Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?


Well-Known Member
You don't ? oh hell i figured YOU would at least get it. ok let me explain. Getting a job through AA is just like getting an A on that history test where you thought the Capital of South Dakota was "The Back Street boys".

You want a riddle? How about one of the most famous ever? "What's in my pocket?"
some spare change that is destined for the change jar, a lighter, perhaps a pack of smokes, and a knife, possibly attached to your keychain.

AA does not work in the manner you dictate, i know that much without even referencing the law itself.

i guess i did get what you were asking, and rejected it outright. maybe from here on out we cite the law and how it works in the real world, not some ideology driven fantasy world.


New Member
Affirmative action does not mean the hiring of unqualified people. In fact, these activities are specifically prohibited by law. Affirmative action allows competent and qualified women and minorities to compete and excel in areas where they are or have been under-represented.

Quotas are illegal in affirmative action programs. Employers set targets
(goals) for the employment of women and minorities and a time frame for
achieving their targets. There are no legal penalties if goals are not met, as
long as good faith efforts to achieve them are made.

When affirmative action programs are administered properly, only qualified
people are hired. Poorly managed affirmative action programs may, on occasion,
result in a corruption of policies. It is explicitly illegal to establish quotas
and fill them with regard only to the race or gender of the applicant. Abuses of
the programs must not be allowed—nor should they be used as an excuse to abolish
affirmative action programs altogether.

Affirmative action was created precisely because decisions were not being made
based on merit. In seeking to achieve its goals, an employer is never required
to hire a person who lacks the qualifications needed to perform the job
successfully, or hire a less qualified person over a more qualified one.


Well-Known Member
No it is not. What you are describing is illegal. And is no part of any affirmative action law
I doubt you could even fathom what it meant to be honest, so far you have demonstrated that your ability to interpret them correctly has been less than stellar. As evidenced by me never making the argument that the person was UNqualified, just less so.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Everything you describe require acts of congress to accomplish not rhetoric from a political hack.
Almost. Drug war enforcement and scheduling of drugs (pot) falls under the executive branch. Ending Fiat Money and central banking could get a huge boost if a President having the bully pulpit would even dare to acknowledge they exist.

Also you never answered my question. Do you favor ending these things?


New Member
I doubt you could even fathom what it meant to be honest, so far you have demonstrated that your ability to interpret them correctly has been less than stellar. As evidenced by me never making the argument that the person was UNqualified, just less so.
Then what exactly are you going on about?
Do I have to wait until the other you surfaces in your fragile splintered personality to get an answer?


Well-Known Member
some spare change that is destined for the change jar, a lighter, perhaps a pack of smokes, and a knife, possibly attached to your keychain.

AA does not work in the manner you dictate, i know that much without even referencing the law itself.

i guess i did get what you were asking, and rejected it outright. maybe from here on out we cite the law and how it works in the real world, not some ideology driven fantasy world.
It was not the intention of the law to do that, it is just what the end result CAN be. There are penalties for companies who do not have the proper mix of people in their employ are there not?


Well-Known Member
Then what exactly are you going on about?
Do I have to wait until the other you surfaces in your fragile splintered personality to get an answer?
That would be split personality, or perhaps bi polar disorder, Schizophrenia does not have an alter ego. UB's wife (and by proxy perhaps UB) could clue you into some of the hazards you should look out for as you interpret events, ideas and words in your own special way

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
do we really have to go in circles?

i accept civil rights because it ended major harm by abridging freedom just slightly.

again, i have a right to swing my fist. that right ends at your face. my right to swing my fist is abridged, just slightly, and i agree with it.

go on, tell me about how aggression plays into this simple analogy.
If you chose to go in circles on your property and with your body, I endorse your right to do that. I wouldn't force you to go around in circles with somebody that you didn't want to allow on YOUR property though.

Been awhile on the fist swinging thing for me, I think a mouse may have eaten a hole thru my heavy bag and I doubt my boxing trunks fit anymore.


Well-Known Member
It was not the intention of the law to do that, it is just what the end result CAN be. There are penalties for companies who do not have the proper mix of people in their employ are there not?
agreed on all counts.

did i get the contents of your pockets correct?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
What I want and what can be accomplished in reality are two different things. I can dream all I want to about world peace, cannabis vending machines or gay marriage but then I wake up. Ron Paul being president is merely a fantasy.


Well-Known Member
That would be split personality, or perhaps bi polar disorder, Schizophrenia does not have an alter ego. UB's wife (and by proxy perhaps UB) could clue you into some of the hazards you should look out for as you interpret events, ideas and words in your own special way
only my wife is qualified. she has not been too interested in our debates today though.


New Member
That would be split personality, or perhaps bi polar disorder, Schizophrenia does not have an alter ego. UB's wife (and by proxy perhaps UB) could clue you into some of the hazards you should look out for as you interpret events, ideas and words in your own special way
First you imply AA has harmed you
Then you dismantle your argument
Then you go on about something else
Then you go back to saying AA harmed you

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
What I want and what can be accomplished in reality are two different things. I can dream all I want to about world peace, cannabis vending machines or gay marriage but then I wake up. Ron Paul being president is merely a fantasy.
Be the change you envision. World peace is a great goal, it starts with individuals acting in a responsible manner and not following the herd. Gay marriage that relies upon an aggressive government for sanctioning will always be subject to the whims of control freaks. My recommendation if you are gay? Don't seek permission to be married, enjoy your life and define your marriage by the terms those that are in it chose not by the terms a group of control freaks will set for you. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
agreed on all counts.

did i get the contents of your pockets correct?
Well you didn't get the contents right, Its a rhetorical riddle that requires one to either read the book "the Hobbit' by JRR Tolkien or perhaps see the 1977 animated movie of the same name.

the thing about riddles in the internet age is that everyone is a google away from the answer.


Well-Known Member
First you imply AA has harmed you
Then you dismantle your argument
Then you go on about something else
Then you go back to saying AA harmed you
Yep, that's what I did alright. I don't expect you to understand, in fact I kind of expect you to misinterpret everything, its an ongoing meme with you.


Well-Known Member
now now...no need to get THAT nasty.

although i'm sure noD can handle it and likely has a nice comeback for it.
well actually on Easter day i hide REAL tootsie rolls, but only because they are cheap. i love the things though so it's a win win for now. They make great Parade candy too because they throw well but don't hurt anyone if they land on you. unlike those large tootsie pops which can leave a bruise if hurled with enough force.