Back in the day.
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Man, who didn't play the shit out of that game with three friends that summer?Fuckin' fun as hell... now when I watch GoldenEye I'm like "HEY LOOK IT'S THAT SCENE FROM THE GAME!" LOL.
Starcraft 2 is my game right now, learning to play it competitively on a high level 1v1, I'm a diamond player pushing masters, I'll 1v1 anyone from here regardless of level if anyone wants to hit me up I'm perfextion on the north American ladder
Ill see if my bro still plays, he was pretty damn good. He rapes diamond league
He had a crew, they play 2v2 3v3 but my bro mostly played 1v1. You really have to be dedicated to be good at that game, to many strat's. You have to play a solid 4 hrs minimum a day to even come close. Even then you had to had played sc and broodwar a ton to have micro'ing down to a scien or else people will just walk all over you. Keep updated, watchin pros online too. He used to play all day everyday, he had no job even then I watched people beat him.
Been enjoying Saints Row the Third, loving that game!
Recently got re-addicted to Black Ops Zombies. Some friends and I have been trying for all the easter eggs, this shit is going to be the death of me.