Am I the only person that is pissed off that Obama is calling for legislation against allowing those under 18 to drop out of high school?
I'm a high school drop out (not trying to do a sob story here) who grew up very poor, and I can't imagine what my life would have been like if I was forced to continue school.
I can't speak to your situation, because I don't know how old you are or what part of the country you're from, but by accident of birth, had exactly the opposite experience and wish we could, at least in this one area, go back in time.
I grew up during the draft years of Viet Nam. If guys dropped out of high school, they were immediately in the lowest, most dangerous combat jobs in Nam. TREMENDOUS incentive to stay in school. There were scholarships for good students, and even more grants and work study programs available to kids whose parents made less money than mine. (I got loans, they got grants, and that was cool and as it should be.)
Boys went to college to avoid Viet Nam, which was a war based on making old men rich and young men dead (aren't they all?). Girls went to school because boys went to school. And we got some great educations. Some stayed all the way to advanced degrees. In my personal circle of friends, many of them came from poorer households and qualified for more help and became PhD engineers, physicists, and doctors. All kids from very modest backgrounds. In my family, deal was folks helped a lot with a bachelors, anything else we had to really want and prove it by funding the majority ourselves! We all worked summer jobs, many part-time government like fighting forest fires for the National Forest Service or Department of Natural Resources. I worked construction for a union construction company that hired college students every summer as laborers. The deal was, if you got hooked on the $$$ (and they were big compared to anybody else's summer job) and didn't go back to school, the owner fired you. He was committed to educating as many young people as he could, but he worked our asses off. And that paid for the next 9 months of tuition, crappy housing, rice and beans, and a little cheap beer. Best time of my life.
Sadly, in the 80's, the Republicans branded that scholarship and help "welfare" and got rid of it. They "got the government" out of student loans and now the interest rate is about 12%. They privatized fire fighting and now there are no more summer jobs driving crappy green pick-ups, there are private contractors with chrome and metal-flaked red rigs, paying minimum wage or a bit more. Forever, as long as you're young. No insurance, no retirement, no nothing.
At the end of a long, successful career, I look back and realize if there hadn't been a draft, an entire generation would have ended up with far lower paying jobs instead of careers we (for the most part) loved.
And if it hadn't been for Ronald Reagan, there would have been so many more alternatives for you than dropping out of school.
I really hope Obama is successful in dialing it back to a different paradigm.
Sorry for the length, but your question deserved a thoughtful response. I so wish I had been different for you. all best, mg