Monkeys or Aliens?

It's your opinion that the earth has been changed for the worse. The earth doesn't have any feelings, nor does it have an opinion. It can't speak and say "this is bad" or "this is good". You are projecting your own opinion of what's good or bad for the earth.

To me it sounds like you are saying humans are not natural and anything we do is automatically not natural. Killing another living organism for survival? Perfectly fine for a lion, but not for humans!

The earth has already tried to wipe us from existence on many occasions. The earth always has a way of dealing with particular circumstances such as over population. All it takes is a simple virus or disease and that's the end of an entire species of animal. It is only because of modern medicine and technology that we have been able to survive this long. The earth was not made to hold a population of 7 billion plus people and continually rising, cutting down our forests, building cities, polluting the environment, draining the earth of its natural resources and wiping out entire species of animals for our food. Every living thing on this planet could not have done as much damage to the earth in a million years that we have done in a mere couple hundred years. Everything we do is not natural. One day the human race could be wiped out by a "super virus" without a known cure, that is if we do not die from this apparent "Apocalypse" first. lol :bigjoint:
It's your opinion that the earth has been changed for the worse. The earth doesn't have any feelings, nor does it have an opinion. It can't speak and say "this is bad" or "this is good". You are projecting your own opinion of what's good or bad for the earth.

To me it sounds like you are saying humans are not natural and anything we do is automatically not natural. Killing another living organism for survival? Perfectly fine for a lion, but not for humans!

Wrong again. I'm saying that we've gone too far. 99.9% of Species that ever existed are extinct. I'm failing to see how we are superior and above this somehow. I'm not personifying the galaxy. By negative reaction I meant negative to our existence. A positive reaction would be a drop in desert temperatures coupled with increased precipitation.

We don't kill A lion. We kill them ALL! Then clone them, add human hormones to it, bread it to stability, then call it a lion. Meanwhile thousands of species, from bacteria to scavengers, go extinct because of it. This scale of consumption has never before been seen on earth. You guys are acting like humans aren't effecting the planet. Will we destroy Earth? HA! Hell no! Will we be here to see what it looks like? NO!
I.E. You don't treat your Influenza when you become infected, but when it interferes with your survival.

The Earth, while not intelligent, has ensured it's survival through EVERYTHING. Why would that change now?
The earth has already tried to wipe us from existence on many occasions. The earth always has a way of dealing with particular circumstances such as over population. All it takes is a simple virus or disease and that's the end of an entire species of animal. It is only because of modern medicine and technology that we have been able to survive this long. The earth was not made to hold a population of 7 billion plus people and continually rising, cutting down our forests, building cities, polluting the environment, draining the earth of its natural resources and wiping out entire species of animals for our food. Every living thing on this planet could not have done as much damage to the earth in a million years that we have done in a mere couple hundred years. Everything we do is not natural. One day the human race could be wiped out by a "super virus" without a known cure, that is if we do not die from this apparent "Apocalypse" first. lol :bigjoint:

I feel ya, but this is our nature. Our nature goes against all other species. When our DNA evolved, we were fucked from the get go! :lol:
I feel ya, but this is our nature. Our nature goes against all other species. When our DNA evolved, we were fucked from the get go! :lol:

For future arguments against this, please picture a bunch of lions, obese, with heart disease, sitting on a barren savanna, with hundreds of elephant carcasses behind them, and ivory hanging from the trees!
The earth has already tried to wipe us from existence on many occasions. The earth always has a way of dealing with particular circumstances such as over population. All it takes is a simple virus or disease and that's the end of an entire species of animal. It is only because of modern medicine and technology that we have been able to survive this long. The earth was not made to hold a population of 7 billion plus people and continually rising, cutting down our forests, building cities, polluting the environment, draining the earth of its natural resources and wiping out entire species of animals for our food. Every living thing on this planet could not have done as much damage to the earth in a million years that we have done in a mere couple hundred years. Everything we do is not natural. One day the human race could be wiped out by a "super virus" without a known cure, that is if we do not die from this apparent "Apocalypse" first. lol :bigjoint:

The earth is not consciously trying to wipe us from existence. It happens to every species that has ever lived, we are not special in that regard. I mean you could say that plants were not meant to populate land, especially in areas with no water. It's only because of advanced adaptation techniques like evolving flowers to spread light weight seeds in the wind that they were able to survive this long and populate so much of the earth. Many living organisms have been killed and driven to extinction because of the survivability of these plants.

What specifically are you referring to when you say "Every living thing on this planet could not have done as much damage to the earth in a million years that we have done in a mere couple hundred years."?

cutting down forests, building cities, polluting the environment, and draining the earth of natural resources? Are these the things you consider not natural and detrimental to the earth?
Wrong again. I'm saying that we've gone too far. 99.9% of Species that ever existed are extinct. I'm failing to see how we are superior and above this somehow. I'm not personifying the galaxy. By negative reaction I meant negative to our existence. A positive reaction would be a drop in desert temperatures coupled with increased precipitation.

We don't kill A lion. We kill them ALL! Then clone them, add human hormones to it, bread it to stability, then call it a lion. Meanwhile thousands of species, from bacteria to scavengers, go extinct because of it. This scale of consumption has never before been seen on earth. You guys are acting like humans aren't effecting the planet. Will we destroy Earth? HA! Hell no! Will we be here to see what it looks like? NO!

I'm not saying we are above it, and deserve to be here as it seems you are implying. We are just another in the long list of species that is here, and will be gone one day.

But how would a drop in desert temperature coupled with an increase in precipitation be a positive reaction? Because that habitat could potentially be lived in by humans and it would be more hospitable?

If by "negative reaction" you mean negative to our existence then I think your whole argument falls on it's ear. There are 7 billion of us, on every continent. We took the environment and made it able to support an unprecedented number of people. The sheer volume of population seems to be evidence in and of itself that the earths reaction to us is in fact positive.
No; I don't. We act like omnivores with a predatory bent. Most people I know eat their food already dead. cn

If the Earth were a 100 year old woman, we would be a 30 day RASH!

LISTEN, I'm not arguing current science. Stop trying to "School" me in Physics or Biology.

I know how we are categorized, but the way we interact with the planet, is it not comparable to the habits of a parasite? Taking any resources we need, without regard of any imbalance or deficit we create?
The initial discussion was about evolution VS alien intervention. My over all point is we HAVE to be a product of evolution due to our design. Our ENTIRE DNA structure is Earth bound. Then it was proposed that life could NOT exist under curtain circumstances. I stated that we don't have enough information to make those claims. We can speculate and hypothesis until we are blue in the face. It won't change the fact that we DON'T FUCKING KNOW!

It's like a COSMIC PASCALS WAGER with you people!

"You people?"

"No, I didn't mean 'You people', I meant..."

"Sir, I will not tolerate any racist behavior on this airplane!"


"Sir our country is going through a difficult time right now."



*Screaming* "I AM CALM"


-From Anger Management

Reminds me of this thread. So mis-understood.
I know how we are categorized, but the way we interact with the planet, is it not comparable to the habits of a parasite? Taking any resources we need, without regard of any imbalance or deficit we create?

No it not comparable. Taking any resources you need without regard to imbalance or deficit is what EVERY living organism does. I defy you to find me one that DOESN'T qualify as a parasite under your definition.
No it not comparable. Taking any resources you need without regard to imbalance or deficit is what EVERY living organism does. I defy you to find me one that DOESN'T qualify as a parasite under your definition.

All of them. Why doesn't a lion kill when he's full? After the family has eaten, they watch Zebras drink, even come to the water hole to drink across from prey. Why doesn't it attack? Why not stock up on calories?

SOMETHING posses it to still it's instinct to kill. Something we don't have. Why don't lions rape? Why don't they wipe out other prides?
The initial discussion was about evolution VS alien intervention. My over all point is we HAVE to be a product of evolution due to our design. Our ENTIRE DNA structure is Earth bound. Then it was proposed that life could NOT exist under curtain circumstances. I stated that we don't have enough information to make those claims. We can speculate and hypothesis until we are blue in the face. It won't change the fact that we DON'T FUCKING KNOW!

Agreed, our dna confirms we are related to everything on earth. We must have the same ancestors.

No one made claims that life cannot exist under any circumstance. I said life could not exist under very specific circumstances, and I fully stand by that post. I never claimed to know everything, but I have very good reasons to believe that certain chemical reactions will not take place under certain conditions.
All of them. Why doesn't a lion kill when he's full? After the family has eaten, they watch Zebras drink, even come to the water hole to drink across from prey. Why doesn't it attack? Why not stock up on calories?

The lion probably doesn't kill because he is socially conscious and doesn't want to deplete the zebra population.
Agreed, our dna confirms we are related to everything on earth. We must have the same ancestors.

No one made claims that life cannot exist under any circumstance. I said life could not exist under very specific circumstances, and I fully stand by that post. I never claimed to know everything, but I have very good reasons to believe that certain chemical reactions will not take place under certain conditions.

But you never added, "As we understand the universe today." You made it sound like there is no chance EVER! Which implies knowledge of billions of years of evolutions past, as well as billions of years of future evolution and knowledge of every species in the universe! That's why I called you arrogant.
Or maybe the number of predators to prey in the region means a plentiful supply readily available so they never needed to gather extra resources? Or maybe the ones that killed more than they needed ended up getting sick from rotten meat and didn't pass on their genes?

Lions may not do it, but other animals do. Ever seen a squirrel take more than he can eat? They do it all the time. They will take what they can get their paws on and will stash it and hide it, even if that means other squirrels or animals will die from lack of food.
Life wouldn't be able to evolve or survive in just a gas of methane. It would require a liquid. Methane boils at -258 F, so it would have to be under very high pressure, or extremely low temperatures, or some combination of both. Once you are at those temperatures and pressures normal biological functions as we know it don't work. I highly doubt life could evolve and thrive, or even survive without liquid H2O.

Would not=Finite!

Life as we know it wouldn't be able to evolve or survive..." would have been appropriate, which would match the closing, "...normal biological functions as we know it don't work."

I'm not sure why you stated that. Syntax error perhaps?
Or maybe the number of predators to prey in the region means a plentiful supply readily available so they never needed to gather extra resources? Or maybe the ones that killed more than they needed ended up getting sick from rotten meat and didn't pass on their genes?

Lions may not do it, but other animals do. Ever seen a squirrel take more than he can eat? They do it all the time. They will take what they can get their paws on and will stash it and hide it, even if that means other squirrels or animals will die from lack of food.


I don't want to start again, but squirrels RARELY forget where a stash is. They store there nuts carefully and remember where each pile is! Sometimes after 2 years! And how many life forms depend on random nut stashes?

I don't want to start again, but squirrels RARELY forget where a stash is. They store there nuts carefully and remember where each pile is! Sometimes after 2 years! And how many life forms depend on random nut stashes?

Squirrels forget their stashes all the time. They bury them and then trees end up growing.