If you earn $10,000 more per year, but your expenses are $15,000 more per year, are you actually making more? A nice 2 bedroom Apartment in Sioux City costs approx $1200 a month, a nice 2 bedroom in Manhattan costs $6,000,see the difference?Here are some very interesting things I ran across..Can these be disproved ??
Working Families in States with “Right to Work” Laws Earn Lower Wages
“Right to Work” States Spend Less on Education
- On average, workers in states with “Right to Work” law earn $5,538 a year less than workers in states without these laws.
“Right to Work” States Have Higher Workplace Fatality Rates
- Right-to-Work states spend $2,671 less per pupil on elementary and secondary education than free-bargaining states.
“Right to Work” Laws Don’t Improve Living Standards – Unions Improve Living Standards
- According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the rate of workplace deaths is 52.9% higher in states with Right-to-Work laws.
- Overall, union members earn 28 percent ($198.00 more per week than nonunion workers. Hispanic union members earn 50 percent ($258.00 more each week than nonunion Hispanics and African Americans earn 29 percent ($168.00 more each week if they are union members.
- 78 percent of private sector union workers have access to medical insurance through their jobs, compared with 51 percent of nonunion workers. And 77 percent of private sector union workers have access to a guaranteed (defined benefit) retirement plan through their jobs, compared with just 20 percent of nonunion workers.
- Only 2.9 percent of union workers are uninsured, compared with 14.2 percent of nonunion workers.
If the teachers in RTW states aren't in a higher paid union then it only makes sense that they spend less on each child's education. Can you prove that children educated in RTW states are less educated or more stupid than the ones from unionized states? didn't think so.
If I buy a new Corvette for $5 Million and its just the regular showroom model and you buy one for $40,000, exact same model, who do you think got a better deal? Obviously me right? After all I spent more money.
Everyone knows Unions are magical and prevent accidents from Happening, kind of like having your own personal Jesus. Prove that the higher rate of workplace injuries is DIRECTLY and INCONTROVERTIBLY linked to non unionization.
Your last point has nothing to do with RTW states and is nothing but a rehash of "Unions make more" than poor fuckers do. If I make more, but my cost of living is also much more than that doesn't mean you have a better standard of living. With $100 a month I could move to Somalia and have a much much higher standard of living comparatively to the rest of the population.