Those tall kush calaxs are huge!!! Very top notch in my book whats the flower time on those?
Side note; just cut my longest flowering strain besides the nev and mango haze at 79 days the critical haze is strange smoke still to fresh to judge but I am rocking a whole room Fer haze this year cuz it is the big thing with the ski crowd strong sativas that make you get out!!!
Edit; I know that claw CAN be from available nitro in all forms BUT I propose it's continuance is due to low humidity witch is good for rapid transpiration and can provide good stress on the plant .....

* General
* L - Glutamic Acid & L - Aspartic Acid, by transamination give rise to the rest of the amino acids.
* L - Proline & Hydroxy Proline act mainly on the hydric balance of the plant strengthening the cellular walls in such a way that they increase resistance to unfavourable climatic conditions.
* L - Alanine, L - Valine & L - Leucine improve quality of fruits.
* L - Histidine helps in proper ripening of fruits.
Aminos are cool... Ever used braggs???Effect Of Amino Acids On Plants
Agriculture production is a very intensive business and is related to better quality and better yield leading to better profitability.
Every Farmers dreams to achieve this goal. However to achieve this goal with advancement of technology, use of fertilizer and pesticides is not adequate. Now is the time to look at Bioenergetics and Biochemical aspects of plants, to achieve the goals of Farmerss.
Every plant like any organism needs certain components for growth over and above soil, sun, rain and air. The basic component of living cells is Proteins, with building block material, Amino Acids. Proteins are formed by sequence of Amino Acids.
Plants synthesize Amino Acids from the Primary elements, the Carbon and Oxygen obtained from air, Hydrogen from water in the soil, forming Carbon Hydrate by means of photosynthesis and combining it with the Nitrogen which the plants obtain from the soil, leading to synthesis of amino acids, by collateral metabolic pathways. Only L-Amino Acids are part of these Proteins and have metabolic activity.
The requirement of amino acids in essential quantities is well known as a means to increase yield and overall quality of crops.
The application of amino acids for foliar use is based on its requirement by plants in general and at critical stages of growth in particular. Plants absorb Amino Acids through Stomas and is proportionate to environment temperature.
Amino Acids are fundamental ingredients in the process of Protein Synthesis. About 20 important Amino Acids are involved in the process of each function. Studies have proved that Amino Acids can directly or indirectly influence the physiological activities of the plant.
Amino Acids are also supplied to plant by incorporating them into the soil. It helps in improving the microflora of the soil thereby facilitating the assimilation of nutrients.
Foliar Nutrition in the form of Protein Hydrolysate (Known as Amino Acids Liquid) and foliar spray provide readymade building blocks for Protein synthesis.