ThE sAtIvA hIgH
Well-Known Member
wow, you take the breath right out of me man, how do you do it? be so stupid?
dude, what made you become a so called atheist? with what you have shown on here, you clearly do not and probably have not ever studied evolution or anthropology or paleontology.. if you would have ,you would not come up with such stupid questions. I would explain it to you but i see that you are quite the stupid type that will not understand anything of value placed in front of you. I will let your small simpleton mind ponder what i just said so maybe, just maybe some curiosity will spark within your brain and go do your own fucking research....
lol and all this coming from someone who believes and defends a belief that the world was created a few thousand years ago by a higher being , that now watches and judges your evey move , and punishes you if you dont abide to its obsurd rules lol ......................sorry dude i cant take anything you say with any sincerity .
btw i find it hillarious you call me dumb , you dont need to be very clever to work out wether its likely a god exists or not lol my 6 year old figured that out herself .