16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

yeah, that happened really early on :oops: .... mr kitty mucked up the application rates on an amino-form N spray we're testing and they never really recovered.

on another note, we have learned just how bioavailable that amino-form N is..... powerful stuff for a tea-based product.
yeah, that happened really early on :oops: .... mr kitty mucked up the application rates on an amino-form N spray we're testing and they never really recovered.

on another note, we have learned just how bioavailable that amino-form N is..... powerful stuff for a tea-based product.

Well that's good that you already have a handle on it, I felt awkward pointing it out to begin with... But I want to help so I piped in.
yup, "nitrogen cleanup in aisle 4" :lol: thanks wolvie.... happened in and around week 2 (i was kinda embarrassed aboot it so i only mentioned it very briefly in an update) .... i was hopeful they'd recover more but.... ebony and fumble had it the worst.
Those tall kush calaxs are huge!!! Very top notch in my book whats the flower time on those?
Side note; just cut my longest flowering strain besides the nev and mango haze at 79 days the critical haze is strange smoke still to fresh to judge but I am rocking a whole room Fer haze this year cuz it is the big thing with the ski crowd strong sativas that make you get out!!!

Edit; I know that claw CAN be from available nitro in all forms BUT I propose it's continuance is due to low humidity witch is good for rapid transpiration and can provide good stress on the plant .....
I THINK...;)
* General
* L - Glutamic Acid & L - Aspartic Acid, by transamination give rise to the rest of the amino acids.
* L - Proline & Hydroxy Proline act mainly on the hydric balance of the plant strengthening the cellular walls in such a way that they increase resistance to unfavourable climatic conditions.
* L - Alanine, L - Valine & L - Leucine improve quality of fruits.
* L - Histidine helps in proper ripening of fruits.

Aminos are cool... Ever used braggs???Effect Of Amino Acids On Plants
Agriculture production is a very intensive business and is related to better quality and better yield leading to better profitability.
Every Farmers dreams to achieve this goal. However to achieve this goal with advancement of technology, use of fertilizer and pesticides is not adequate. Now is the time to look at Bioenergetics and Biochemical aspects of plants, to achieve the goals of Farmerss.
Every plant like any organism needs certain components for growth over and above soil, sun, rain and air. The basic component of living cells is Proteins, with building block material, Amino Acids. Proteins are formed by sequence of Amino Acids.
Plants synthesize Amino Acids from the Primary elements, the Carbon and Oxygen obtained from air, Hydrogen from water in the soil, forming Carbon Hydrate by means of photosynthesis and combining it with the Nitrogen which the plants obtain from the soil, leading to synthesis of amino acids, by collateral metabolic pathways. Only L-Amino Acids are part of these Proteins and have metabolic activity.
The requirement of amino acids in essential quantities is well known as a means to increase yield and overall quality of crops.
The application of amino acids for foliar use is based on its requirement by plants in general and at critical stages of growth in particular. Plants absorb Amino Acids through Stomas and is proportionate to environment temperature.
Amino Acids are fundamental ingredients in the process of Protein Synthesis. About 20 important Amino Acids are involved in the process of each function. Studies have proved that Amino Acids can directly or indirectly influence the physiological activities of the plant.
Amino Acids are also supplied to plant by incorporating them into the soil. It helps in improving the microflora of the soil thereby facilitating the assimilation of nutrients.
Foliar Nutrition in the form of Protein Hydrolysate (Known as Amino Acids Liquid) and foliar spray provide readymade building blocks for Protein synthesis.
we interrupt this pleasant conversation to say:



fucking parasites.

edit: i'm sorry, smartass-but-usually-nice kitty will be back later and we can talk aminos. but i'm incandescent with rage right aboooot now.

Yep, you're right on with that one. Have you watched that debacle of a show, Weed Wars? I was just disgusted, in stunned disbelief the first time I watched it. I really don't understand their angle on the whole thing. There was a segment on the episode I watched where Andrew says "we're basically a drug cartel"... WTF? Way to help the movement, you fucking pig. I'm very leery of where this whole thing is going, and what their motives really are. Especially when you consider their circumstances with the federal government at this time.
Fuck those profiteers ... Noone should be in trouble for a joint... But if they are selling a pharmicudical they must be held to a whole new level of standards...
wow. got locked out of my account for a couple days there, couldn't get my riu fix. crazy withdrawals. had to attend an intensely boring meeting instead. (no, really.)

right when i have a fresh harvest vid too. (i'm sorry, i didn't get to be at the trim and ceegee and dankette got cut down by the helpers before mr kitty said anything, and ebony got cut early because she had the worst pm of the bunch so we'll have to start the experiment over)

Great video Kitty! I love how you keep your song in mind while shooting the video. Lol, and were you celebrating with wine at all? That back and forth while panning up on that one OG seems like something someone would do while drinking wine. I know I'm as lose and cheerful as I can be with white wine. Red just gets me sloshed, nothing fancy about it, lol.

I've been away for so long what with moving and work, I've really missed a lot, but in that time I was able to crop my mini farm I set up here at the apartment to get me by! I scrogged two larger 7 gal plants that were much too big for a 600w, after a little training I got them to fill up all but a very very small corner of a 3'2"x 3'2" screen and pulled 5oz of Whiteberry off of one, and the other one is still drying and curing, but I'm thinking about 6-8oz of Grape Krush. Not bad at all considering I did it in 20 min or less every other night, and most of the work wasn't done by me, it was by my room mate who wanted to learn how to grow, so I set this up here for him before I moved in, I just lent him all my cheapest equipment and he proved that even the cheapest equip can make the dankest pot. The Whiteberry is dense and very very head heavy, and the Grape Krush is of high quality but not very dense, however, it is the stickiest ickiest pot in Cali right now, I'm convinced, can't wait to smoke it again, I haven't had Grape Krush since 4 grow ops ago.

Anyways, love seeing all those upside down trimmed plants, it played into the song even, felt like I was in a fun house. I'm super excited to hear your yields and am super bummed I don't get to try your smoke. It feels as if I was there helping you grow it, they are such picturesque OG nugs I can almost smell, taste, feel them, remind me so much of the different OG's me and my friends have grown. I got a hold of what was supposedly a true OG clone last month, the thing was so weak and stringy, I didn't even bother to clone it myself and try to bring it back to health. It was obviously the victom of many consecutive years of rejuvenated cloning and other poor cloning techniques. I can tell that in at least the last year they either haven't swapped their mom out once, or they just take the smallest stems as cut, totally unsavable, I threw that bitch away without flowering/cloning it. I wish I could get a cut that has been treated right! Everyone in Cali is usually giving away their worst cuttings for profit, and keeping their good ones to keep competition down, bastards. I mean, it's smart, if I did get my hands on good cuts of all the pop strains right now I'd put all the locals out of business. I got a truly stellar Blackberry clone from the club, and I haven't flowered it out yet, but already feel that she may be a huge portion of my next crop.
wow ..... really nice ... just started getting sleepy listening to the soundtrack then i saw them drying ... that woke me up ...A-mazing
Well, I must say, the RIU downtime was worth the wait. Awesome effing video Mello! Totally agree with Jozi - the music and the way you recorded the vid go perfect. And ahem, may I add here that Fumble looks especially spectacular! I just wanted to reach into my computer and touch and smell every one of them.
thanks for checking it out, folks. (i'm still tripped out about the fact that i have youtube subscribers :lol:) actually i rarely ever know what music i'm going to end up using when taking footage... and this time around the footage was provided by mr kitty, who may or may not have been celebrating but it probably wasn't wine. ;) (mr kitty prefers more amber-coloured poisons)
i usually just go with whatever i'm listening to a lot at the time... right now it's nouvelle vague week (they're a french bossa nova band who cover 80's new wave and punk tunes -- the singers are adorably française).

and jozi, this apparently isn't an og.... it's "tall kush" and they were rescues (although i'm convinced it must be part of the family somehow too). still have no idea what the geneology is but it is some frostiness.

i've been hearing abooot the whole 'giving/selling crappy clones' thing and am grateful that that isn't common practise around here. the only time a grower will be stingy with cuts is if they did the legwork themselves (breeding, pheno selection, etc.) and even then they'll get an earful from somebody. i once had a guy try to buy 2 clones of an LUI i'd juuuuust finished doing pheno selection on and he was very indignant when i told him it was gonna cost considerably more than $10. like, c'mon, you're a commercial grower with a bunch of commercial growers friends (i only had a 400w + 1k in my spare room at the time).... d'ya really think i'm gonna give you a chance to flood the market with the strain i've been working on for 6 months, for $5/per?
whereas if a strain was only passing through my hands i have no problem giving it out cheap or free.