A Newb Grow Journal

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New Member
i am looking for some threads on it but there don't seem to be any on under current systems. what are some of the bugs that you have heard about? i don't think there would be any heating issues with the plumbing; especially if you used pvc for all of the runs. i wonder if algae or bacteria would even be an issue. with constant water movement and aeration like that i would be surprised if it was. bet you could use a tea or use hygrozyme for that though if it did pop up. i wonder if they have issues with roots growing in the tubing and clogging it? all very interesting. gonna call current culture. i love researching!! :weed:


Rebel From The North
I havnt run one yet! But i hear stuff! The farm has a huge uc sub section and all the info you could need is there!
Im always over there reading but never post


New Member
just spent 2 hours on the phone with the guys at current culture. gonna post some info here as soon as i get my notes together.


New Member
hey guys. quick update then i'm going to post a little on what i found out from the current culture guys.

i cloned on saturday and today the rockwool was still slightly wet so i just misted them with a light (300ppm) clonex solution. i opened the port holes on the dome about halfway. will take some pics tomorrow and post them but the clones are looking good. the clones froom the 2 small cheese plants have the same "claw" "spike" leaves going on still. not sure what it is but hope i can pull some new moms from the clones and see how they do.


New Member
alright, here's some info i wanted to share with you guys after talking to the current culture guys yesterday and today.

* in all of the pictures i had seen on there website it looked like the grow modules were so far apart. i asked them about this and they said the systems are full customizable. but on average the modules are 24" apart on the 8 gallon system and 28" on the 13 gallon system.

* you can just order the buckets and fittings from them and use either existing water pumps, air pumps, and air stones or probably buy them cheaper than these guys are charging you for it.

* they suggested a solid pvc or reinforced vinal tube for any systems over 6 buckets because of the suction created by the water pump.

* most "zyme" products like hygrozyme have been problematic with the systems because they dimminish the efficiency of the roots, air stones, etc... which in turn promotes anerobic bacterial issues.

* most hydro owners that switched are reporting that they have not been using teas or beneficials in the system; not even for ph control. he's gonna get back to me on this one with a better explaination. he also said the ones that are still using teas are using a 1/4 of what they did before.

* since water is the grow medium then there is no buffer like with other hydro setups (rockwool, coco, etc...). since this is the case the plants do not like insoluble components and beneficials. for this reason you need to closely monitor your bloom nutes; especially the nitrogen. because of the availabilty of nitrogen in these sytems a lot of growers don't even use the bloom boosters after switching to under current. this is also the reason that you see diminished nutrient solution use with these systems. the aeration also plays a roll in this.

* they recommend a bare root veg system. they said that most growers are vegging and flowering in the same system. if anything they just put different double pot lids on and scale the system down for veg. this would make it hard to to a perpetual cycle. you could probably veg in mesh pots on flood tables if you wanted to keep them seperate. they did recommend that you not use rockwool. i would probably have to switch to an aero cloner and aeroponic veg or something similar.

i'm still investigating but i though i would share this much with you guys.


New Member
Hey Nugz. Yea, I've been checking them out the last few days as well. Trying to look into customized systems by the guys at Current Culture. I am not so sure of it though just for yield purposes. Right now I am doing 66 plants under 8,000w. So I talked to them about pulling half of that out and trying out one of their systems. The best layout they could send me for half my room was only 16 plants under 4,000w. I have a hard time believing that 16 7-8' plants are going to produce as much yield as 32 4-5' plants. I've never grown BIG trees before but from what I have read it sure doesn't seem like it. Seems to me that the larger you grow the plant you actually will get diminishing yield values. Not like an 8' plant gives you twice as much as a 4' plant when you are growing them ideally. I'm gonna look into doing a DIY one. See what materials I'll need and make a list. Gonna talk to them some more tomorrow and seee if we can't customize the 8 gallon system and try and get some more plants in that space.

Thanks for sharing that info. Good idea on buying the major components elsewhere. Probably save some money there.


New Member
Hey Nugz. Yea, I've been checking them out the last few days as well. Trying to look into customized systems by the guys at Current Culture. I am not so sure of it though just for yield purposes. Right now I am doing 66 plants under 8,000w. So I talked to them about pulling half of that out and trying out one of their systems. The best layout they could send me for half my room was only 16 plants under 4,000w. I have a hard time believing that 16 7-8' plants are going to produce as much yield as 32 4-5' plants. I've never grown BIG trees before but from what I have read it sure doesn't seem like it. Seems to me that the larger you grow the plant you actually will get diminishing yield values. Not like an 8' plant gives you twice as much as a 4' plant when you are growing them ideally. I'm gonna look into doing a DIY one. See what materials I'll need and make a list. Gonna talk to them some more tomorrow and seee if we can't customize the 8 gallon system and try and get some more plants in that space.

Thanks for sharing that info. Good idea on buying the major components elsewhere. Probably save some money there.
yea, i saw that too. on all of their setups you use 1 1000w light per 4 plants. seems like a lot. plus you really can't fit 2 plants in 1 bucket no matter what size you are growing them to. maybe they can mess around with the distances and get you more buckets.


New Member
back with a little update. i guess no one really liked my current culture info. :o

so hear are my clones. i took them on saturday and since then i've only misted them once yesterday. the rockwool is still goo and can probably go another day or two without water. i noticed it was a little dry in there today so i closed the vent holes again. i have to keep the humidity down in the room because of condensation on the chiller lines. right now i only have 2 T5 lights going about 8" above the plants. not sure what the leaf clawing is. anyone have any comments? how do they look for 5 day clones. the ones on left were taken from the stunted cheese plants i have.

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these are my moms. still doing good but they are starting to claw again as well. i backed the light off. i had moved it down to 18" but i backed it off again to 24 because i really think the clawing is from the heat. not sure though. i tested the pH of the soils again today because i had been having problems with it hovering around 7. i took readings from all of the pots and they are all at 6.0. not sure how they dropped this much. anyone know of any home remedies for raising and lowering pH. i would like to raise the pH now but would also like to know how to lower it if need be in the future. after i took these pictures i LST'd them somemore.

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thanks guys.


New Member
well guys i lost my entire journal from this last month. most of the pics were only saved on this website. kinda stupid i guess. really sucks cause i like my journal a lot and had posted tons of info and pics on my setup. I will try and work over the next few days to get it back up and running.
that sucks bro
and thank you for your service :clap:


New Member
back with a little update. i guess no one really liked my current culture info. :o

so hear are my clones. i took them on saturday and since then i've only misted them once yesterday. the rockwool is still goo and can probably go another day or two without water. i noticed it was a little dry in there today so i closed the vent holes again. i have to keep the humidity down in the room because of condensation on the chiller lines. right now i only have 2 T5 lights going about 8" above the plants. not sure what the leaf clawing is. anyone have any comments? how do they look for 5 day clones. the ones on left were taken from the stunted cheese plants i have.

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these are my moms. still doing good but they are starting to claw again as well. i backed the light off. i had moved it down to 18" but i backed it off again to 24 because i really think the clawing is from the heat. not sure though. i tested the pH of the soils again today because i had been having problems with it hovering around 7. i took readings from all of the pots and they are all at 6.0. not sure how they dropped this much. anyone know of any home remedies for raising and lowering pH. i would like to raise the pH now but would also like to know how to lower it if need be in the future. after i took these pictures i LST'd them somemore.

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thanks guys.
looks good bro subbed for ths one


Well-Known Member
yes, Nugs, those clones are a little droopy, and could use a higher RH, imo. nice and healthy looking. gonna be a good grow. the claws look like N abundance to me. i'd watch moms' diets.


New Member
looks good bro subbed for ths one
thanks man, welcome. should be a fun ride. probably wake up with a swimming pool in my tent or some fried plants a week from harvest but fuck if we aren't gonna have some fun and learn something! LOL


New Member
thanks man, welcome. should be a fun ride. probably wake up with a swimming pool in my tent or some fried plants a week from harvest but fuck if we aren't gonna have some fun and learn something! LOL

like scrog said do look a little droopy
but hey man thanks for letting me ride along


New Member
yes, Nugs, those clones are a little droopy, and could use a higher RH, imo. nice and healthy looking. gonna be a good grow. the claws look like N abundance to me. i'd watch moms' diets.
ahhh scrogs! my sensai! how are you buddy?

thanks for the input. i kinda figured it was the humidity cause when i opened the vents it dried out to fast. plus the wall fan blows right over the top of the humidity domw. gonna keep the dome closed for a while longer.

i'm thinking maybe just feed the moms some water this next time. see how they react? what do you think?
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