Well in your opinion, but you also believe not having insurance causes death, so really your assessment is pretty much worthless.You sir, are a moron. Not an attack. Just an honest assessment.
Well in your opinion, but you also believe not having insurance causes death, so really your assessment is pretty much worthless.You sir, are a moron. Not an attack. Just an honest assessment.
We are all mortal beings. We will all need health care at some point in our lives. We will all suffer a series of increasingly serious illnesses, followed by a fatal one. The idea that some "don't need" health care is absurd.
Well in your opinion, but you also believe not having insurance causes death, so really your assessment is pretty much worthless.
Telling you? its pretty clear what you believe.I love how you keep trying to tell what I believe. And you're doing it so badly.
He died because he DIDN'T HAVE INSURANCE.
who is the atheist candidate? i had not heard of one. i am agnostic and don't base my vote in any way on the religion of the candidate.
i have repeatedly heard that an Agnostic is simply one who can't make a decision.
How many leftists does it takehow many hard agnostics does it take to screw in a light bulb? we can't know.
how many soft agnostics does it take to screw in a light bulb? we don't know.
Wrong, it is almost impossible to get dental care, and if you don't have insurance, chemo is totally unaffordable. It's so expensive that even generous doctors can't afford to give it out for free without sinking their practice. I saw someone with cervical cancer go from practice to practice, trying to get treatment. And yes, she had a job. She worked full time at Salvation Army but was paid minimum wage and had no health benefits. At minimum wage you would have to work full time for 50 years, literally, to afford a single chemo treatment. She eventually was fired for repeatedly vomiting on the job. She then went homeless. And then, at 21 years of age, she died...
You're playing games with semantics with people dying from lack of insurance.
I can play that game too. If I shoot you in the head, I didn't kill you. You died from blood loss. It's your fault you didn't clot up fast enough.
Everyone there wants to, but they can't sell their homes. The housing market is 100% dead, houses are selling for $1. Hard to move if you're going to lose what you spent your whole life working for, hundreds of thousands of dollars in mortgage payments...
Says the mj grower on a mj forum...
Chemo is the ONLY treatment that doctors directly make money off of. They mark that shit up 100-300% or more. So if you see a Dr and he says you need chemo, he may just be trying to pay off that vacation house. Talk about a corrupt and ineffective system.
You sir, are a moron. Not an attack. Just an honest assessment.
i agree with you completely. that type of free market system is not the right course.
what we need to do is remove the profit motive, as germany has done. germany still has private insurers that compete fiercely for business, yet they are all still private. the only difference is that they are non-profit and the government sets prices for procedures which they negotiate every year.
to satisfy the ron paul folks, we should also make exemptions for those who wish to opt out if they can prove that they can afford it, just like some states do with car insurance and how switzerland does their model.
we could also make our health care cost competitive with other nations by simply shrinking administrative costs. we spend almost a quarter of our health care dollars on administrative costs, other wealthy nations are as low as 8-10%. the PPACA works toward this, with administrative costs being forced down to 20% and then 15%, in line with other nations. not to mention the modernization of records, which will also cut down on administrative costs. and once pre-existing condition practices go away (as well as other practices in which much time and money is spent by insurers to deny even more costly procedures), the administrative costs will go down yet further.
you make a good argument for why there needs to be more government intervention into health care by making them not for profit groups, just as germany does.
What happens when the guy who doesn't want or need insurance is forced to pay for it at the point of the government's gun and Nothing happens to him and no medical ailments afflict him? You have now forcibly stolen from him and forced him to purchase a product he didn't want and that now has been proven to be something he didn't need. The money is not returned to him, so it is outright theft. So, if that's your argument, it's a weak one, IMO.
Maybe people should educate themselves a little more. You realize that somewhere in the field of 90% of those who die fighting cancer are killed by the treatment rather than the disease right?