This is how sick MOST religions are ......

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
imo religion today has no other purpose than for evil people to do evil things in the name of religion .
on a smaller scale you only have to look on this forum, to see the hate filled slurrs by so called christians , i think these people would still have hatred and anger without religion , its just an easy excuse to use religion as there basis for being evil .
no but removing those three will remove most of the worlds conflict. it would remove zionism, and the center of the worlds greed. look at vedic culture, a society that has existed since the dawn of life. cremations are still performed in the same place, the same fire has been going for thousands of years, same fire to start the fires, by the same family. one family has performing the cremations for thousands of years, the darkest aspects of society exist, the aghoris, but they keep to the cremation fields and the river banks, the lightest aspects, the Brahmans they recite Vedic texts and memorize every word keeping the vibration going, every other aspect fitting in between, but it all has its place, even the dark, and i mean true dark, aghoris eat body parts from the cremation fires, drink alchohal, human blood, human feces, urine, and blood out of a human skull. they eat and drink everything from a human skull, they are allowed to commit 7 murders, and have sex with prostitutes but only when menstruating. even they have their place. its not evil they represent the darkest aspect of lord shiva, lord Bai Rahv the form he will take when it is time to destroy manifestation. everything is godly, and has its place, the abrahamic and western school of thought lack the basic concept of universal respect. and the understanding that everything belongs, everything is godly, and to reject aspects of life are to reject aspects of god.[/QUOTE

You had me at "hello".


Well-Known Member
It is all about intention of the person/people not the religion,Because ignorance/delusion is the plague/scourge of human mind we are faced with our state of perpetual conflict and so you have the many deeds that have brought destruction to the principles of the manifestations of spiritual truth,Buddha,Christ,Brahma for example.Some religions more so western over others have shown this in horrific display and so over time spirituality has become compromised thus the abundancy of the misuderstanding about the truth of ourselves.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
It is all about intention of the person/people not the religion,Because ignorance/delusion is the plague/scourge of human mind we are faced with our state of perpetual conflict and so you have the many deeds that have brought destruction to the principles of the manifestations of spiritual truth,Buddha,Christ,Brahma for example.Some religions more so western over others have shown this in horrific display and so over time spirituality has become compromised thus the abundancy of the misuderstanding about the truth of ourselves.
beautiful dis

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]Don’t believe in some vague truism. Search for truth. Seek it out. But don’t hold on to any belief or concept. You have only gained these beliefs based on everyone you have ever had contact with. This is a sign of weakness of the mind. It is lethargy; it is a lack of caring. It is an injurious way to save yourself from the work of seeing your self, from the work of consciously observing everything you think, say and do. Blind belief is an escape from sadhan, from the effort for self-realization. In a sense it is nothing short of suicide because once one falls into this culvert one becomes incapable of climbing the peak of truth. These paths lead you in two opposite directions. One is the ditch you fall into; the other, the lofty summit you have to climb. Belief in organized religion is an easy thing because a man is not required to do anything. In that sense, knowledge is not so easy. Knowledge is the complete transformation of life. Belief is the outer apparel; knowledge, the inner revolution. Rather than allowing you to reach the peak of atonement towards which your spirit is striving, a simple belief can easily throw you back into the slumber of blind faith. Spiritual seeking is not faith but unfortunately, religions are. What is spirituality to me does not coincide with what the concepts of the world’s religions appear to be. On that score Karl Marx was right to brand religions as opiates but profoundly wrong to say so about real spirituality! You have been told to have faith in the shastras, faith in the words of God, faith in the teachers. I do not say so at all. I say: have faith in yourself. It is only by knowing your self that you will be able to know what the shastras have said, what god has said... what their true meanings are. For one who has no faith in himself, following any other belief will be in vain.

I say yet again, do not believe in anything but yourself... for when you do, you will be forced to change your thoughts, words and actions. To become truly responsible for everything you think, say or do. You will become the emanation of all that is good, and true peace and happiness will overflow from your cup.


Well-Known Member

well, only taking what you need is really good, but i think simple sense gratification is just fine once inawhile :)

well, if they left, then whats the point of worship?

have you read erik von daniken? :) (this seems to fit Alot with that :))
its not worship, its more a way of life taught by them


Well-Known Member
Another assault on religion by sativah high I see. He seems to think we need to be convinced of how much he hates, doesn't understand, can't stand, how people could believe in... religion. You have another axe to grind? Don't you have anything else to talk about? All you want to do is take shots at religion. I like how atheists want folks to be open-minded and tolerable of their beliefs but when the shoe is on the other foot they NEED proof. Quite funny actually; I can't believe I wasted the time out of my life it took to respond to this.
I can't believe that grow men believe in fairy tales's a little bit sad.

I'm an Atheist, and I like to think I'm open minded but I just see no place for these fictional stories to carry any merit in modern society. It's silly

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...long standing traditions are not silly. These are not fairy tales. Really.

Just because you cannot understand something does not make it less relevant to the REST OF THE FUCKING WORLD.


Well-Known Member
You can't say that an absence of Christianity or Islam would eliminate the evil that men do. People that want to do evil will do it. Period. "Bad things can only come from Theism and not any bad things can come from Atheism because there are no rules to follow for Atheism?" The "rules" of Christianity dont say to be judgemental of others, only God can judge. The "rules" of Islam dont tell people to blow up airplanes. These are not the "rules" of either religion. You need to do much more research about these religions if you think these are the rules. You are helplessly misinformed, quite foolishly, I might add, if this is how you came to your beliefs.

I never said that? By "only come from theism", I mean in reference to the choice between atheism or theism, we all know bad things can happen from non-religious motivated ideals.

I love the Stephen Weinberg quote; "With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."

I'll elaborate; there is no dogma in atheism, no doctrine that can give way to atrocities like planes flying into buildings, and the crusades. It's not possible with atheism. That is my point, nothing more, nothing less.

The bible says only god can judge, and that's great but no Christians live like Christ.... if Christians lived like Christ we wouldn't have any of the problems that are associated with Christianity.

Bad people will do bad things regardless, but religion can make bad people doing bad things seem like good people doing godly things. That's fucking scary....


Active Member
imo religion today has no other purpose than for evil people to do evil things in the name of religion .
on a smaller scale you only have to look on this forum, to see the hate filled slurrs by so called christians , i think these people would still have hatred and anger without religion , its just an easy excuse to use religion as there basis for being evil .
LOL, look at this guy getting so passionate.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
it is called population control... those people mate and breed like crazy even knowing they have HIV or AIDS and knowing they are going to pass it on to their children... what good is that they use condoms if the women and girls get raped for fun by those farcs and rebel groups?

You think that's bad?

How about the catholics telling africans who are HIV positive to not use condoms as God frowns upon contraception...

Probably killed more people than other well known terrorist attacks.


PS: There is no drive safely.


Well-Known Member
it is called population control... those people mate and breed like crazy even knowing they have HIV or AIDS and knowing they are going to pass it on to their children... what good is that they use condoms if the women and girls get raped for fun by those farcs and rebel groups?
You seem to be saying that these Catholics want people to suffer and die, simply because there are too many of them. Encouraging people to pass on disease so they get sick and die would be the most cruel and backwards form of population control we could come up with. Obviously the most efficient and humane population control would be birth control of some sort. Catholics do not cite population issues as their motivation to preach against condoms, and it doesn't seem like you thought about this much before you assigned this reason to them. Wouldn't it be better for the Catholics to emphasize how much god dislikes rape rather than just say, 'oh well they rape anyway, what good is a condom'?

History teaches us that the best form of population control is education. As a countries education level rises, the birth rate falls. Telling people God forbids safe sex, especially when the statement is made on the grounds of nothing but fantasy, would seem to be the opposite of education and more closely resemble fascism.


Well-Known Member
i understand what you mean heis, i was not trying to be some cruel heartless prick... and you are right, i did not give it too much thought before i tried to make my point, so let me try again,

What i tried to say is that Africa, in those regions they speak of, as a whole is fucked... i donate to charity for those people, but what difference does it make? The people down there are the problem... the militias and rebel groups that go around killing for fun and raping women and children like some beasts are at fault. They do not let education in any form take place because it goes against them... just like the cartels in mexico are fucking over their own people and country, these people do the same. Rape for catholics is a something they would not wish to address, as all the cases of sexual abuse by their priests on young boys is something they have seemed to have forgotten already... hypocrites, those fools are...

maybe the catholic drive for no condoms is in an attempt to teach those who rape can be more passionate about it, since they cannot control what these animals do(rebels)... since they go out and rape all the time, maybe teaching them to not use condoms will slow down the rapes, i dont know man, but you cant just say that religion is at fault for all those peoples fuck ups.

You seem to be saying that these Catholics want people to suffer and die, simply because there are too many of them. Encouraging people to pass on disease so they get sick and die would be the most cruel and backwards form of population control we could come up with. Obviously the most efficient and humane population control would be birth control of some sort. Catholics do not cite population issues as their motivation to preach against condoms, and it doesn't seem like you thought about this much before you assigned this reason to them. Wouldn't it be better for the Catholics to emphasize how much god dislikes rape rather than just say, 'oh well they rape anyway, what good is a condom'?

History teaches us that the best form of population control is education. As a countries education level rises, the birth rate falls. Telling people God forbids safe sex, especially when the statement is made on the grounds of nothing but fantasy, would seem to be the opposite of education and more closely resemble fascism.


Well-Known Member
its not worship, its more a way of life taught by them
we were talking about the hindu religion yes?

well, just look at fucking india?

ever heard of the untouchables?

does not seem to be that beneficial of a religion and it has had thousands of years.

btw, anything you might say to that, would probably just be met with

"just look at fucking india!"

though with a smile :)


Well-Known Member
Religions are inherently flawed because they are the interpretations of perfection by beings that are not, and never will be, perfect.