So you know why he's locked up? Bails not set after this long it might be something severe. Don't defend just yet.
what do you think fdd would be arrested for???? You're probably right

It's nice (sarcastically) to see that things here are all still the same, only the names (most) have changed..... I still cant see why fdd has to get all this flack over an internet forum. If you know him outside of RIU, even if only online, you would know that he is a good dude, just gets a bad rap here for innumerable reasons.
In my opinion, the man is in jail.... we should either stand behind him, or shut the fuck up about it... incarceration is NOT a choice time to vent your e-frustrations on the oldest (and only for awhile) 'mod' we've had on this forum....... Talk about kicking a man while he's down..... nobody seems to give a shit that he's got a family that loves and depends on him. :/
Fdd, I cant help buddy, but my thoughts and prayers are with you....
Everyone else, your turn may be coming and you damn sure wouldnt like this kind of response.