I Agree 200% !
lol a troll because i disagree ?
don't think so...
I love how people throw the word Troll around so carelessly and without a clue !
dumbasses !
sounds like someone needs to get the hell out from in front of their computer screen more than once a year...
u just joined in april with 18 posts ur trollin broRead my 1st comment in the thread! I was agreeing with you and telling you not to feed the troll op, you assclown
You're asking the stupid question, and talking about making it and meth heaven LOLu just joined in april with 18 posts ur trollin bro
Chill out dude. Meth gets a bad reputation. Crystal meth is shit, but pharmaceutical grade desoxyn taken orally really isn't as bad as opiates as far as addiction goes.For fuck sake meth should be one of the few things banned from humans. Please go kill yourself, all of you, because if all the tweakers die then no more babies will born addicted to the shit thus resulting in tweaker free society. I would like that very much. Kill off the weak, let the strong survive. Meth is for the weak.
hahahahahahahaha perfect lolOne million tablets
Truer words have yet to be spoken in this thread.Because it is often the case that "good old weed" is not all we really need. I know this is a weed oriented site but the topic here is anything BUT weed - supposedly in the psychadelic realm. I hang out here because frankly, I don't really like weed all that much. I have yet to understand why anyone does, weed makes me uncomfortable, introspective and not nicely so, it makes me disoriented and antisocial, it keeps me from accomplishing things I wish to accomplish and I am usually befuddled under it's influence. Weed is not all we really need but it is fine for those who enjoy it. Speed is fine for those who enjoy speed, it stops being fine the first moment they stop enjoying it - and the problem with speed is it doesn't take very long for folks to stop - enjoying it and start needing it.