age 6. Sorry dont hate :(


Well-Known Member
hey, you silly atheist. I might be a believer, but that dont mean im some punk bitch thats gonna let people walk all over...stupid cunt...

so i guess i aint happy with american soldiers who are believers that have lost their life protecting this very country and state you live in that lets you enjoy marijuana... yea, you are...
The soldiers have nothing to do with the marijuana laws. You're retarded if you think so.

Your "God" is the reason I have to use mj. If you truly believe in God, then fuck your God. He gave me way too many health problems to deal with.

I just know you freak the fuck out whenever an atheist says anything remotely negative about "believers," I just wanted to get a rise out of you. I'm not a militant atheist but I still think all Religion is pointless

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
hey, you silly atheist. I might be a believer, but that dont mean im some punk bitch thats gonna let people walk all over...stupid cunt...

so i guess i aint happy with american soldiers who are believers that have lost their life protecting this very country and state you live in that lets you enjoy marijuana... yea, you are...
yeah christians dont like being walked all over , they tend to use swords and guns to settle any argument they get into .


Well-Known Member
yeah, whatever you say hoss... you feel better now?

so you are cool with soldiers who believe in God dying... shows your true stripes, fucking commy

The soldiers have nothing to do with the marijuana laws. You're retarded if you think so.

Your "God" is the reason I have to use mj. If you truly believe in God, then fuck your God. He gave me way too many health problems to deal with.

I just know you freak the fuck out whenever an atheist says anything remotely negative about "believers," I just wanted to get a rise out of you. I'm not a militant atheist but I still think all Religion is pointless


Well-Known Member
I just know you freak the fuck out whenever an atheist says anything remotely negative about "believers,
No, i really dont give a fuck what others say about other people, but if you want to say things to me, you will hear what i have to say, i dont care if im a believer, say that in my face you punk bitch baby...

I just wanted to get a rise out of you.
a rise! how is this for a rise, fuck you?

I'm not a militant atheist
no, i am pretty sure you are just like tsh... thinking you all some badass cause you supposedly "bash" others beliefs... lol...


Well-Known Member
So far no one has pointed out the real issue. It's true some evangelists take advantage of religion, just as some atheists take advantage of people's illogic (think scam artists) and neither can be blamed solely on the theistic position.

It's also true that when comparing the position of theism vs atheism, one is utterly without content while the other is specific unjustified content. Atheism is simply the place you end up, and not a mechanism of belief. The mechanism would be skepticism.

And skepticism is the real issue here. The greater tragedy is not that the church took advantage, but how easily the religious can be fooled. This is why it is important for people to understand that religious beliefs can carry no weight in the real world. Beliefs are principals of action. When we teach people that believing in propositions without evidence is not only okay, but a virtue, we end up with fools who have been trained to be taken advantage of. People use religion as a substantial motivator, and do so based on nothing but the wildest of guesses and speculation started thousands of years ago. This, as we see here, can lead to misery and death. Proper skepticism saves lives, improves our environment, and incites progress. Dogmatic religion endangers lives, fosters dereliction, and hinders advancement.


Well-Known Member
No, i really dont give a fuck what others say about other people, but if you want to say things to me, you will hear what i have to say, i dont care if im a believer, say that in my face you punk bitch baby...

a rise! how is this for a rise, fuck you?

no, i am pretty sure you are just like tsh... thinking you all some badass cause you supposedly "bash" others beliefs... lol...
hahaha you still mad bro?? You and your silly religion ;)


Well-Known Member
nah, im doing quite well actually, thanks for the concern man. and i thought you were a piece of shit of atheist.. thank your kind heart young man...
Ya better thank me ho.
you do know that religion is just a bunch of made up rules and traditions to manipulate people. I mean come on now why don't Catholics eat meat on Fridays? I'll tell ya why because the pope owns long john silvers THATS WHY!


Well-Known Member
yeah, and they also own all the lettuce and spinach.

are you happy now?

Ya better thank me ho.
you do know that religion is just a bunch of made up rules and traditions to manipulate people. I mean come on now why don't Catholics eat meat on Fridays? I'll tell ya why because the pope owns long john silvers THATS WHY!