Obama re-election

Yes, because the cost of passing and enforcing these regulations isn't much greater. Sorry that you're to lazy.

i buy a gallon of paint ($10) and a test kit ($10) without regulation.

i buy a gallon of paint ($10) with regulation.

even if the lack of regulations reduced the cost of that can of paint to $0, you still lose because of the opportunity cost (my time spent testing the paint). not that less regulation would reduce the cost of a gallon of pain to $0, mind you.

you guys try to make some pretty pointless, losing arguments. must be fun, i can't see why you would do it otherwise.
i buy a gallon of paint ($10) and a test kit ($10) without regulation.

i buy a gallon of paint ($10) with regulation.

even if the lack of regulations reduced the cost of that can of paint to $0, you still lose because of the opportunity cost (my time spent testing the paint). not that less regulation would reduce the cost of a gallon of pain to $0, mind you.

you guys try to make some pretty pointless, losing arguments. must be fun, i can't see why you would do it otherwise.
No, more like I buy $10 paint and a $10 test kit, kit shows as positive. I sue you in court and are awarded $4 million in punitive damages, plus $20 in real damages. You go bankrupt and never sell paint again. See how that works?
yeah, if the effects are not immediate, then they are non-existent. is that what you are trying to argue?
My dad got lead poisoning so bad he puked for 2 days straight. He worked in a lead mine at the time. He is still alive, smokes 2 packs a day and still brings home the bacon at nearly 72. He brings home a shit load of bacon too.
No, more like I buy $10 paint and a $10 test kit, kit shows as positive. I sue you in court and are awarded $4 million in punitive damages, plus $20 in real damages. You go bankrupt and never sell paint again. See how that works?

not in a libertarian wet dream world. those lawyers work as toilet scrubbers and potato farmers instead. :)
My dad got lead poisoning so bad he puked for 2 days straight. He worked in a lead mine at the time. He is still alive, smokes 2 packs a day and still brings home the bacon at nearly 72. He brings home a shit load of bacon too.

does he run a pig farm?
No, he is a consultant for big oil companies. He is paid well, I'm not sure how much, but he complains about having to pay $80,000 in taxes every quarter.

poor guy.

he should go galt and make dick for money. someone else will do the complaining for him AND make the money too while gladly paying the taxes.

problem solved.
Libertarian or Anarchist?
Libertarians are often accused of being anarchists or asked what the difference is between a libertarian and an anarchist. The popular image of anarchy is unrestrained violence and looting. Libertarians take a stronger stand against violence and looting than any other political group including republicans and democrats. The early history of the United States with its severely limited government was strongly libertarian and completely different from this image of anarchy.
The misunderstanding on this issue comes from the ideal state of peace and productivity with no government interference imagined by many libertarians who forget that we are the only ones who can imagine it. In a libertarian society the evolution of voluntary institutions providing the few remaining government services might lead to the gradual elimination of government but this scenario is completely beyond the imagination of the general public and it harms our cause to confront them with such a startling vision.

What's the difference between libertarians and anarchists? The traditional answer
Libertarians want severely limited government and anarchists want none.
Whats the difference between no checks and balances and anarchy?
We tried the laizzez faire business model before
It failed society immensly
Whats the difference between no checks and balances and anarchy?
We tried the laizzez faire business model before
It failed society immensly
Whats the difference between no checks and balances and anarchy?

Anarchist advocate for a stateless society. Im not quite sure how "checks and balances" fits into that in the classic sense. In market anarchism it would be the market or "laizzez-faire bussiness model" as you put it, which is technically not a businesss model even so. A libertarian could believe in "laizzez-faire" as you put it, but that really is an extreme, its a market free of state intervention. So again thats not really libertarian, libertarianism recognize the need for a state so there it is again someone accusing libertarians of anarchism. Obviously libertarians do gravitate toward that idea as they are on the same end of the spectrum and frequently advocate for free markets but there is another thing you must distinguish and thats the difference between free markets advocated by libertarians vs market anarchy.

To put in perspective: The exact equivalent would be to call a Democrat a Socialist. This is what your doing when you accuse libertarians of anarchy. Now what do you think when people call for example Obama a socialist, you think their fucking idiots right? I would agree.. You see how we think of you when you call us anarchist?
The self-serving standard allowed 10,000 parts per million of lead in paint, exempted exterior paints altogether, was completely voluntary, and lacked any means for tracking or enforcement.

Im a lot Older than 16
And a lot more Mature than you

It's called being a conscious consumer. ASK BEFORE YOU BUY/SIGN. Receive no answer? Fine, I'm moving on then.

You see, in the free market, the power lies in the consumer. The seller needs your money in order to stay open for business. They cater to YOU.

The Bush/Obama marketplace actually has the opposite effect. If the consumers stop buying/paying the companies then the government will just pick up the tab and force the people to pay through taxation. Therefore, encouraging companies to continue to fuck the consumers.

A wonderful wonderful world where all products are designed for citizen consumers and everyone is fully aware of the contents of every product and the ramifications of their use. So I paint schools for a living, I supply the lowest bid and I can do that because I use that cheaper lead paint stuff - If the school asks, I simply don't tell them. Of course there is the Perchorate example I gave in another thread - Want to punish the perchlorate dumping companies? boycott missiles.