Bizarre News: the strange and different.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Can you imagine the images on the outside if the walls changed colors by heat when you touched it?

Edit: I think someone is gonna get lucky tonight!!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
TULSA, Okla. (AP) — Police believe the same attacker or attackers are behind a series of early-morning shootings in which three people were killed and two others were critically wounded within a three-mile span of north Tulsa. Homicide detective Sgt. Dave Walker said investigators don't have the results of forensic tests yet, but police think the early Friday morning shootings are linked because they happened around the same time in the same general area and all five victims were out walking when they were shot.

Police don't believe the victims knew one another and are trying to determine the circumstances behind the killings. All five victims are black, and black community leaders met Friday evening in an effort to calm unrest and promote safety. NAACP Tulsa president, the Rev. Warren Blakney Sr., told the Tulsa World ( ) someone appeared to be "targeting black people to shoot."

"I'm on edge for my people," Blakney said.

Four shooting victims were found in yards, and the fifth in a street. Police identified those killed as Dannaer Fields, 49, Bobby Clark, 54, and William Allen, 31. Fields was found wounded about 1 a.m. Friday, Clarke was found in a street about an hour later, and Allen was discovered in the yard of a funeral home about 8:30 a.m. Minutes after Fields was found, police found two men with gunshot wounds in another yard two blocks away. They were taken to hospitals in critical condition but expected to survive, police said. Their names have not been released.

Police Capt. Steve Odom said in his 30 years with the police department, he'd never seen so many shootings happen in such a short time. Walker said detectives interviewed people Friday afternoon in the neighborhoods where the shootings happened and believe a white man driving a white pickup truck may have been involved.

Tulsa City Councilor Jack Henderson urged people to be cautious but not let "some crazy, deranged person mess up their weekend." "There's no need to become a vigilante," Henderson said, adding that he has been assured police are working on the case as a "24/7 round-the-clock deal."


They all must have been carrying Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea.


Well-Known Member
OMG! Biting off... You have to be kidding me. I'd call that torture.
Compared to the new way, where they strap a super tight rubber band on your balls until they fall off some time later due to cut off circulation? Tie a string tight around your finger, until the circulation is cut off. How much does that hurt? Now imagine your genitals in that situation, until they fall off... I'd prefer the faster teeth route myself. haha

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
Can you imagine the mess.....
Can you imagine the images on the outside if the walls changed colors by heat when you touched it?

Edit: I think someone is gonna get lucky tonight!!
Can you imagine the line to get in if folks thought there was free love in a port a john made of that shit?:idea:
Yuck, just yuck. Can you imagine the view from outside in at night with the lights on ?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
(Newser) – Phyllis Schlafly's advice to young men: Don't date feminists, even though "some of them are pretty." Speaking to an all-male student crowd at The Citadel college in South Carolina this week, the so-called "godmother of conservatism" also blamed feminists for drumming up the recent contraception flap in US politics, The Post and Courier reports. "Contraception is not controversial," said the 87-year-old. "The issue is not access. It’s who’s going to pay for it.”

"Feminist is a bad word and everything they stand for is bad," she went on. "Find out if your girlfriend is a feminist before you get too far into it. Some of them are pretty. They don’t all look like Bella Abzug.” Schlafly made waves in the 1970s, when her small group spearheaded a successful charge to stop states from ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment. Now, she says, young conservatives must do the same: “It’s important to look at what might happen in 100 years." Hat tip to RawStory for the link.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
This happened almost a year ago after the tsunami. A feel good story for Easter.

Newser) – A baby dolphin trapped in a flooded rice paddy after Japan’s tsunami has been returned to the sea, Reuters reports. "A man passing by said he had found the dolphin in the rice paddy and that we had to do something to save it," says a pet store owner who’s been saving animals since the disaster. He couldn’t net the 4-foot-long creature, so he carried it out in his arms, wrapped it in wet towels, then drove it a mile to the ocean.

Once in the water, he says it seemed energized: “I don't know if it will live, but it's certainly a lot better than dying in a rice paddy."


New Member
This happened almost a year ago after the tsunami. A feel good story for Easter.

Newser) – A baby dolphin trapped in a flooded rice paddy after Japan’s tsunami has been returned to the sea, Reuters reports. "A man passing by said he had found the dolphin in the rice paddy and that we had to do something to save it," says a pet store owner who’s been saving animals since the disaster. He couldn’t net the 4-foot-long creature, so he carried it out in his arms, wrapped it in wet towels, then drove it a mile to the ocean.

Once in the water, he says it seemed energized: “I don't know if it will live, but it's certainly a lot better than dying in a rice paddy."
hope the little guy made it