Why Should I Vote for Obama?


Active Member
If Ron Paul becomes president, he will shut down nearly every government agency...

Imagine the riots that would erupt when the Department of Education, Department of Agriculture, public schools, progressive taxation, minimum wage, etc. all suddenly ceased to exist...

Imagine the inability of the US government to put down those riots when Homeland Security, the FBI, the DEA, and the CIA have been disbanded...

Maybe I just might support him after all. Kill capitalism, vote Ron Paul! Crazy as it sounds, once the smoke cleared, the result could be hugely progressive.


Well-Known Member
agnosticism and judaism are not incompatible. i am more of a humanist than anything else though, which is also compatible with judaism.
Ok, but wait, you said you were Jewish because your wife is Jewish, that doesn't make sense, you can't become a supposed "Different Race" (which is BS IMO) by marriage. In order to become Jewish by marriage one must accept the faith because the torah forbids a Jewish woman from marrying a Gentile. I thought normally the only way to ascertain true "Jewishness" was by the mother. Tell me if i am wrong, this is how i understand it to be.


Well-Known Member
When was the last time
  • Homeland Security, the FBI, the DEA, and the CIA​

were used to put down riots?

You talking about America?


Well-Known Member
he came out on a news channel, dont remember which one, fox or msnbc or cnn.

i will look for it though

QUOTE=UncleBuck;6897999]this comes as news to me.



Well-Known Member
Look it up.
If we were fighting for freedom and liberty and the right things with the up most constitutional abiding grounds which every service man has pledged an oath to.
Then why would they be a security threat to their own nation and people? lol Unclebuck open mouth insert foot.
i think i'll wait for you to produce the report.

i imagine it will mention something to the tune of how they are more of a thret due to their combat and firearm training, rather than being magically endowed with a vision of "THE TRUTH" during one of their deployments.

i have friends that took turns in iraq and afghanistan who are NOT voting for ron paul. did they just not see "THE TRUTH" during their deployments?



Active Member

I dont have to prove anything go look for it yourself, its all over, even mr. Janet Napolitano apologized to the veterans for DHS's so called "assessment"
I read the same thing... Gun site enthusiasts, the religious right and even one issue left wing extremists groups. Been a year or so, not sure it would be easy to find!


Well-Known Member
Ok, but wait, you said you were Jewish because your wife is Jewish, that doesn't make sense, you can't become a supposed "Different Race" (which is BS IMO) by marriage. In order to become Jewish by marriage one must accept the faith because the torah forbids a Jewish woman from marrying a Gentile. I thought normally the only way to ascertain true "Jewishness" was by the mother. Tell me if i am wrong, this is how i understand it to be.
that sounds about right.

i consider myself jewish because i celebrate the holidays and enjoy the spirit of ongoing debate with regards to the teachings of the faith. nothing is dogmatic about it, unlike most religions.

well, nothing dogmatic outside of the orthodox and conservative types, which are a vast minority of jews.
This is a tough question because who wants to vote for the guy who hasn't kept his promises, but every single president has never kept 100% of there promises. Though your alternative is to vote for either Romney, Newt, or Ron Paul. They are the viable option (or translated as the first completely together turds floating in the pool; you know the ones you would grab first when cleaning the pool before you netted the rest of the broken, chunky, pieces floating all around them.)

Anyways, sorry for the poop tangent, but really options seem plentiful at this point, but they all seem like shitty options really. Not even sure at this point who to even put the X mark next too!


Active Member
When was the last time
  • Homeland Security, the FBI, the DEA, and the CIA​

were used to put down riots?

You talking about America?
All the time... Homeland Security has been coordinating the crackdown on the Occupy protests, the FBI... ever heard of Cointelpro? They have a long history of spying on dissidents and even killing them. The DEA arrests potential dissidents - anyone willing to defy the gov on mj is likely to have radical politics as well.


Well-Known Member
i think i'll wait for you to produce the report.

i imagine it will mention something to the tune of how they are more of a thret due to their combat and firearm training, rather than being magically endowed with a vision of "THE TRUTH" during one of their deployments.

i have friends that took turns in iraq and afghanistan who are NOT voting for ron paul. did they just not see "THE TRUTH" during their deployments?

Anyone in this nation can join a local heavily armed militia, its our constitutional right and duty, there are over 600 militias nation wide where there is militant combat training and practice. I dont see how that is a security threat. Why should we look at veterans who swore an oath to the constitution a security threat? DHS trains local police dept all over america the constitution is bad. the founding fathers were terrorists against the British, sounds like demonizing to me and at the very least treason, everything from this regime in control is terrorism in nature they're the only ones i see as a security threat. Sounds like they're scared of the american founding principles to me, and who would know the principles the best, i would say veterans who swore an oath, they're scared of our right to bear arms because they're the treasonous terrorists.


Well-Known Member
All the time... Homeland Security has been coordinating the crackdown on the Occupy protests, the FBI... ever heard of Cointelpro? They have a long history of spying on dissidents and even killing them. The DEA arrests potential dissidents - anyone willing to defy the gov on mj is likely to have radical politics as well.
In fact there is actually (believe it or not) a law in the books stating the u.s. government is allowed to conduct secret experiments on the populace with out their knowledge (obviously) under certain conditions, meanwhile thats a law in the books, government reports admitting they conducted experiments on soldiers for 60 years without their knowledge also admitting now they are spraying the skies with aluminum and barium in concentrations 6 times above toxic poisonous levels, NDAA just passed in front of all our faces yet the vast majority have not a clue that they can be indefinitely detain or execute any american citizen without due process, which they were already doing but now its law.


Well-Known Member
Most people wanted more like the single payer option...what other candidate is offering anything on healthcare reform... I think you better get ready for OBAMA 2012
You mean "most" far left chuckleheads wanted the single payer option. To the tune of about 15% of the population, another 15% supported the plan as is, 70% of the "people" wanted nothing to do with it at the time of it's passing. Let's not try to rewrite history when it's just a year or so old, please. Leave that for the next wave of progressive educators, it's what they live for.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Nitt Mitt? you are kidding right? Have you even looked up his stance or record? Nitt Mitt, you gotta be kidding. Playoffs?.... Don't even talk about playoffs!

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I cannot think of so much as one single valid reason why anyone should vote for Obama.

.View attachment 1982978
That was the point of the original post, and after eight pages I still haven't see a reason given. No-one is talking about Obama's plan to reduce spending (he doesn't have one). The fact is = Obama is borrowing money from China to pay people not to work and thereby buy their votes. I'm ready to jump from that train train without knowing where I will land.


Active Member
You mean "most" far left chuckleheads wanted the single payer option. To the tune of about 15% of the population, another 15% supported the plan as is, 70% of the "people" wanted nothing to do with it at the time of it's passing. Let's not try to rewrite history when it's just a year or so old, please. Leave that for the next wave of progressive educators, it's what they live for.
Wrong. 62% support universal healthcare:



Active Member
What other choices are there, other than private health coverage and public health coverage?

Many polls have been ran in the last few years on the matter and they have all showed majority support for universal healthcare.

And how else do you expect to evaluate support other than polls? Where did your numbers come from?


Active Member

Table 1: Polls indicating majority support for single-payer
……………………………………………………………For single-payer……..Opposed to single-payer
General public: Polls in which support is 60 percent or higher
Harvard University/Harris (1988)(a)……………………61%…………..not asked
LA Times (1990)(b)…………………………………………….66%………….not asked
Wall Street Journal-NBC (1991)(c)……………………….69%…………….20%
Wash Post-ABC News (2003)(d)…………………………..62%………….not asked
Civil Society Institute (2004)(e)……………………………67%……………..27%
AP-Yahoo (2007)(f)……………………………………………..65%…………..not asked
Grove Insight (2009)(g)………………………………………64%……………..28%
Grove Insight (2009)(g)………………………………………60%……………..27%
General public: Polls in which support is below 60 percent
AP-Yahoo (2007)(f)……………………………………………..54%……………….44%
Kaiser Family Foundation (2009)(h)……………………..58%……………….38%
Kaiser Family Foundation (2009)(h)……………………..50%……………….44%
New Eng J Med (medical school faculty and students) (1999)
………………………………………………………………………….57%…………….not asked
Arch Int Med (doctors) (2004)………………………………64%…………….not asked
Minnesota Med (doctors) (2007)……………………………64%…………….not asked


Well-Known Member
Most people dont know what universal healthcare even means.

Why dont you ask them if they like waiting for care? Why dont you ask them if they want bureaucrats to decide which treatments are cost effective? Why dont you ask them if they would like less choice and fewer treatments?

Because that is what Universal healthcare is like.

The government does not do anything efficiently or with quality. I dont want my healthcare to be run like the US postal service or the DMV. If you want to see what universal healthcare looks like go look at the VA.