Monkeys or Aliens?

Think about it, If you saw a hairless monkey running around, you would think its extremely peculiar. :bigjoint:


Once you convert to Islam you are said to always be a muslim, no matter what you say or do. Is that not true?
No, obviously this is not true. I am no longer Islamic :dunce:

I thought you were a recent convert and that you were 18.
You must have converted at a very early age

The answer to your first question is bolded, and underlined above.

I converted when I was about 15, and was no longer Muslim by 16.
Through the ages 14-17 I went through a lot of religions, trying to discover which one was "right".
And you said you thought I was 18, I'm 20. Just turned 20 this month.

If by converting or believing in a faith, I have given my whole life to each religion, than you could consider me not only Muslim, but I am a confirmed, and Baptisted Christian, from the age of about 12. I am a Gnostic, Pagan, Wiccan, Buddhist, Athiest, Agnostic, Shaman (South american, Meso American, Native American), and more, and more.

No I am not Islamic, or any of the religions I listed.
I have had experience with the religion, from the inside, though.
I would for sure pick aliens over monkeys if I was not a Bible believer.
I have a real hard time swallowing our sorry asses evolved from pond scum to monkeys to man.

A Creator of the Universe made us or aliens did but no way we "evolved"
Order out of chaos? What about the second law of law of theromodynamics (that entropy is always increasing)?.
What makes you think humans are so "Orderly" in this chaos.

We are more chaotic than anything on this planet, if anything we fit PERFECTLY into that law.

Look around were fuckin monkeys.
It's just a thought.

So when did you become a scientologist Finn? Option number two is almost word for word the condensed version of that screwy religion/cult. Still it can't be much worse than a belief that there is a little man in the sky who watches and judges everything you do...

I'm for option number one, it's just those little things that make me believe in evolution like the mountains of scientifically observed data we have collected as a species.
I'm not a Scientologist.
You're being stupid. :D :lol:
Scientology is MUCH MUCH different from what I said. I said we may have been dropped of by aliens, not that your skeleton is one.

So, no. Option 1 is not word for word, what scientologists believe.
They also believe that there was an alien lord that killed the aliens. And where the fuck did I get anywhere NEAR that descriptive about this thought. Word for word, would have to include ALL THE IDEAS that they point out.

Where did you learn about Scientology? Because your wrong about what they think.
If want to talk shit to scientologists, you should get your shit straight, so you can find them.

I don't want to have to teach you about scientology, so go read for yourself.
But your being ignorant, and this is not a thread about scientology.

You are the only one that is having a conversation about scientology with me here.
The rest of this thread is random theories being discussed.
Perhaps my wording was a little off but I figured the 'almost' and 'condensed' in my statement would have got me home free. I don't know much about scientology that is true (do they really believe we have alien skeletons?) but my understanding was that they believe we are the descendants of an alien race of thetans and we have been placed on Earth as punishment. You can see the similarities to your statement, surely?

If I came across as ignorant, I must apologise. I'm not here to talk 'shit' about anyone's religion, they're all equally ridiculous in my eyes.
Perhaps my wording was a little off but I figured the 'almost' and 'condensed' in my statement would have got me home free. I don't know much about scientology that is true (do they really believe we have alien skeletons?) but my understanding was that they believe we are the descendants of an alien race of thetans and we have been placed on Earth as punishment. You can see the similarities to your statement, surely?

If I came across as ignorant, I must apologise. I'm not here to talk 'shit' about anyone's religion, they're all equally ridiculous in my eyes.


Go read about scientology REALLY, and you will see that what I said, and what they believe are COMPLETELY different. 100%.
They say that OUR SKELETONS are aliens. Through some crazy intergalactic slave thing.

Not anything close. :D
Not even the core belief, of the skeleton being the alien. I said that we were already humans, and got DROPPED OFF HERE.
Not thrown into a volcano as aliens, and come to inhabit human bodies.

GO READ. I REALLY REALLY am not trying to be your teacher.
i always thought oliver was something else you guys know about oliver?


doesnt have to be some love child i honestly think that what if there is a sub species of chimp in the congo thats developed some intense form of intelligance

there was actually a movie called congo about this

but look at oliver

hes the real thing

other normal chimps hate his smell
Scientologists ACTUALLY believe the evil alien ruler Xenu killed a lot of aliens (Thetans) from around the universe by bringing them to earth & blowing them up inside volcanoes. They believe the souls of these aliens (these souls are "Body Thetans") have attached themselves to us & cause many of our mental & physical ills. Members who know about Xenu will attempt to deny it or pretend like it doesn’t matter. They are required to sign a contract binding them to silence on the matter. Lower level members don’t know about Xenu & accordingly deny everything because they honestly don’t know.
To rid ourselves of "Body Thetans" & also “engrams” (past negative experiences stored in our unconscious mind) so that we can become “clear”, we have to go through "auditing" with a member of the “church” who uses an "e-meter" to measure our “reactive mind”...... & we have to pay lots & lots of money for “auditing” (purchased in 12.5-hour blocks, costing anywhere from $750 for introductory sessions to between $8,000 & $9,000 for advanced sessions) & to take courses on Scientology to advance to higher “levels” in the “church”. The “church” has also taken a very hostile stance towards psychiatry & psychiatric drugs irrespective of the fact that some people require medication to remain adequately functional in everyday life. They deny the reality of chemical imbalance & profound mental disturbance & accordingly do NOTHING to effectively stabilize the dangerously unstable. The “church” has been known to withhold prescription pharmaceuticals from member (with deadly results).
Scientology is undeniably a cult. For more information on what a cult is & what their damaging effects are, please visit the link provided at the bottom of the sources. Just know that Scientology DOES qualify by meeting these 5 criteria:
(1) It uses psychological coercion to recruit, indoctrinate & retain its members. (2) It forms an elitist totalitarian society. (3) Its founder leader is self-appointed, dogmatic, messianic, not accountable & has charisma. (4) It believes 'the end justifies the means' in order to solicit funds & recruit people. (5) Its wealth does not benefit its members or society.
[h=3]Source(s):[/h]Watch this very revealing video that will, in about 4-5 minutes, show you EXACTLY what Scientology is all about:
This video is a bit longer. It’s a CBS “48 Hours” special on the mentally disturbed son of Scientologist parents who refused to put him on the anti-psychotic drugs that would have stabilized him & prevented him from killing his mother:
L. Ron Hubbard HIMSELF writes about Xenu:
i always thought oliver was something else you guys know about oliver?


doesnt have to be some love child i honestly think that what if there is a sub species of chimp in the congo thats developed some intense form of intelligance

there was actually a movie called congo about this

but look at oliver

hes the real thing

other normal chimps hate his smell

I think he just looks like a chimp...

And we used to watch Congo all the time when we were little, it's about a signlanguage speaking ape, and monkeys that they have to shoot with laser guns that they use crystals in (humans do this, not monkeys)...
I don't remember it being about this guy.
congo wasnt about him silyl

i was using congo as a ref point

watch the full thing

im telling you watch the full thing

you wont think hes JUST A CHIMP

he walks upright not on all fours

you tell him to take a wheelbarrel full of hay and bring it to a spot you pick out hell do it

tell that to a regular chimp hes up a tree dude
Scientologists ACTUALLY believe the evil alien ruler Xenu killed a lot of aliens (Thetans) from around the universe by bringing them to earth & blowing them up inside volcanoes. They believe the souls of these aliens (these souls are "Body Thetans") have attached themselves to us & cause many of our mental & physical ills. Members who know about Xenu will attempt to deny it or pretend like it doesn’t matter. They are required to sign a contract binding them to silence on the matter. Lower level members don’t know about Xenu & accordingly deny everything because they honestly don’t know.
To rid ourselves of "Body Thetans" & also “engrams” (past negative experiences stored in our unconscious mind) so that we can become “clear”, we have to go through "auditing" with a member of the “church” who uses an "e-meter" to measure our “reactive mind”...... & we have to pay lots & lots of money for “auditing” (purchased in 12.5-hour blocks, costing anywhere from $750 for introductory sessions to between $8,000 & $9,000 for advanced sessions) & to take courses on Scientology to advance to higher “levels” in the “church”. The “church” has also taken a very hostile stance towards psychiatry & psychiatric drugs irrespective of the fact that some people require medication to remain adequately functional in everyday life. They deny the reality of chemical imbalance & profound mental disturbance & accordingly do NOTHING to effectively stabilize the dangerously unstable. The “church” has been known to withhold prescription pharmaceuticals from member (with deadly results).
Scientology is undeniably a cult. For more information on what a cult is & what their damaging effects are, please visit the link provided at the bottom of the sources. Just know that Scientology DOES qualify by meeting these 5 criteria:
(1) It uses psychological coercion to recruit, indoctrinate & retain its members. (2) It forms an elitist totalitarian society. (3) Its founder leader is self-appointed, dogmatic, messianic, not accountable & has charisma. (4) It believes 'the end justifies the means' in order to solicit funds & recruit people. (5) Its wealth does not benefit its members or society.

Watch this very revealing video that will, in about 4-5 minutes, show you EXACTLY what Scientology is all about:
This video is a bit longer. It’s a CBS “48 Hours” special on the mentally disturbed son of Scientologist parents who refused to put him on the anti-psychotic drugs that would have stabilized him & prevented him from killing his mother:
L. Ron Hubbard HIMSELF writes about Xenu:
yer quaaazy man!
it was about 30 feet away. I was in my car going to a bowling ally at first i thought it was a chopper spotlighting me. after a closer look and rolling the window down I knew something was messed up. I slammed the breaks and it did also so I floored it pedal to the medal and it did also. The craft matched my speed perfectly no lagging at all. Then I realized it was reading my mind.
Maybe it was trying to abduct, and impregnate you, your lucky that you knew they were trying to read your mind, or else you would have been a goner. :bigjoint:
Thank you for the references Peyote; now I've read a little more I can see I made comparisons I shouldn't have done.

For what it's worth Finn, I do believe life came from outside this system just not with aliens but comets. Even a meteor taking a chunk off Mars when it had life rolling across the surface seems a more plausible idea than aliens dropping us off.
Thank you for the references Peyote; now I've read a little more I can see I made comparisons I shouldn't have done.

For what it's worth Finn, I do believe life came from outside this system just not with aliens but comets. Even a meteor taking a chunk off Mars when it had life rolling across the surface seems a more plausible idea than aliens dropping us off.

I support your theory. Bacteria has been placed in zero gravity to simulate outer space and bacteria actually thrives with no gravity, Meaning It could very easily live in the harsh conditions of outer space. Bacteria could even potentially be an ancient space traveler, It could have came from a comet millions of years ago. I mean It would not take much if meteorites came to earth, which they do, and were carrying any form of life, Even the simplest single celled organisms. Under the proper conditions, which we have (earth), the simplest of life forms could have evolved over a matter of millions of years. We could be the decedent of an organism that lived millions of miles away on the opposite side of the universe millions of years ago. Mindblowing :bigjoint: