Why Should I Vote for Obama?


New Member
My question to you is why the fuck are you on a pot forum if you are voting for mittens???? he is a anti pot all day!!! furthermore, he is a flip floppy douche!!! i dont get it??? :neutral:
Hmmm I don't believe I said I was voting for 'mittens' In fact I never said I was voting for anyone. Of course I will excercise one of the only rights our politicians allow us to have any more and vote. In a 4 year long marketing ploy too make us all believe someone has to be in control. Our whole governmental culture was built around the scape goat theory. Here he is folks, our new champion, He knows what you and America need! What we really want, what each and every one of us needs is someone to blame.

Therefore I will vote my conscience ...Jorge loves the planet, the ecology and judging from the books, dvd's, t-shirts, and tote bags he is selling, he knows a lot about business. So once again I support a write in for Jorge!!!! With Tommy Chong as Vice.



New Member
WOW! I think we just made RIU history! A controversial post, a semi sharp quick reply...alot here go right from that to major troll war. We on the other hand saw a possible political conflict, explained both our sides and moved on. We have taken the high road sir! Our budz are not equal of us or the occasion, but I will smoke them anyway!...bongsmilie do a bong and pass it along!

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I cannot think of a single reason to vote for the guy. He is a liar and stripping this country of its constitution. From a guy who has bought his own health care for the last 15 years and does not stand in line for hand outs. The only thing Obamma has done is raised my healthcare costs. Not age or condition. wiped out the 5th and 6th amendments and ran guns like GW Bush did. Not to mention renigged on his stance on Medical MJ. Along with his extravagant 4.2 Million dollar 2 week vacations on the tax payers dime. All while saying we should raise the credit card limit to sustain this lifestyle. No reason to vote for him unless I want to see this country bankrupt!

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Yeah Illegal Smile, where did the All American Colts Quarterback go for neck surgery? Europe Pal!! All that money and full access.....Payton goes to Europe for treatment.


Active Member
Wrong, every American pays taxes. Those working minimum wage pay higher taxes than billionaires - here it's 6% payroll tax, 6% state sales tax, 6% state income tax property tax, all kinds of fees and fines for driving, water hookup, power hookup, etc. Comes to an effective tax rate of about 20-30% for minimum wage workers making less than 10,000 a year. Billionaire investors pay 15% on capital gains, which is where their income comes from...

What's bankrupting us is all the rich fuckers not paying their fair share. The top 1% of Americans owned over 40% of the wealth in 2007 (probably well over 50% now thanks to the crisis). The bottom half of Americans own less than 1% of the wealth. You really think you're going to solve the budget crisis by taking food off the table of poor people who have nothing to give but pennies? Get real.
In your "Occupy" interpretation; yes everyone pays, but the world does not work like it does at a squatter camp!

So yes in that sense everyone pays taxes on goods, cell phone taxes, cable TV taxes and those on car registration and so on!!! Problem is a large % pay those USE TAXES with money taxed via INCOME TAX from ME and the other 50% as I pay close to 10k a year in state and fed INCOME TAX and tend to still have to write a check for just a little more, while the entitlement bunch does not pay hardly any in, if not 0 and they still get $2-4K returns.

I never said anything about those not being taxed enough and you are right there; the stinking rich should have a higher bracket then the middle class. But the problem with running the business of the USA is not too little income, it's too much $$ going out to support people who don't want to work, are too high to work or feel they are entitled to a free ride because their "SICK" or can't keep their legs shut long enough to stop spitting out babies!

Damn Dirty Hippies :mrgreen:

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Yeah Illegal Smile, where did the All American Colts Quarterback go for neck surgery? Europe Pal!! All that money and full access.....Payton goes to Europe for treatment.
The exception proves the rule. The fact remains, it is stupid to criticize the quality of medicine in the US. The cost? the access? the efficiency? Go right ahead.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
In your "Occupy" interpretation; yes everyone pays, but the world does not work like it does at a squatter camp!

So yes in that sense everyone pays taxes on goods, cell phone taxes, cable TV taxes and those on car registration and so on!!! Problem is 50% pay those USE TAXES with money taxed via INCOME TAX from ME and the other 50% as I pay close to 10k a year in state and fed INCOME TAX and tend to still have to write a check for just a little more, while the entitlement bunch does not pay hardly any in, if not 0 and they still get $2-4K returns.

I never said anything about those not being taxed enough and you are right there; the stinking rich should have a higher bracket then the middle class. But the problem with running the business of the USA is not too little income, it's too much $$ going out to support people who don't want to work, are too high to work or feel they are entitled to a free ride because their "SICK" or can't keep their legs shut long enough to stop spitting out babies!

Damn Dirty Hippies :mrgreen:

Do you know anyone who actually receives entitlements???? I don't, in fact my family is so poor right now we can barely eat...seriously!! you know what social services tells us??? you make to much money! Im lucky to get one decent meal a day!! and maybe a snack, like a small bag of chips... Embarrassed to say, but true! Im working my ass off to get thru engineering school. I get no breaks. So wheres my free money?

Do you really delude yourself into thinking the problem with our country is entitlements?? get real man, what about never ending wars, multi billion dollar weapons contracts for shit we don't need! or corporate welfare for failed corps!!! not to mention VA costs for life for many injured/disabled vets to the tune of 50000+! once again totally avoidable!!! or obamas 4 million dollar vacations!! or the staggering loss of value in the dollar via bailouts!!! but none of these things are the issue, it must be all those damn single moms on welfare.....

dont you think its time we re-evaluate our priorities?? clean house and move toward a healthier society? we could start with fair taxes, ending the drug war, ending foreign wars, cut govt spending on pointless bullshit that doesn't work(i.e. dept of education which creates idiots pooping out kids) maybe stop being self righteous right/left wing pricks, and build a better society bib by bit!!! almost all of our problems can be attributed to Racism, the drug war(people excluded from employment over a drug charge), war profiteering, govt racketeering, bullshit regulation, religious zealots, tax inequity, lower upward mobility in the middle lower classes and the list goes on and on! fact is these are all things that can change! lets stop the douche baggerry! 2012

And one more thing, you should thank the hippies from time to time! seems they are the only ones outraged enough to actually do something about the way this country is going! Civil Disobedience is necessary these days. At least somebody has the balls to freeze their ass off in the street to protest a government that serves not its people. sure many may be il-informed and a little slow to the draw, but the message of the movement as a whole is true!


Well-Known Member
Stem cells aint illegal in some places

QUOTE=Cali chronic;6905561]Yeah Illegal Smile, where did the All American Colts Quarterback go for neck surgery? Europe Pal!! All that money and full access.....Payton goes to Europe for treatment.[/QUOTE]


Active Member
You are correct about all those "avoidable" expenses.....

I know plenty of people who are on the system.... Free healthcare, free cash and free food.... All they do is sit around smoke, eat, fuck and repeat the next day all while sleeping in past noon! Most live better then me and hide all the fancy stuff they own so they keep getting the free ride.

Go to the store and stand behind the 300lb woman with 5 kids and 2 cards full of frozen pizza, pop and candy... And hows she pay... STATE EBT CARD... Then she whips out the WAD of cash and pays for her cigs and booze.

As for your family, I am sorry your on hard times, I have been there several times during my 43 years on this rock. But it goes right to prove my point, you the one who needs some help right now and can't get it....


Not because of the single mom who uses the system for year and then gets a job, but because someone has made it a career out of living off the system, kid after kid, year after year they are rewarded for being lazy.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
You are correct about all those "avoidable" expenses.....

I know plenty of people who are on the system.... Free healthcare, free cash and free food.... All they do is sit around smoke, eat, fuck and repeat the next day all while sleeping in past noon! Most live better then me and hide all the fancy stuff they own so they keep getting the free ride.

Go to the store and stand behind the 300lb woman with 5 kids and 2 cards full of frozen pizza, pop and candy... And hows she pay... STATE EBT CARD... Then she whips out the WAD of cash and pays for her cigs and booze.

As for your family, I am sorry your on hard times, I have been there several times during my 43 years on this rock. But it goes right to prove my point, you the one who needs some help right now and can't get it....


Not because of the single mom who uses the system for year and then gets a job, but because someone has made it a career out of living off the system, kid after kid, year after year they are rewarded for being lazy.

I get what you mean here, I just dont understand how this even happens? I work and go to school and get nothing!! I grew up in a single mother household! Never once did my mom have ebt card... Govnt Always told us we made to much money... As the power was being turned off! I dont fuckin' get it? And im 25 so this was not that long ago either! I don't know man, its bullshit! Still we need change, but i think welfare is defiantly on the bottom tier of our problems in the grand scheme of things.


Well-Known Member
I get what you mean here, I just dont understand how this even happens? I work and get nothing!! I grew up in a single mother household! Never once did my mom have ebt card... Always told we made to much money... As the power was being turned off! I dont fuckin' get it? And im 25 so this was not that long ago either! I don't man, it bullshit! Still we need change, but i think welfare is defiantly on the bottom tier of our problems in the grand scheme of things.
It sounds like you want more welfare aid, not less... Why not give welfare to everyone making less than 60K a year!! That would shut you up right?

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
It sounds like you want more welfare aid, not less... Why not give welfare to everyone making less than 60K a year!! That would shut you up right?
Is this supposed to be a pejorative statement?? No, I DONT WANT MORE POINTLESS WELFARE!!! But ,it fucking sucks growing up in a single mother home with no food and limited opportunities because of lack of money! While all your friends parents with money do fine! Social inequality in this country sucks ass!!!!!
I really doubt you know what its like...


Active Member
Is this supposed to be a pejorative statement?? No, I DONT WANT MORE POINTLESS WELFARE!!! But it fucking sucks growing up in a single mother home with no food!
I really doubt you know what its like...
I do... My dad left before I was born... Mom struggled many a time keeping food in the house, but what she did was find a job serving, bartending, cleaning houses and even shoveling saw dust in a lumber mill! What she did not do is go suck on the govt tit!

What's sad is those menial jobs even today are all over Craig's list, no one wants them because they feel they are better then minimum wage.... So off they run to DHS for the section 8 and shinny EBT card.

Sometimes one just needs to put the ganja away for while, clear your head, grab a lawn mower and start going door to door, before long your working all day, all week and then your actually making it on your own; at the very least your putting food on the table.


Active Member
So yes in that sense everyone pays taxes on goods, cell phone taxes, cable TV taxes and those on car registration and so on!!! Problem is a large % pay those USE TAXES with money taxed via INCOME TAX from ME and the other 50% as I pay close to 10k a year in state and fed INCOME TAX and tend to still have to write a check for just a little more, while the entitlement bunch does not pay hardly any in, if not 0 and they still get $2-4K returns.

I never said anything about those not being taxed enough and you are right there; the stinking rich should have a higher bracket then the middle class. But the problem with running the business of the USA is not too little income, it's too much $$ going out to support people who don't want to work, are too high to work or feel they are entitled to a free ride because their "SICK" or can't keep their legs shut long enough to stop spitting out babies!
Keep on hatin' the poor...

You have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to "entitlements," why don't you try getting them yourself... the social workers act like parole agents, you get no free healthcare unless you're a pregnant mother and even then it's very limited... the average person with food stamps gets around $10-20 per month, and the maximum is $150/month... there's a four year lifetime limit on receiving welfare money, and that money is very limited, barely enough to pay rent... if you see someone with food stamps flashing out huge wads of cash they're probably a fuckin' drug dealer (unreported income), come on man you're on RIU, you can't possibly be this blind...

When I made minimum wage, which at the time was $5.15, I got about $3/hour after taxes. 40% of my income went to the government. I was eating off less than a dollar a day, literally starving, and when I applied for food stamps, I was told I could get maybe $10 a month because my income was "too high." I was denied Medicaid. Welfare is only available for 4 years total for life, and only when you have kids, and it's not much. You can make a lot more off a minimum wage job. Welfare is just barely enough to keep you from going homeless. You know why it exists in the first place? Because there aren't enough jobs to keep everyone employed. If they just left this unemployed segment of the population to its own devices, they would rise up and kill the rich. But now they're axing all those programs... I look forward to the fireworks.

Everyone pays from 30-40% of their income in taxes, except for the rich, who pay around 15%. The rich are the only ones who get a "return" on their "investment," as most of that tax money is spent to benefit them - war expenditures which boost sales and profits for companies they invest in or own and conquer resources for them to exploit (such as oil, or the trillions in rare earth metals in Afghanistan), subsidies for their businesses, trillions in bailouts for the banks, police that stop the masses from rising up and killing them, etc.

It's absurd to suggest the poor are the reason we are bankrupt. By definition, poor people use very few resources. How could someone who gets $10/month of "free food" (a small percentage of what they pay per month in taxes) be the one that's bankrupting us, when there's rich people who drink $5000 bottles of wine every night, drive yachts that burn thousands of gallons of gas in a day, and live in mansions with hundreds of servants? They are the ones wasting economic output.... again, the top 1% of Americans own over 40% of the wealth, the bottom 40% of Americans own less than 1% of the wealth. Blaming the poor for our economic problems is like blaming your inability to pay the mortgage on your wife's purchase of a single candy bar that month, when you spent thousands on an expensive vacation...

And something I'd think people would remember... these budget crises started in 2008. What happened in 2008? Did unions get all their wages and benefits tripled, killing the economy? Did welfare spending get boosted by 10x? No... there was a huge banking crisis caused by terminal greed, and in order to protect the profits of those banks, who donated huge amounts of money to the campaigns of every politician in congress, the government gave them TRILLIONS of dollars...

Sometimes one just needs to put the ganja away for while, clear your head, grab a lawn mower and start going door to door, before long your working all day, all week and then your actually making it on your own; at the very least your putting food on the table.
What happens when millions start walking around with lawn mowers? That's what's happening now. People are desperately looking for work and finding none. In my area there was a job opening as a janitor for $10/hour plus meager health benefits. Over 10,000 people applied, including laid off attorneys. Our economic problems cannot be solved by working harder or blaming the poor. Our economic system is broken and needs to rethought entirely.


Well-Known Member
Talk to Star Parker who lived on it for 8 years before she decided to become a productive member of the community.


Active Member
It's a 4 year limit now.

The average welfare payment is $346 a month for a family of four. Baller lifestyle there. So much money, in fact, that it's bankrupting us. The trillions given to the banks (and therefore the rich) have nothing to do with our economic and budget problems.

Many CEOs are making 20,000x the average welfare payments... who is bankrupting the country? Come on... you can't be this stupid... this is elementary arithmetic here. There are 4.4 million people on welfare as of 2010. If the average payment is $346/month for a family of 4, that's $346/month times 1.1 million families. Divide 1.1 million by 20,000 and you get 50. That means 50 high paid CEOs consume as much economic output as everyone on welfare in the entire country.


Active Member
Keep up hatin' the poor...

You have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to "entitlements," why don't you try getting them yourself... the social workers act like parole agents, you get no free healthcare unless you're a pregnant mother and even then it's very limited... the average person with food stamps gets around $10-20 per month, and the maximum is $150/month... there's a four year lifetime limit on receiving welfare money, and that money is very limited, barely enough to pay rent... if you see someone with EBT flashing out huge wads of cash they're probably a fuckin' drug dealer, come on man you're on RIU, you can't possibly be this blind...

Everyone pays from 30-40% of their income in taxes, except for the rich, who pay around 15%. The rich are the only ones who get a "return" on their "investment," as most of that tax money is spent to benefit them - war expenditures which boost sales and profits for companies they invest in or own, subsidies for their businesses, police that stop the masses from rising up and killing them, etc.

It's absurd to suggest the poor are the reason we are bankrupt. By definition, poor people use very few resources. How could someone who gets $10/month of "free food" (a small percentage of what they pay per month in taxes) be the one that's bankrupting us, when there's rich people who drink $5000 bottles of wine every night? They are the ones wasting economic output....
First off I don't hate the poor, I am the poor and self employed. What I am hating on are people who are not responsible for their own actions and life style and expect someone else to pay their way...

"Everyone pays from 30-40% of their income in taxes, except for the rich, who pay around 15%" Your right there! Every one with an INCOME. Have a dependent and qualify for the earned income credit and get back MORE then you pay in. And I already said I am not debating those who earn more should pay more, I agree 100%!

"How could someone who gets $10/month of "free food" (a small percentage of what they pay per month in taxes) be the one that's bankrupting us, when there's rich people who drink $5000 bottles of wine every night?" I don't get the whole 99% WSO ideal....? This is like some kid being pissed at you because he only has leaf to smoke (someone GAVE HIM) and you got some good dank weed that worked to earn??

t"he average person with food stamps gets around $10-20 per month, and the maximum is $150/month... there's a four year lifetime limit on receiving welfare money, and that money is very limited, barely enough to pay rent..."
Maybe for single person, but I'm not sure what state you live in...? Come to Iowa or Nebraska...Out here the land whales live their whole life on the system, have a six pack of kids (every couple years to stay current and all with different daddies) Blue Cross medical, EBT cards with monthly balances of $300+, $ checks on the 1st and section 8 to make their $800.00 apt only $50.00. Wish someone would pay my rent!

I should not even get into the SS disability entitlements thing because I am on MM site, but my 62 yr old mother can't get disability for a badly damaged leg (65% disabled).... BUT I know people who get it monthly and count on it as "Income" because their "Insert Sickness" keeps them from being able to function with life!

Welfare and hand outs breed laziness, it only adds to the down fall of our society. Climb out of the tent, put the weed away, wash the Patchouli off and find a job! :roll: