My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

lol man its just i really try hard on these things and i try to beter them the most i can and i do like them and i respect the plant i respect its uses i wish i could grow like a professional but honestly im not as u can tell, im still trying to grow my green thumb lol, but what do u mean stringy is toast, thats its gonna die, if thats what u mean what can i do to change this ive already got it under 2900 lumens, the 14th i will have my money i saw a aero garden and i want to purchase it but i here alot of bad talk about the aerogarden on this sight. i hear they dont work. do they? dude i grow in a really small tight place so hps lights are just so big and bulky understood, i want one, shyt when i have my own place im gonna have a hella set up but until then i would like to ave a aerogarden cuz its so small and conveinent... im trying to have a positive outlook on my plants lives i try to look at how much better their doing compared to them selves not everyone else...i like to note progress

I understand man, I loved my beans too, I sang to them every day(for Co2 lol... dont try that, unless you want) but the plants getting a little ahead of himself, meaning, pray for stem thickening.
As far as the aerogarden, cant knock it till you've tried it, but from what Ive seen, the people who have made it work have ended up investing more money than the system alone. if your feeling adventurous check out they've got a pretty cute setup, with sufficient CFL lighting. And the nutrients are all set up for you. its plug 'n go. If you do that though, look into some SHORT strains, ie lowryder. There is a wealth of information on growing that strain, on this site. Stealthy is the name of the game, no?

good luck with your babies man, grow em till they wont grow no more. And seriously consider building your own DWC (deep water culture) setup, it wont cost you more than 50 bucks.:joint:
DWC, i have been facinated with hydroponics since i can remember but it all seems so complicated to me, and like do u stilll need lighting if u have a hydro system i mean what is the difference if u have the hydro system or soil, i mean if lighting is the key whats the huge big deal difffernt ive read and read and read and i still have no fucking clue to many big words i need sumone to tell me what it means in a nutshell ya know? i mean dude i wanna produce good bud, my space is so small and my plants are on a rack in mid air not on the ground i mean my grow room space is really limited thats why i like the whole aerogarden idea but why do u have to change the aerogarden i mean i thought its meant to grow..
Yeah,nice one GP,they looking alot better now.Though dont put to much faith in them becoming too much dude.What ur getting this first grow is bags of good advice and most importantly,experience!That is worth a shitload more than anything.Im a long time outdoor grower but this is my first indoor grow.I've got a 400 hps in a wardrobe and they are growing pretty good,but nowhere near as big at 4 weeks as they should be.I've burnt them,overwatered them and generally tried to kill them!! But i'm in the zone now and its all good.You generally fuck it up the first time so you know what not to do the next!!! Keep up the good work guy:)
Oh,by the way GP,it wasnt Nebu who gave you that abuse,it was fucknutballz. I had a pop at a few of them last night cos they were being nasty.they deleted most of their post now i've noticed!!Say they were gonna get me banned from the site!!Mind you tho,i did let loose on them!!
dont take this the wrong way you should try and get sponsership from a company that makes plastic knifes and forks this post been going ages
SH Hydroponics > Bucketeer DWC Kit- i wanna get this system it seems cheap and effective and for lighting i will buy like 5 more 42 watt cfls giving off 2900 lumens each, will this work? i need some professional advice on this before i spend

Get that bucket man!! Make sure you add the nutrients package as well, or get some different ones. With all your lighting focused on one plant, BOOM!! BUDS!! haha.
Oh,by the way GP,it wasnt Nebu who gave you that abuse,it was fucknutballz. I had a pop at a few of them last night cos they were being nasty.they deleted most of their post now i've noticed!!Say they were gonna get me banned from the site!!Mind you tho,i did let loose on them!!

I can't speak for the rest, but I personally deleted my post, for the simple reason that I'd rather sort shit out mano e mano, but you don't dig.

Could argue all day over the forums, but it's just that, isn't it. You throw an insult my way, I throw one back. Gets kind of repetitive, doesn't it.

Growing Passion HAS done most people's heads in here, don't get me wrong, if he listens to our advice, and stops asking the same question again and again, he'll see some positive results with his plants.

Having said that, I still think his plants are shot away, I suggest he takes a cutting with the healthiest part of the plant, thus removing the stretched part.

He's dealing with limited space, so wtf's the point of having stretched stem take up some of his vital space.
Buy some hormone rooting powder, read the instructions. Take a cutting of the healthy part, and leave the light close enough. Result = slowed growth whilst the cutting forms a root structure, but afterwards a healthy plant.

Last but not least, it's gonna get pretty bushy in veg, if you do things right, so you NEED more room to deal with.
The so-called - biggie is definately shot away, take a cutting of that, and maybe buy the stem if you don't wanna do a cutting of the other one.

I think people'll take him more seriously when he stops using transparent pots!
im done here sick and tired of grow passion you offer help and he dont take you up on it asks questions and doesnt listen to the answers/advice fuck it i hope your 3 plants make it but lol @ u
okay, my "bigggie" his stem has gotten stronger but he is sorta top heavy, i will post more pics if needed but can sumone explain to me in easy terms how to take a cutting and the steps and procedures to make it live and grow into a healthy plant im scarrd to kill it, but i will try a cutting if it will better the plant do u really think so.?
well my hardware store is out of 42 watt cfls but they have 32's which are 2100 lumens each, if i install 1 42 watt cfl and 2 32 watt cfls on top of hydro bucket setup will thatg be enough lighting for the plant or am i best to try n order the biggest cfls i can some how....well goodnight for tonight see yall tommarow!!
Lately, Ive been experiencing intense visuals and Complex thinking from my smoke sessions, Ive been a dub a day smoker for over 2 years now, mind you, and its like the relationship has been very refreshed lately. No stress= a Kind mind. :) I wish everyone great grows and bright highs. "let live"
easy way to clone is in water is a pieace of piss m8 take ya cuttings fill empty yogart pot or simular cover top with tin foil secure with an elastic band, make tiny holes or slits in the foil for the cuttings to go through dip fist in gel or powder you must change water every day to keep oxygen in water if not using airstone, or they wont root quick this methord is very succsesful and so simple no plastic knifes forks needed
okay, my "bigggie" his stem has gotten stronger but he is sorta top heavy, i will post more pics if needed but can sumone explain to me in easy terms how to take a cutting and the steps and procedures to make it live and grow into a healthy plant im scarrd to kill it, but i will try a cutting if it will better the plant do u really think so.?

Gp, you're dealing with limited space, so space is of the esscence.
Taking a cutting will enable you to remove the duff stem, providing you keep light close, you CAN have a healthy plant.

You WILL notice a slow down in growth till the cutting forms a root formation, and recovers.

But long term, if you do things right, you'll be on the right track, and ONLY then will your plant improve, it'll be able to support itself later on in life.

I don't know how to upload pictures into threads else I would, but get someone to download a picture of your plant, and using paint draw a line for where you should cut for the cutting.

Cut the stem at a 45 degree angle, now with something sharp, gently and lightly scrape the bottom of the stem on the cutting, no more than your small finger nail length, this increases the available rooting area of the cutting.

Buy a cheap HORMONE ROOTING POWDER from your local garden centre, (should be cheaper than a CFL, dip the cutting in the powder, (or gel) and shake off excessive powder.

What hormone rooting powder does is iscrease the chances of rooting, and protects against fungai.

Place the cutting in growing media, NOT a transparent home made tub.

If you don't have a propergator, get a transparent bag, like a food bag, place over the plant, but don't restrict the plant. Use a rubber band to retain the bag to the pot.

The bag'll help create humidity, and keep the plant warm. Use a CFL over it for light.

What's required for a cutting / clone, is Warmth, Light, and obviously moist soil.

If your cutting wilts, don't worry, it should recover, mine do, as do most others.
okay great advice but do i cut the stem at the bottom.... so ur saying i cut the plant at the bottom of the stem at a 45 degree angle, put the gel or powder on the bottom, get a pot with sum moist soil and just stick the stem down into the dirt, i have a hunmidifier in my grow room so humidity wont be a problem, but do i have it correct in a nut shell is that what im supposed to do?
Find attached an image of where you should cut the plant for a cutting.
You may want to leave it a little bit longer, but not too long.

Cut at a 45 degree angle, about (10:20 on the clock)

and "roughen" a little bit of the stalk at the bottom all the way around.

Use a pair of scissors for this, and GENTLY scrape as suggested above, thus enabling the chance of more area to root.

Dip it in the powder, the bit that you'll have scraped will now have powder stuck to it, tap off any excessive powder, too much can actually prevent root growth, according to the instructions on mine.

With compost in pot, poke a little hole, usually the powder container has a little dipper on it, but if it hasn't, use a pencil or something.

Insert the area that you've scraped and powdered into the soil, make sure there's enough stem inserted.

Don't try without using the powder.

As a tester you could always use your poorest plant as a guinea pig, or you could even practice on another plant, post your images step by step, and I'll say how you've done, before you do it for real.

I'd suggest keeping the bottom half of the plant for a while, incase it chucks out any side shoots, cuz you could then clone them, with exactly the same method I just told you.

Should you do this correct, and you get a guaranteed female, keep it as a mother if you can, then keep taking clones, and it's guaranteed a female, unless you proper stress it out, which could turn it into a hermaphrodite.


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okay great advice but do i cut the stem at the bottom.... so ur saying i cut the plant at the bottom of the stem at a 45 degree angle, put the gel or powder on the bottom, get a pot with sum moist soil and just stick the stem down into the dirt, i have a hunmidifier in my grow room so humidity wont be a problem, but do i have it correct in a nut shell is that what im supposed to do?

I'd suggest NOT using the humidifier.
A propergator, or even clear food plastic bags over the plants, will create the humidity you're looking for, as well as retaining moisture.
okay can anyone provide a picture of a propaganda i mean wont the bag cut off air circualtion or plain cut off all oxygen just like putting a plastic bag over ur mouth!!! how will i keep the bag above the plant? and i have off work tommarow and i will go to i guess hardware store or k-mart growing center and find the powder, so basically soupa man ur saying i should cut the top part of the plant off right and my "niggie" its stem towards the top and leaves has like red lil speckles on it what is this? and is it really a guranteed female how so is this, how can u predict sex with cuttings? and is the grow bucket i previously posted substantial enough to work?> thanks "the bug"