Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I already told you your customer is uninformed and you cannot be the only game in town. Only a couple people live on this remote deserted island? People mail weed all the time. I guess there is no mail delivery service in your world right?
the mail? my neck of the woods has the cheapest weed in the nation, so where is he going to get it mailed from? LOL!

i am not the only game in town, as i said. there is someone far outside of town willing to match my price. they don't deliver though.

i invite you to come to portland and find someone letting it go for cheaper than i do.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
That's Another thing you made up because you have nothing to stand on. You have to lie about others and make it about them in hopes of bringing them down to your level. Keep making things up, it's rather amusing. poor poor dishonest Carne Seca :-(
I know you are but what am I? (sorry, couldn't resist)


Well-Known Member
the mail? my neck of the woods has the cheapest weed in the nation, so where is he going to get it mailed from? LOL!

i am not the only game in town, as i said. there is someone far outside of town willing to match my price. they don't deliver though.

i invite you to come to portland and find someone letting it go for cheaper than i do.
It is impossible for you to know how much all the others are selling their product for and it is impossible for you to know everyone who delivers AND who has the best quality. Are you saying since prices are similar you have the best quality? Don't be so arrogant.
Like I said raise your price on that customer, and see what happens, he'll go elsewhere sooner or later. He won't look now if he believes he has a good price but he will if you raise it I bet.
Your entire problem, princess, is you think the world revolves around what you do and your one example. When in fact the business model isn't about one customers beliefs.

I don't believe in settling without continuing to look around in most cases. Weed is priced high enough it makes sense to always look around. But I'm not going to force others to look around for a better deal. I guess I'm harming them by not forcing them to better themselves, right?


Well-Known Member
sorry, i am fresh out.

harvest is in a week or so :)
Hope its a good one.
The best part of this discussion is me bring up weed and using that as an example in the free market. When in fact it is one of the products that is furthest from the free market ideals since it is restricted by the government.


New Member
Like I said, dukeanthony, you are the same type of person you accuse others of. Group think mentality. You see a few examples and automatically distort it into "they are all like that". Keep posting and proving my point. You're the 16 year old who was banned aren't you?
Im older than 16 and you idiots need to get off this dukeanthony thing whatever the hell that means

Edited to add
I forgot
8. They will report any of your anti-Paul content online, to the owner of said site. For example, if you have a Facebook page with anti-Paul content, they’ll report it as abusive to Facebook. Yet they’ll maintain following anti-Obama, anti-Boehner, anti-Bachmann, anti-Franks, anti-Pelosi, anti-Bush pages, because there is NOTHING hypocritical about that.


King Tut
Im older than 16 and you idiots need to get off this dukeanthony thing whatever the hell that means

Edited to add
I forgot
8. They will report any of your anti-Paul content online, to the owner of said site. For example, if you have a Facebook page with anti-Paul content, they’ll report it as abusive to Facebook. Yet they’ll maintain following anti-Obama, anti-Boehner, anti-Bachmann, anti-Franks, anti-Pelosi, anti-Bush pages, because there is NOTHING hypocritical about that.
i have NEVER reported a post on FB. ESPECIALLY an anti-Paul one. i simply school them ;)


King Tut
Neither can they
Night it was enjoyable talking with you. I guess I will never get an answer on the Royal Queen Royal dwarf autoflower and i am giving up.
Have never run autos. Would like to sometime but for now i prefer non-autos so i can veg as long as is practicable ;)


New Member
Never saw the question about the autos, but don't grow autos if your going to have "questions" especially..Autos are ditch weed and they suck..you shouldn't grow them unless you know what your doing..even then you shouldn't grow them unless your just bored. I have grown them quite a bit for the hell of it because I got free seeds and it was a total waste of time every time.


Well-Known Member
Government dole? No limits to welfare? In what universe does this happen? I am surrounded by reservations and have native family. You are full of shit. They are the poorest because they were forced onto some of the worst lands the government could find. With the exception of the Navajo and a few other tribes. They spent hundreds of years being forced into boarding schools and were beaten if they tried to practice their spirituality or spoke their own language. The abuse was widespread and institutionalized. Countless native children died of starvation, abuse, neglect and exposure in these boarding schools. My mother is a product of the boarding school policy. Then they were sent back home without an identity or a language. They were taught to be ashamed of their own heritage. Border towns to this day discriminate against natives. I don't know what government dole money you are referring to but very few actually get any money from the government and those that do get only enough to keep from starving to death. Education is so low because most schools were outside the reservations and kids had to be bused to and from school or, as I mentioned before, sent to boarding schools. College? Forget it. They can't even afford decent housing let alone a college education.
Ok, yep, you are right, i forgot that the reason natives that live on the rez are so poor is because the white man has you all in boarding schools, how insensitive of me to think otherwise.

I thought your mom was the product of the depression, given a pick and shovel the day she came out of the womb, her life nothing but pure misery as she had to labor to support her family. then she turned 5 and they passed a law making child labor illegal. Wasn't that the story you told us all last week?

the rest of your post is just you venting , because for the most part you are in agreement with me.


King Tut
i worked as a tribal officer (glorified security guard) at a local Rancheria and those folks got paid WELL. Both from the gov't and their tribal earnings from the casino. VERY well.


Well-Known Member
Hope its a good one.
7 blueberry plants, all have been supercropped (just pinched the main stem to even the canopy out).

i am hoping for a pound, although i will settle for 12 ounces. one of my better grows up to this point. they shared 800 watts with 2-4 other plants during the flower period.