How do you burn your weed???

i didnt like vape highs as much when i vaped at 325 degrees F, then tried it at 365 and got a much headier high. some people like 340-350 but its hard to tell the difference if you smoke many different types of weed

i've tried all different temps and strains, i just don't dig the stone nearly as much as say a nice rip off of my roor or even out of a nice clean glass pipe..
i've tried all different temps and strains, i just don't dig the stone nearly as much as say a nice rip off of my roor or even out of a nice clean glass pipe..

hmm, thats weird. i can get a wide range of highs from vapes, did you hit a volcano, box vape or what? and i can agree fully on that one, i love a nice bong rip is always great if its well percolated. and i try to use pipes only when im smoking hash, i feel like its the most effective way to smoke hash but bud should be filtered imo.
hmm, thats weird. i can get a wide range of highs from vapes, did you hit a volcano, box vape or what? and i can agree fully on that one, i love a nice bong rip is always great if its well percolated. and i try to use pipes only when im smoking hash, i feel like its the most effective way to smoke hash but bud should be filtered imo.

i have a v tower air one i think it's called.. idk what it is about the vapes, i just find the high to be much shall i say mellower than that from my roor or a bong in general..
like i said, i've tried from around 350 or so all the way up to around 390 or so and can't find the sweet spot that i like.. never tried a volcano, although i hear everyone who has one loves them.. i just think vape-ing is not for everyone is all..
i have a v tower air one i think it's called.. idk what it is about the vapes, i just find the high to be much shall i say mellower than that from my roor or a bong in general..
like i said, i've tried from around 350 or so all the way up to around 390 or so and can't find the sweet spot that i like.. never tried a volcano, although i hear everyone who has one loves them.. i just think vape-ing is not for everyone is all..

its fine if you dont like things, all my friends love flavored blunts but i honestly cant stand them. try a volcano soon, id say 350 or 360 is probably the best temps for a stable head and body high. although vapes do put you on your ass, i cant do anything if i smoke my vape.
to the op, if you're thinking about buying a vape, i highly suggest finding a friend who owns one and trying theirs first as a vape can be a pretty big investment, and i know a lot of people who have dropped down good money only to find that they don't like the high that they get from vape-ing, myself included..
if i would have tried a vape before i bought mine, i never would have bought one and simply would have gotten another roor or something nice along those lines instead..
yeah i pretty much wasted 150 on mine i never even touch the thing
yeah i pretty much wasted 150 on mine i never even touch the thing

lol, me too.. i used it for maybe a month or so if that when first got it mostly cuz of the novelty of it and trying it out to see if i liked or or w/e, and now it's been sitting off to the side of my bed on the floor covered in dust, lol..
i'm just glad i was smart enough not to drop the big coin on a volcano only to find out i didn't like it too much or i'd be really pissed..
lol, me too.. i used it for maybe a month or so if that when first got it mostly cuz of the novelty of it and trying it out to see if i liked or or w/e, and now it's been sitting off to the side of my bed on the floor covered in dust, lol..
i'm just glad i was smart enough not to drop the big coin on a volcano only to find out i didn't like it too much or i'd be really pissed..
my brother was stupid enoung to buy a volcano after a month of using it he got tired of it and relized he wasted his money he has been trying to sell it ever since everytime i bring somebody over there to smoke he gives them a sales pitch lol
shit, guess vapes are just for some people. id be glad to take all your vapes off your hands, my birthdays next month :) hahaha
give me ziz zag or clean glass . I tried the vocano and was not for me. I Love the taste of good bud on fire.
Sometimes in a bowl, sometimes in a joint, sometimes in the bong, sometimes I vape it...I like a variety.
Well what the hell Stonerman. Looks cool enough and that certainly was a fit hit our pal got. BOOM! Love that. We don't have head stores here that have much of anything in them. Cigar stores with a few glass pipes for tobacco of course. Would love to browse a cool headshop in peace. I was looking at glass pipes recently and they are not giving that shit away. Damm if they don't make a shitload of money off of pharaphernalia (sp) never mind the weed itself. Basically they can sell stoners anything.:cry:

What is a hemp wick? What is a roor? North... what side of your personals does the strap go on a reversed thong and is it wrong to wear your wifes stuff? I would try it but the old ladies shorts are like iron.:cry:

I wish I could try but not buy a vaporizer. Not everyone seems to love them. mmm. Not gonna spend a buck and a half on sumpin until I try it or it's kind anyway. Riddle me this will yuh! Does the vapor from the vaporizer smell? I mean can I vape with no vapor trail? That might be cool not to smell like weed walking into work as high as a rat. mmmmmmmmmm.:D

OhMy... I have always reached for the white Zig-Zags. As an expert roller (wink wink) I don't need much paper to wrap a fine burner. When someone hands me an easy wider or such I fold it in half lick the crease and split it. I wish I could put rolling as a skill on my resume. Might get a decent job. Just got back from the store and they were out of the white ones. They had the orange which is a fine paper but I went with the cut corners and I'm sure I won't regret my choice. I'll tell you what ain't right OhMy is how many papers are in a book now but I think a $2.00 book of EZ widers has about 10 wrappers in

Maybe I will see if I can find a nice little glass pipe in the cheapo range. Ice, salt, and alcohol. I will remember that. Did you know that boiling pipes in the good cookware can stain them.:-?
Well what the hell Stonerman. Looks cool enough and that certainly was a fit hit our pal got. BOOM! Love that. We don't have head stores here that have much of anything in them. Cigar stores with a few glass pipes for tobacco of course. Would love to browse a cool headshop in peace. I was looking at glass pipes recently and they are not giving that shit away. Damm if they don't make a shitload of money off of pharaphernalia (sp) never mind the weed itself. Basically they can sell stoners anything.:cry:

What is a hemp wick? What is a roor? North... what side of your personals does the strap go on a reversed thong and is it wrong to wear your wifes stuff? I would try it but the old ladies shorts are like iron.:cry:

I wish I could try but not buy a vaporizer. Not everyone seems to love them. mmm. Not gonna spend a buck and a half on sumpin until I try it or it's kind anyway. Riddle me this will yuh! Does the vapor from the vaporizer smell? I mean can I vape with no vapor trail? That might be cool not to smell like weed walking into work as high as a rat. mmmmmmmmmm.:D

OhMy... I have always reached for the white Zig-Zags. As an expert roller (wink wink) I don't need much paper to wrap a fine burner. When someone hands me an easy wider or such I fold it in half lick the crease and split it. I wish I could put rolling as a skill on my resume. Might get a decent job. Just got back from the store and they were out of the white ones. They had the orange which is a fine paper but I went with the cut corners and I'm sure I won't regret my choice. I'll tell you what ain't right OhMy is how many papers are in a book now but I think a $2.00 book of EZ widers has about 10 wrappers in

Maybe I will see if I can find a nice little glass pipe in the cheapo range. Ice, salt, and alcohol. I will remember that. Did you know that boiling pipes in the good cookware can stain them.:-?

try, cheap glass but its good quality. hemp wick is just hemp soaked in bees wax, people use it instead of lighters, roor is a water pipe company. and vaporizers are one of my favorites next to oil, it does smell but not as bad as a joint.
Well crazy I ain't giving up my Bic for nobody. Never liked the way a Zippo made my weed taste but I sure can't taste butane. Sounds like just another funky way to get my cash.:D
I will check out I know I want a cheap glass pipe and a bong could be on the menu as well. Will also check out roor. Like a nice water pipe with nice fresh water. I made $5.00 once for drinking a tube full of old black bong water. It was NOT worth the fiver!:cry:
I need a vaporizer to test but I also want to try out a grinder. I have been using my fingers for years but everybody seem to like them. PS... Does the third comparment style I was looking at really gather kief or is that a gimic?
:-oThank you baby jesus that during these times of hard choices I have papers to fall back on. :leaf:
Bongs make me cough my lungs out, been smokeing for too long I guess.
I like nothing better than a nice joint, silver rizla or pure hemp papers and lately I found these awesome ones called OCB or OCD, they are the width of regular small papers but about twice as long and also very thin hemp based.
Wouldn;t touch zig zag with a barge pole, the paper is just too thick and powdery.
ANC. .. you think the white zigzags are a thick wrapper? I have always thought they were a very thin paper. I would like to check out a paper that was as wide as a zigzag but longer. I'm going to check out the ones you mentioned in your post. What the hell is a powdery paper?? Rizla and bamboo are good but i can't find,,, I have to go back into work already. SHIT