Monkeys or Aliens?

"Splash conception" is well-known. I was thinking it might be a way to force a pregnancy without sex and thus potential for rape. cn
Who is going to put their undies on with wet sperm all inside it? I would totally notice if someone left a big load in my clean boxers.
So if I force a woman to get preggers against her will, is that rape? My whole intention was not to inflict suffering or gain control, just to impregnate. I bet the judge would agree that it was rape.

Does this "woman" have expectation of consent? Was she raised in a lab with no frontal cortex? Or was she raised in a culture where she chooses who impregnates her and under what circumstances? Or don't you care about those?
Does this "woman" have expectation of consent? Was she raised in a lab with no frontal cortex? Or was she raised in a culture where she chooses who impregnates her and under what circumstances? Or don't you care about those?

1. I don't understand what expectation of consent has to do with anything. It's not about the expectation of consent so much as it is about actual consent.
2. What does a frontal cortex have to do with anything? Are you saying animals with no frontal cortex are not capable of making their own decisions?
3. What does it matter if rape is part of the culture or not? What about societies that have human sacrifices? Do those not count as murder because it has been historically a part of their society?
3. No I don't care about those, because they are all beside the point. You can warp and twist the definitions any way you choose, it doesn't make you right.
1. I don't understand what expectation of consent has to do with anything. It's not about the expectation of consent so much as it is about actual consent.
2. What does a frontal cortex have to do with anything? Are you saying animals with no frontal cortex are not capable of making their own decisions?
3. What does it matter if rape is part of the culture or not? What about societies that have human sacrifices? Do those not count as murder because it has been historically a part of their society?
3. No I don't care about those, because they are all beside the point. You can warp and twist the definitions any way you choose, it doesn't make you right.

1) This makes no sense. Do you seek consent from the cashier at a store before putting your food on the belt? No, because consent is not expected.
2) Without frontal lobes, she would have no idea she was pregnant. She would breath, shit, piss, drink and eat.
3) BY YOUR OWN LOGIC, these were perfect laws because those societies "felt" that this would better their lives through gods.
4) (Or 3 part II, whatever) Refusing to acknowledge the studies of psychology doesn't make me wrong.
1) This makes no sense. Do you seek consent from the cashier at a store before putting your food on the belt? No, because consent is not expected.
2) Without frontal lobes, she would have no idea she was pregnant. She would breath, shit, piss, drink and eat.
3) BY YOUR OWN LOGIC, these were perfect laws because those societies "felt" that this would better their lives through gods.
4) (Or 3 part II, whatever) Refusing to acknowledge the studies of psychology doesn't make me wrong.

1. Quit going off topic. Placing food on the counter at the grocery store has NOTHING to do with rape. Also there is explicit consent for you to put your food on the belt. They have signs telling you do it, and also it is literally written into the cashiers job description. Being employed as cashier by definition means she consents to you putting your food on it.
2. So you can't rape a someone in a coma?
3. How is that my logic? I never said you should legislate solely on "feeling" alone without having valid underlying justifications. Also you never addressed my question. Is it still considered murder, or is that contingent upon societal factors like your other definitions?
4. The only one refusing the studies of psychology, along with myriad other things, is you.
1. Quit going off topic. Placing food on the counter at the grocery store has NOTHING to do with rape. Also there is explicit consent for you to put your food on the belt. They have signs telling you do it, and also it is literally written into the cashiers job description. Being employed as cashier by definition means she consents to you putting your food on it.
2. So you can't rape a someone in a coma?
3. How is that my logic? I never said you should legislate solely on "feeling" alone without having valid underlying justifications. Also you never addressed my question. Is it still considered murder, or is that contingent upon societal factors like your other definitions?
4. The only one refusing the studies of psychology, along with myriad other things, is you.

I now see you will NEVER change your perception. You will impose YOUR beliefs onto every one else before you accept another perspective. To THAT civilization, NO IT WAS NOT MURDER. To you it is.
1) I wasn't off topic! We were discussing expectation of consent! DO TRY AND KEEP UP!
2) Someone in a coma was diagnosed based on previous actions, so they MIGHT have expectation of consent. BAD analogy.
3) You did say that "
  • If you feel it is not wrong, how could you justify making a law against it?
    If you feel it is wrong, how could you justify not making a law against it?"
    So you can justify any law based on feeling, but it's not justified unless it has underlying justifications. That makes sense...
    • :wall:

4) "
  • [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] His opinion of whether society can make a law against something should be directly related to whether he thinks it is wrong.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]So laws should reflect ignorance, IF it exists among the majority of the population?[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]So Muslim woman who cover their heads are being oppressed? Christians who are taught that God created light without first creating light producing elements are not being abused? Absurd! [/FONT]​

Back to my original situation:

I violently hold and copulate with two women. I use the same force and MO. One woman is expecting this behavior from me. The other is NOT.

I raped twice? Once? None?
Do Muslims ask permission before praying to Mecca? Do you grab the janitors mop and bang out his work on your lunch break? NO! Because you are not EXPECTED to. These behaviors would be considered unusual. Walk a woman through a Market in a bikini in a Muslim State Country and calmly explain that her attire is just fine, and it's scientifically proven that her morality is not effected by her swim wear. When you wake up, you will see the error of "Opinion Law"
Ask a duck for permission, and it will run away every time. Force copulate and there's success every time. See!?

there are a lot of different theories on this subject.. I've read books and books on the theories of aliens creating us or interfering in our evolution, etc..
honestly i don't know what to believe.. the theory of us evolving from primates would seem more logical, though the human race being altered and maybe created by an extra terrestrial life sounds way cooler and in the end leaves so many possibilities for our future, as us being evolved from monkeys just leaves our origin, and leaves our future to us.. Im a huge alien fanatic so maybe I'm not thinking rationally, but i like to believe that we were created by god (how ever you interpret that) and that another race as been doing some interfering here and there.. if you know anything about extra terrestrial life (or about the theories rather) you would know that believing in aliens doesnt mean you don't believe in god, etc. the majority of documented abduction cases, et interviews describe that aliens are highly spiritual, and strongly believe in reincarnation.... I'm probably the most un-religious person ever.. but i prefer to still believe that theres a god and heaven out there, and it gives me more hope knowing that alien intelligence that far exceeds our own, also believe in something after death hahah i wondered on with this topic, but I'm just saying, there are so many theories... but don't exclude the fact that there still could be a god somewhere out there,that created all of us, including our little visitors
there are a lot of different theories on this subject.. I've read books and books on the theories of aliens creating us or interfering in our evolution, etc..
honestly i don't know what to believe.. the theory of us evolving from primates would seem more logical, though the human race being altered and maybe created by an extra terrestrial life sounds way cooler and in the end leaves so many possibilities for our future, as us being evolved from monkeys just leaves our origin, and leaves our future to us.. Im a huge alien fanatic so maybe I'm not thinking rationally, but i like to believe that we were created by god (how ever you interpret that) and that another race as been doing some interfering here and there.. if you know anything about extra terrestrial life (or about the theories rather) you would know that believing in aliens doesnt mean you don't believe in god, etc. the majority of documented abduction cases, et interviews describe that aliens are highly spiritual, and strongly believe in reincarnation.... I'm probably the most un-religious person ever.. but i prefer to still believe that theres a god and heaven out there, and it gives me more hope knowing that alien intelligence that far exceeds our own, also believe in something after death hahah i wondered on with this topic, but I'm just saying, there are so many theories... but don't exclude the fact that there still could be a god somewhere out there,that created all of us, including our little visitors

Nice post. But if you hope in a GOD and Heaven,yer kinda religious. I myself am an Atheist. I can only support that which has been confirmed by EVERY perspective in the world as a collective. Catholics and Hindus both agree that electricity is present, and consists of electrons traveling through a medium element, or conductor, leaving behind an electrical charge which will travel the opposite way.