I reckon people who vote for Obama, are either... dyed in the wool democrats or voting for him cause he's black, (I voted for him 0. I mean seriously, looking at four years later, how can you support him. I mean seriously this guy is taking a beating from the right and the left. He's run disastrous annual deficits of around 1.5 trillion while insisting for months on a clean debt-ceiling, and he doesn't even propose any budget cuts. And all of a sudden he rises to champion major long-term debt reduction. This is hogshit, whilst tripling our national debt. Who the FUCK wants to vote for this guy. We need to clean up, this mess as soon as possible.
I do feel bad for the guy, with having such a disastrous presidency, I feel bad since this will only set back another african-american president for years to come. But we need this mess cleaned up NOW!
Considering that Roe v Wade is the law of the land, though, there would be no change under RP as president.
disastrous? LOL.
he tripled our national debt? brool story, co. the only new spending obama really signed into law was the stimulus, and it would be unfair to call that spending, as it is actually investment. it's the difference between me investing in an energy efficient appliance rather than a new stereo.
it is very easy to vote for obama again, since the next president will likely be picking two SCOTUS picks. i trust obama to put in the right judges
disastrous? LOL.
he tripled our national debt? brool story, co. the only new spending obama really signed into law was the stimulus, and it would be unfair to call that spending, as it is actually investment. it's the difference between me investing in an energy efficient appliance rather than a new stereo.
it is very easy to vote for obama again, since the next president will likely be picking two SCOTUS picks. i trust obama to put in the right judges, i do not trust anyone with an R next to their name who thinks that women should not be allowed to take the morning after pill to make those picks.
paul was in vancouver, wa today, right next door to me telling people that we should be able to put whatever they want into their bodies. apparently, he was only addressing the men, as he feels women should not be allowed to take the morning after pill except in cases of rape or incest.
fucking hypocrite old man.
THE STIMULUS ISNT FUCKING WORKING, YOU DUMBSHIT. Unemployment at 8% is a bullshit number, you now it I know it. In reality its between 13-15%. This economy is still in crisis. We know most of the stimulus went down the drain. SO YES WE DID TRIPLE THE NATIONAL DEBT! Are you stupid? Can we slap this guy for criticizing George Bush on his spending? Also you know nothing about ron paul you dick. He's pro-life personally, but he is pro-choice, he believes in staying out of peoples life. Would you at least get your point right man? Come on.. Fucking at least learn something about the person you criticize. Even I know obamas policies are a fucking failure. Show me proof that his policies are working, show me where he has turned this economy around. Why the fuck wouldn't you build another oil pipeline so you could reduce foreign oil demand. Are you stupid? Sure Detroit is churning out cars, and apparently people have jobs? But NOONE IS BUYING THE CARS, theyre just sitting there or slowly rolling out of packed lots, these cars and these people are paid for by the stimulus, but since theyre not being sold, its temporary and we'll see job numbers decreasing again. People are still out of a job, stop listening to the government figures theyre all moot, the truth is we are in decline and another stimulus isn't going to help. Why the fuck would you sell the american people abroad. THATS FUCKING BULLSHIT!
fuck obama and fuck unclebuck
Do some research before you open your mouth.
Hard to imagine a post that resembles a steaming pile of horseshit more than the one quoted. Stimulus is investment? Only in the addled minds of progressive nitwits. Is that the same stimulus that paid for Solyndra, is that the same stimulus that's working so well in Europe? Open your fucking eyes, man. Unemployment is hovering somewhere between 17-22% when you include those that have dropped off the lists due to being there for so long. NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN the last 70 years so don't even bother with the "we're using the same measure as we have in the past" bullshit... that don't fly. Dropping people who have been unemployed for too long off the figures may be politically expedient, but it is a complete lie (and it's never happened before to this degree).
ObamaCare is going to add TRILLIONS to the national debt, you forgot to mention that. Just like EVERY social program forwarded by progressives, it will skyrocket in cost and very quickly become unsustainable. CBO is already backtracking on it's cost. That's the problem with passing legislation based on LIES, eventually the truth peeks out.
You trust Obama to put in judges that will take the pledge to uphold the Constitution and then immediately disregard that pledge. Just like the two scumbags he's appointed so far. I don't trust the Republicans to do much better, but a Conservative judge will at least consider the Constitution, rather than taking a dookie on it.
THE STIMULUS ISNT FUCKING WORKING, YOU DUMBSHIT. Unemployment at 8% is a bullshit number, you now it I know it. In reality its between 13-15%. This economy is still in crisis. We know most of the stimulus went down the drain. SO YES WE DID TRIPLE THE NATIONAL DEBT! Are you stupid? Can we slap this guy for criticizing George Bush on his spending? Also you know nothing about ron paul you dick. He's pro-life personally, but he is pro-choice, he believes in staying out of peoples life. Would you at least get your point right man? Come on.. Fucking at least learn something about the person you criticize. Even I know obamas policies are a fucking failure. Show me proof that his policies are working, show me where he has turned this economy around. Why the fuck wouldn't you build another oil pipeline so you could reduce foreign oil demand. Are you stupid? Sure Detroit is churning out cars, and apparently people have jobs? But NOONE IS BUYING THE CARS, theyre just sitting there or slowly rolling out of packed lots, these cars and these people are paid for by the stimulus, but since theyre not being sold, its temporary and we'll see job numbers decreasing again. People are still out of a job, stop listening to the government figures theyre all moot, the truth is we are in decline and another stimulus isn't going to help. Why the fuck would you sell the american people abroad. THATS FUCKING BULLSHIT!
fuck obama and fuck unclebuck
Do some research before you open your mouth.
Uncle SadFace schooled again. Laffs awl round~
Shook ron pauls hand yesterday and its was the most firm powerful handshake ive ever engaged in, he is the spirit of 1776.
did you cum?
Why are you being such an asshole? You even say there are worshipers on all sides of the fence. But why don't I see you saying that to an Obama cultist, who is black, came? Is it just more fun when it is white on white? Whitey can take it? Then you can all get a hard on mocking whitey? It has nothing to do with race but that sort of thing you said is vulgar and rude. Even though I hate that bald ginger more than you know, it would still be very rude to say that to all you Obama stooges.
why are you bringing race into this?
and where are the obama cultists on this site? all i can find are people who will begrudgingly support him compared to the alternatives, and others who will not support him but defend against the litany of lies that people seem to like to disseminate about him.
i just want to know if the guy had an ejaculation upon shaking ronald's hand. the way he described it, i bet he did.
did you cum?