Gamers unite! What are you playing right now?

metal gear solid 4 and the new metal gear coming out...
that's where you get to play raiden, and raiden is one sexy muthafucka.

Ya #2 was awesome ..without a doubt.Mg#4 definetely more challenge but it sticks with the story very well and Raiden is insanley bad ass while Snake is getting old aged...sadly enuff.
Starcraft 2 is my game right now, learning to play it competitively on a high level 1v1, I'm a diamond player pushing masters, I'll 1v1 anyone from here regardless of level if anyone wants to hit me up I'm perfextion on the north American ladder
Perfextion I might take you up on it if you want to do "lessons" lol because I suck balls at that game. I am useless against anything but CPUs, lol. Used to play SC for years, but always co-op against CPUs because we were a bunch of pussies. ;)

Re: MGS, the first one was phenomenal.. I bought a PS2 just to play the second and was supremely disappointed by contrast. I don't know why exactly, it just didn't hit the same buttons for me. Maybe it was the novelty of the game the first time. Dunno.
Man, who didn't play the shit out of that game with three friends that summer? :D Fuckin' fun as hell... now when I watch GoldenEye I'm like "HEY LOOK IT'S THAT SCENE FROM THE GAME!" LOL.

Best gaming memories ever.

We also played a shit ton of mario kart 64 that summer.
Starcraft 2 is my game right now, learning to play it competitively on a high level 1v1, I'm a diamond player pushing masters, I'll 1v1 anyone from here regardless of level if anyone wants to hit me up I'm perfextion on the north American ladder

Ill see if my bro still plays, he was pretty damn good. He rapes diamond league
He had a crew, they play 2v2 3v3 but my bro mostly played 1v1. You really have to be dedicated to be good at that game, to many strat's. You have to play a solid 4 hrs minimum a day to even come close. Even then you had to had played sc and broodwar a ton to have micro'ing down to a scien or else people will just walk all over you. Keep updated, watchin pros online too. He used to play all day everyday, he had no job even then I watched people beat him.
Ill see if my bro still plays, he was pretty damn good. He rapes diamond league
He had a crew, they play 2v2 3v3 but my bro mostly played 1v1. You really have to be dedicated to be good at that game, to many strat's. You have to play a solid 4 hrs minimum a day to even come close. Even then you had to had played sc and broodwar a ton to have micro'ing down to a scien or else people will just walk all over you. Keep updated, watchin pros online too. He used to play all day everyday, he had no job even then I watched people beat him.

Oh for sure it's one of the hardest games to master at a professional level, learning how to scout is difficult then how to properly interpret the information then what strat to actually counter, then there's execution, micro, macro, timings etc. Starcraft has been the longest standing real time strategy game for e sports and made it's rise after brood war was released in Korea. I've only been playing serious for about 3 months and I've progressed from silver to diamond but I'm stuck on the threshold to masters. My principles and macro are down but I need to finely hone my scouting and practice against early aggression before I can hope to move forward.

For those that don't know Starcraft is considered a professional game where people stream games live and tournaments are common in the us and Korea. Mlg Columbus just concluded and had a 25000 dollar first prize and 60k total over a 3 day period. Gsl is going to start in a month in Korea and MLg NYC starts on 420

I'd play against your brother, if he hasn't played in a bit I would probably win cause he's rusty but he sounds like masters level to me. As for doing a lesson I play Zerg i don't know your race but I have friends at my level of all races I can play against and you could watch from spectator view. If you have never played 1v1 before just getting down your basic build orders and fundamentals will be your priority, until those are down pat you can't really move forward because a lot of the in depth strategy is lost on players until they reach platinum. There's tons of YouTube instructionals, if you play Zerg like me watch idra, destiny, drg and catz. If Terran I recommend MLg Columbus winner marine king prime or empire.kas if your Protoss you can't go wrong with whitera incontrol or grubby

Live player and tournament streams and strategy discussion can be found 24-7 on
whats up starcraft fools! yeah i luv the game preordered it broke my computer forgot i had it about clear my comp and load it up RIGHT now!!!!!!!!!!! look for my user name ya know its me whooping your ass. actually last time i played i was getting my ass whooped but its cool, yeah that shit is like chess bout to get an armada of carrier ships and go on a tour of duty lol
I use to play a lot of sc2 back in beta.

It is a very serious game and if you do any sort of "cheese" the other player rages and cries.

I also have a friend that is very hardcore in it and plays 8+ a day and has a Korean account.
Too many people are cry babies on that game. Everyone talks the talk but when it comes to the play they suck..
I had a buddy that moved here from korea, he told me stories of his buddies at university. They would go to class, not sleep at night and play sc2.
He said there would be days even weeks whre they wouldn't sleep. Fucking gamers, i thought we were nerds lol.
Sc2 is always evolving, if you quit for a month it will take 2 months to catch up on the shit that changes.
wont lie i know i suck its been years since i play ed brrodwar and 6 months for the new one. but i will whoop your ass on killzone 3
Been enjoying Saints Row the Third, loving that game!

Recently got re-addicted to Black Ops Zombies. Some friends and I have been trying for all the easter eggs, this shit is going to be the death of me.
Been enjoying Saints Row the Third, loving that game!

Recently got re-addicted to Black Ops Zombies. Some friends and I have been trying for all the easter eggs, this shit is going to be the death of me.

I loved zombies, used to play soo much. Ascension was my favorite map, me and my bro got to level 43 no prob. But it was 2 in the morning so we decided to end the game and die. Kinda sucked would of made i to 50+ easy. But i quit when mw3 came out. Now they got all these new things in the maps kinda fucked everything up,. 3 Guns really.?
Playing cod mw3
I love the survival mode

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I'm waiting for that GTA 5