
what state do you live in and how'd you get your permit for concealed carry? where i live you can only open carry in public and it must be unloaded w/ the firearm AND ammo fully visible. Ive always wanted a concealed carry permit. would have came in handy a few times.

I don't want to get into where I live ( no offense ). The only requirements are to be over 21, not a felon (obviously) and not have any mental disorders. We tried to get the laws changed so they would allow open carry. Unfortunately too many ignorant fools think that there will be mayhem if people started open carrying. It's bullshit. There are only a few states that don't allow open carry. Funny how they seem to be doing just fine. Where I live; locked and loaded is perfectly fine. I think it puts you in more danger to carry an unloaded weapon as opposed to a loaded one. It sounds like a good way to get shot. I mean the guy robbing you doesn't care that the law says his weapon has to be unloaded; so how does the law help me? It doesn't. It has the same effect all gun laws do in the sense that they only hinder good people from enjoying their 2nd amendment rights.
I don't want to get into where I live ( no offense ). The only requirements are to be over 21, not a felon (obviously) and not have any mental disorders. We tried to get the laws changed so they would allow open carry. Unfortunately too many ignorant fools think that there will be mayhem if people started open carrying. It's bullshit. There are only a few states that don't allow open carry. Funny how they seem to be doing just fine. Where I live; locked and loaded is perfectly fine. I think it puts you in more danger to carry an unloaded weapon as opposed to a loaded one. It sounds like a good way to get shot. I mean the guy robbing you doesn't care that the law says his weapon has to be unloaded; so how does the law help me? It doesn't. It has the same effect all gun laws do in the sense that they only hinder good people from enjoying their 2nd amendment rights.

i agree with you. the law ALWAYS seems to favor the criminals!

i dont open carry as i feel its too much of a heads up to the criminals. they could easily pull their piece and rob me before i even have a chance to put my ammo in my gun. i know exactly wat you're saying.

unfortunately where i live i believe you need to have a rare situation to be granted a concealed carry permit. like you're in law enforcement, a judge, a layer, a process server, bounty hunter, connected to someone in politics, have a restraining order against someone, etc.

they wont just give it to you for nothing. which sucks.

in places like Arizona its legal to conceal 30 round fully auto in the grocery store no problem. people say there would be anarchy if people could carry guns everywhere but i think it keeps the peace. it makes people less likely to try and rob someone as they know the person they are trying to rob is more likely to carry a gun versus a more conservative state.
i agree with you. the law ALWAYS seems to favor the criminals!

i dont open carry as i feel its too much of a heads up to the criminals. they could easily pull their piece and rob me before i even have a chance to put my ammo in my gun. i know exactly wat you're saying.

unfortunately where i live i believe you need to have a rare situation to be granted a concealed carry permit. like you're in law enforcement, a judge, a layer, a process server, bounty hunter, connected to someone in politics, have a restraining order against someone, etc.

they wont just give it to you for nothing. which sucks.

in places like Arizona its legal to conceal 30 round fully auto in the grocery store no problem. people say there would be anarchy if people could carry guns everywhere but i think it keeps the peace. it makes people less likely to try and rob someone as they know the person they are trying to rob is more likely to carry a gun versus a more conservative state.

Agree 100% I want the option to open carry because hiding a Glock 23 can be a bitch. We were able to have the law changed so that if someone with a permit accidentally exposes their weapon; they wont be arrested. It's nice. I've been mad a time or two before the law changed. Nothing happened aside from people keeping their ass out of my personal space. It helps that I'm well dressed and "look like a cop" (not my words). I also get asked if I'm the manager whenever I'm in a Wally-World so take it for what it's worth LOL

(Side note: it is a shit ton of fun telling ignorant customers to take _____ to the register and tell them the manager said it was 50% off. Do you see an ef'n name tag? No? Then I'm not the @#$% manager. LOL)
I know in the USA you can have a permit to carry a concealed firearm. Now lets say you do go and jump the guy but he happens to have a .357 holstered, he manages to get the gun you guys fight over it and someone gets shot and is injured or dies. Now you are dead or facing jail time. Or you could jump the guy beat him senseless and like others said he comes back witha gun or knife or 20 guys and rush your house and get beaten sensless and robbed.

Now if someone stiffed me a large amount of money I would take action but really someone stealing $80.. just leave it alone.
Hmm I don't like bullies. Chances are he has done this to many others as well. So if you did something without him seeing you, you should be in the clear. Get five of your closest friends all of you dress up like clowns beat the shit out of him steal his plunger and silverware.Be sure to not leave any clown evidence behind.Tell him if he goes through life being a jerk then next time it wont be so funny. When he calls the cops his story will be five clowns busted in my house beat me up and stole my plunger and silverware. The cops will just think hes off his rocker

LMFAO ismokealotofpot you gave me the laugh of the day, thanks.

Unless you're dealing a lot and a rep as a pansy would get you robbed even more, you sohuld just let it go. If you do anything do this. Go to a grow shop and buy some tanglefoot. It's an extremely sticky resinous goo that comes in a tube (for killing bugs, they get stuck in it). It's 100% impossible to remove without mineral oil - no amount of soap or rubbing alcohol will take it off a doorknob or your hands. So smear some on their doorknob. They'll scrub their hands with soap till they bleed. Just remember, to remove it, you need to coat the surface/your hands with mineral oil and scrub, then scrub with hot soapy water, and repeat if necessary.
I have not. I'm not giving up though. I should find something by april or may.. Growing anywhere in FL is risky, but you're actually much better off just doing a guerrilla grow across the alley come rainy season. There's a LOT more open space near Naples.
Yeah, I'm going to take a serious chance of getting shot, or potentially spending several years in prison for aggravated assault (or homicide) over a few hundred bucks worth of weed. . .NOT.

This is what you do. . .you get down on your knees and THANK GOD that you've had the opportunity to learn your lesson about trusting the wrong people.
Think of the few hundred dollars you've lost as tuition in life's academy, and as an investment helping you to prevent being scammed out of untold thousands of dollars in the future.

Now take the NEXT few hundred dollars you were going to spend on an ounce of weed, and instead spend it on an entry level growing setup. For the cost of one ounce, and a little bit of your time and work, you can grow several ounces a month, without having to deal with criminals, and with much less risk to yourself.
Yeah, I'm going to take a serious chance of getting shot, or potentially spending several years in prison for aggravated assault (or homicide) over a few hundred bucks worth of weed. . .NOT.

This is what you do. . .you get down on your knees and THANK GOD that you've had the opportunity to learn your lesson about trusting the wrong people.
Think of the few hundred dollars you've lost as tuition in life's academy, and as an investment helping you to prevent being scammed out of untold thousands of dollars in the future.

Now take the NEXT few hundred dollars you were going to spend on an ounce of weed, and instead spend it on an entry level growing setup. For the cost of one ounce, and a little bit of your time and work, you can grow several ounces a month, without having to deal with criminals, and with much less risk to yourself.

spoken like a true wise man.
i like what jack is saying. :)

but remember if you take a bat dont swing for the fences, hit him/them in the knees at a full swing force. Thatll take em down to the ground and once there, you "own" them...
Going the violent route could escalate into more violent acts,a beating can turn to a stabbing can turn to a shooting.Just hit them where it really hurts ,his pockets.Put the word out hes a schiester.And the amount has alot to do with iit as well,couple hundred dollar rip off is alot easier to swallow than a 1000.
not to be a prick but the fact that you have to ask for advise on how to handle this tells me that you should not try to handle this yourself... have bought debts in the past for 30 cents on the dollar and assumed collecting..i imagine that you can get someone you know who does know how to handle a deadbeat and collect on that will not get the full amount but something is better than nothing and you wash your hands clean of the situation.
No reason for me to do anything, since the coffeeshop sells weed too. Tho, when someone is trying to fuck with me ( like alot of coffeeshops do ) with stuff like saying it's 1g. and when you put it home on the scale it says like 0,6 it pisses me off. But I just stay away from that coffeeshop. Home growers are better anyway :)!