250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
got some hair to show yall. Not very much but i think im figuring out the macro setting on my camera so bare with me.

Looks good, though don't you think you could utilize more of your screen pulling some of those taller tops to the edges under? by the looks of it that plant will 100% fill it up and open up some of the lower sites to grow through more sites more bud XD

East Coast Pro

Active Member
Thanks everyone for your input!!

DOOB you were recommended to me by Mantiszn in the 12-12fs seed thread, he said you know your stuff!!! As I get all my equipment together, I'll keep in touch!!!


Active Member
Looks good, though don't you think you could utilize more of your screen pulling some of those taller tops to the edges under? by the looks of it that plant will 100% fill it up and open up some of the lower sites to grow through more sites more bud XD
Well there are really only 11 or 12 tops on it and they are almost all in their own square but i wanted her to grow up so i could pull the branches out and open up the canopy, the die branches also have huge inter-nodal branches that stretched up to. Ill get some pics up in a few days and show you what i mean. But you are right if i would have vegged for another 2 weeks she wouldnt be this tall im just not worried about trying to fill the whole screen this run. Its more of a travel batch for when i make my trek to CO this summer.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for your input!!

DOOB you were recommended to me by Mantiszn in the 12-12fs seed thread, he said you know your stuff!!! As I get all my equipment together, I'll keep in touch!!!
Lol never thought I'd be recommended like that, it's kind of flattering. No problem ECP, but like GG said if you want to give us more info, not so much specs but what you're trying to achieve and we can get you on the right path.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro!! Until I can get my money right and a grow space ready, I may do some 12-12 from seed with CFLs..
Lol not a bro, but it's okay. If you're going to try with CFL's are you going with the bigger flouros or are you going to go with the 24 watters?

If you're thinking of using the 24 watters, you're going to need a lot of adapters set up on a power strip. You're going to need a bulb to outlet adapter, and Y bulb adapters. You will want to put 3 Y connectors on one outlet adapter, this will give you 4 CFL's per outlet, it looks like an X. You then plug sets of 4 into a power strip. If you're going with the big flouros then you won't need to do as many lights.

When you think of the cost of how many CFL's, adapters, etc you're going to have to get. It'd be much better to get a 250 from the get go honestly. The light penetration is better, you don't have to screw around with placement almost every day and imho, a 250 runs cooler. Don't get me wrong they can work, but not as well as 250. I guess the best thing to do would be to calculate the price of a CFL setup vs a 250 setup and see what the difference in cost is. It'll help put things into perspective more.

I don't recommend CFL's by any means, but sometimes money is tight. This is info I can give you if you're going that route though. Hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
cfls are underrated.my first 2 threads were done with just 2-3 42wcfls.i was getting2-3oz off those 3 cfls. but i like my 250w better.if you go with cfls later if you upgrade youo can use the cfls for veg.


Well-Known Member
cfls are underrated.my first 2 threads were done with just 2-3 42wcfls.i was getting2-3oz off those 3 cfls. but i like my 250w better.if you go with cfls later if you upgrade youo can use the cfls for veg.
I did a couple of CFL grows myself, so I know it can be done. However like you, I like the 250 better for results. I use CFL's still as supplement lighting so they do work. I don't think they're so much under rated, just not on the same level as a HID. I used I think around 8-12 CFL's on adapters when I used them.

Coming along there Grazz.

**Likes both posts**


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro!! Until I can get my money right and a grow space ready, I may do some 12-12 from seed with CFLs..
Yeah like Doob said, definately worth considering the 250w from the get go, mine only cost £60 brand new ballast and all so you can get em for a good price, my previous grow I used 2, 125w CFL's and with the hangers they cost £70, though they yielded well in my setup, I kinda wish I went for the HPS in the 1st place, would have yielded more :)

Even if it takes an extra few weeks to save for the HPS you wont regret it, I can promise you that :D


Well-Known Member
My favorite part, trich shots man. Mmmmmm trichomes, be still my heart lol. Can't wait for that amber to start showing.

"Doobieus reeeeeealllly likes this"


Well-Known Member
lol.. Thanks Doob.. I "Like" your "reeeeeeealllly like". Been following the messages in the Support thread and they say they are working on getting the feature back, for now we can only Like (=rep) 3 things a day.. :(

I figured it was time for the tric shots. I leave in 5 days and return 8 days later. There should be some amber by then.. can you say "Couchlock"? :D "I know you can.."


Well-Known Member
lol.. Thanks Doob.. I "Like" your "reeeeeeealllly like". Been following the messages in the Support thread and they say they are working on getting the feature back, for now we can only Like (=rep) 3 things a day.. :(

I figured it was time for the tric shots. I leave in 5 days and return 8 days later. There should be some amber by then.. can you say "Couchlock"? :D "I know you can.."
I raise your "Like" liking my "Reeeeeeally like" with a "Super epic ultra like" lol. Oh yeah.... that just happened ha ha.

Yes I'd like some Couch lock with a side of Knocked the fuck out please :lol:.


Active Member
Hey everyone, got my specs. 24" width 75" length and 64" Height..very intresting?? input needed and appreciated :smile:
Well what i would do is make a 24x24 box itll serve you better in the end... You could put up a simple pvc frame and cover it with panda film and make a nice square that waht you arent wasting any light trying to cover the 75". How many nights are you using and are you able to vent properly or are you gonna need to cut holez?
