Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)


Active Member
I'd send you a seed of my current plant if I get any lol. The plant grows sets of 3 leaves every internode, others (almost all that I've seen) grow sets of two, and I found this to be a perfect trait for more overall budsights. Also guys I have 27 budsights total.

Edit: Pics when that shit is impressive, and this Monday.


Active Member

January 22nd - germinated & planted in soil
March 23rd - plant showed sex (female or this thread would not have continued)
April 1st - plant showing 27 budsights

I do not know if I should consider March 23rd the first day of flowering or Apil 1st the first day of flowering?


Active Member

January 22nd - germinated & planted in soil
March 23rd - plant showed sex (female or this thread would not have continued)
April 1st - plant showing 27 budsights

I do not know if I should consider March 23rd the first day of flowering or Apil 1st the first day of flowering?
as im sure u know, i dont know much about growing. after the countless hours of research ive done, if i were u, id consider the first day of flowering when you plant showed its sex.


Active Member
Right haha. It's such a great thing to smell the weed that you're growing, donno why but it is hahaha. I hope I yeild quite a bit, I really want to smoke my baby lol. Flowering has been slow so far. My 'budsights' are creating internodes.. I've never grown before so everything that happens to the plant is surprising me haha


Well-Known Member
lol funny shit. if u had bigger pots, it would equal bigger plants, but you got to do what you can for your space. you can yield more then some yield in a whole closet. just keep up the good shit like baskarz said and you will be lovely.


Active Member
Does that go for hydroponics also? I know the one gallon per month of plant life is the rule of thumb for soil, I've never heard anything about it for hydro though. The root mass in hydro applications is supposedly larger than soil.. not sure though? Thank you for positiveness haha. I hope all goes well. What's up with your next project? Any progress?


Well-Known Member
yea brotha, remember u had stunned growth until you transplanted no?!?! when i noticed my LA woman wasnt growing like it should of i would transplant and it would grow. could be wrong but thats how i see it. your plant is somewhat scale to the environment that you give it. you cant use a 5 gallon pot in a pc grow, so you would use the smallest thing that you could like 16oz or 20 oz bottles, which in return will give you a small plant. had that same plant been planted in a 5 gallon some of your fan leaves would be as big as half the pc case itself. i see it that way at least lol.


Well-Known Member
oh and about my project. got a job so a job means funds, and a friend im helping with his set up has extra stuff for me to get off him. just need to order in a 150w hps and various small other shit and then some beans. then with my outdoor just need to grab the clones from my buddy, veg them a little bit, visit a good site, do in the soil plant and goo!!! sucks though because ive been trying to get my outdoor partners kicking with the project, and havent really gotten to the outdoor sites when i wasnt working, so now that i am its going to be even harder.


Active Member
I'm getting a 150w hps too son hahaha. I don't have ANY friends down here that want to grow.. they think about it.. "I'll get back to you!" and nothing. I helped one person work on their cab and lighting and everything and NOTHING man it sucks. I gave him an airpump like an rtard too. If I could find a place to grow outdoors here (which has been a topic among buddies for a while - but nothin' happens) I would!