Well-Known Member
Synco do as you want. I gave my answer as to why you should not vote for it unless you own the company. Maybe you should think why you should
You're one of the few, and I appreciate it. I am sitting on the side of voting for it but I really wanted to get more reasons why I shouldn't before I settled on a decision. I've heard all of the partisan rhetoric and I don't think it's only serving to make people decide blindly.
I liked PraxicalExcercise's point about non-union members getting the benefits of the unions without the dues. However, I don't think that is valid for an argument to vote against right to work. It more creates an argument as to why is there a federal law forcing unions to provide the contracts for non union members?
Your response makes sense about people being fired for any reason the company deems necessary providing it doesn't violate the civil rights laws on the books. However, when you guys got drawn on a tangent about what color shirt it made me think about how I would get fired for not wearing a tie to work. Companies can have dress codes and employees should be required to follow them. Also, you can quit for absolutely any reason you want, and even under right to work an employer can't fire you for absolutely any reason. So in reality, the law favors the employee still.
+rep for you both

Anyways, I expect that right to work's enforcement could very well result in lower wages. However, lower wages doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing. Lower wages could still equal a perfectly livable wage while including greater employment. However, there is always incentive for employers to pay their employees more. Higher wages while still maintaining a competitive work environment (something that unions stifle) can mean a huge boost in production which can in turn help the economy greatly.
Regardless, when a company wants to hire an employee it should be between the employer and the employee as to what the terms of employment are. I'm not convinced the government, or a union (unless opted into), has much of a reason to be involved in that.