Video of Blackwater Contractors Driving Over Iraqi Woman


Well-Known Member

I didn't work around Blackwater elements, however, to my knowledge, the only folks that rolled in U.S. HMMWV's were either U.S. forces, or Iraqi forces, and the Iraqi vehicles were marked accordingly. I don't think these dudes were Blackwater, however, the black SUV's could very well have been.

The second vid was dated 2006.

That was a rough year, and so was 2007.

It's pretty easy to criticize not knowing the history of the area, or the route. It's also pretty easy to criticize if you haven't had 200LBS of home made explosive detonate on your vehicle, or the vehicle of your mates.

How many of you have been targeted by an explosively formed projectile while driving to or from work? What about a 155MM HE round? How about a VBIED?

Methinks you may have a different opinion of what you see if you were detonated on while driving to or from your job on a weekly basis. Or if you faced a teenage girl with a back-pack filled with an AP charge.

Sorry lads, but armed conflict is a very, very ugly thing.

If you haven't had to see it, be thankful.

u act like its a fuckin mystery u boob. how would peoples opionon change? work....... you use the word work....ha

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
After watching it a few times seems looks like the woman walked right into them. Not saying its cool to run over people but was she trying to get them to stop for an ambush of some sort? Hard to tell but she should certainly have been more careful running into traffic on foot is just a bad idea.


Absolutely amazing that some of you seem to wonder why armed convoys get attacked in places like these. If you had soldiers and mercenaries in armed convoys invading your home would you not want them gone? Would you not do all it took to remove them? I would personally stop at nothing, but I guess too many people would rather just lay down and follow orders, like a dog.

There is absolutely NO justification for this behavior and I feel pity for the soul that has made it "ok" in their mind.

And CrazeyHazey, bro, you may not believe in a higher power, but that doesn't mean you should try to take away from someone elses beliefs...


Well-Known Member
When we defeated Japan, many leaders and socially high ranking Japanese urged Japan to treat the American forces with respect, and then suddenly we enter an era of great peace with Japan. I think that part of this is due to the fact that we allowed many parts of social structure to survive that were culturally based. In Iraq, we dismantled the army. That was a mistake, it would have been much easier to do mutually beneficial trade with Iraq years earlier, but instead we brought in mercenaries to deal with security and maybe we had to do it that way since trade was not mutually beneficial. The mercenaries caused a proliferation of violence in addition, adding insult to injury or rather, injury to injury. Now we have control of their central bank also. These people are our victims.


Well-Known Member
We didn't dismantle there Army they did. And they asked us to retrain them. They are not our VICTIMS. Really try to study up before you spew BS.
It all goes back to right here.

Resolution 1441 stated that Iraq was in material breach of the ceasefire terms presented under the terms of Resolution 687. Iraq's breaches related not only to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), but also the known construction of prohibited types of missiles, the purchase and import of prohibited armaments, and the continuing refusal of Iraq to compensate Kuwait for the widespread looting conducted by Iraqi troops during the 1990-1991 invasion and occupation( did you all forget about this DESERT STORM poor Iraq troop killed women and kids, I was there and saw it first hand). It also stated that "...false statements or omissions in the declarations submitted by Iraq pursuant to this resolution and failure by Iraq at any time to comply with, and cooperate fully in the implementation of, this resolution shall constitute a further material breach of Iraq's obligations."



Well-Known Member
We didn't dismantle there Army they did. And they asked us to retrain them. They are not our VICTIMS. Really try to study up before you spew BS.
Their army...besides, we aren't talking about 1991, the first time we committed troops to a war of aggression in the middle east, we are talking about the more recent. If they are not our victims, then please, humor me, what are they? Our neighbors? A threat? Or a nation with resources we want? Oh WMD lol...

Your head is full of BS, the BS was put there by the Marine Corps. You seem to have embraced this BS and I'm really trying not to ridicule you for it because they have also convinced you that you are here to defend my freedom, which I think is really cute, I do, if I need you, I'll let you know...


Well-Known Member
Their army...besides, we aren't talking about 1991, the first time we committed troops to a war of aggression in the middle east, we are talking about the more recent. If they are not our victims, then please, humor me, what are they? Our neighbors? A threat? Or a nation with resources we want? Oh WMD lol...

Your head is full of BS, the BS was put there by the Marine Corps. You seem to have embraced this BS and I'm really trying not to ridicule you for it because they have also convinced you that you are here to defend my freedom, which I think is really cute, I do, if I need you, I'll let you know...

1. I don't give a shit what you think be sure of that.

2. Facts don't seem to penetrate your liberal thinking. I just gave you some facts to look at and you didn't.

3. You seems to want to think that you are smarter than service member, They know they are smarter than you and we don't give folks like you a second thought.

4. When you get older you might think differently

5. Whether you want to believe it or not, your ungrateful ass sleeps under the very blanket of the freedom of which people like me provide.

5. If it wasn't for US Military we would already be someone elses bitch.


Well-Known Member
1. I don't give a shit what you think be sure of that.

2. Facts don't seem to penetrate your liberal thinking. I just gave you some facts to look at and you didn't.

3. You seems to want to think that you are smarter than service member, They know they are smarter than you and we don't give folks like you a second thought.

4. When you get older you might think differently

5. Whether you want to believe it or not, your ungrateful ass sleeps under the very blanket of the freedom of which people like me provide.

5. If it wasn't for US Military we would already be someone elses bitch.
folks like me? I used to be like you until I started to see how full of shit I was. What freedom? Call this freedom? Try again, I think you left my freedom in Iraq. Go get it please.


Well-Known Member
1. I don't give a shit what you think be sure of that.

2. Facts don't seem to penetrate your liberal thinking. I just gave you some facts to look at and you didn't.

3. You seems to want to think that you are smarter than service member, They know they are smarter than you and we don't give folks like you a second thought.

4. When you get older you might think differently

5. Whether you want to believe it or not, your ungrateful ass sleeps under the very blanket of the freedom of which people like me provide.

5. If it wasn't for US Military we would already be someone elses bitch.
...alright Colonel Jessup...


Well-Known Member
...alright Colonel Jessup...

LOL, one of hollywoods best reps of us. There is a little Col Jessup in all Marines

And you heard me,,,,,, FOLKS LIKE U

Don any of you realize where USA would be without our Military? We would be some fuking 3rd world POS that can't even get water to our people.
Who steps in when castrophe Strike the military, What other country flies as much humanitarian misson as we do? NONE!!!!
If it wasn't for us all those victims as you call them would be dead without us.


Well-Known Member
LOL, one of hollywoods best reps of us. There is a little Col Jessup in all Marines

And you heard me,,,,,, FOLKS LIKE U
There's a little brainwashed alpha male wannabe in every Marine too. Oh by the way, you're not the only veteran on RIU, just sayn. Veteran marines who think they speak for everyone are a dime a dozen. Not the least bit impressed. Not even a little. The Military is a pathetic bunch of indoctrinated stressed out boys who think they are glorious for fighting in a pointless war and society DOES NOT NEED YOU AT ALL. The fact that you draw a paycheck for performing an obsolete occupation is WORSE than socialism because of the damage it does to the VICTIM countries. If you think we did some good in the middle east, YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE! Not one single positive result.


Well-Known Member
There's a little brainwashed alpha male wannabe in every Marine too. Oh by the way, you're not the only veteran on RIU, just sayn. Veteran marines who think they speak for everyone are a dime a dozen. Not the least bit impressed. Not even a little. The Military is a pathetic bunch of indoctrinated stressed out boys who think they are glorious for fighting in a pointless war and society DOES NOT NEED YOU AT ALL. The fact that you draw a paycheck for performing an obsolete occupation is WORSE than socialism because of the damage it does to the VICTIM countries. If you think we did some good in the middle east, YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE! Not one single positive result.
most volunteers got picked on in high school... the rest followed in their fathers footsteps/ got drafted


Well-Known Member
There's a little brainwashed alpha male wannabe in every Marine too. Oh by the way, you're not the only veteran on RIU, just sayn. Veteran marines who think they speak for everyone are a dime a dozen. Not the least bit impressed. Not even a little. The Military is a pathetic bunch of indoctrinated stressed out boys who think they are glorious for fighting in a pointless war and society DOES NOT NEED YOU AT ALL. The fact that you draw a paycheck for performing an obsolete occupation is WORSE than socialism because of the damage it does to the VICTIM countries. If you think we did some good in the middle east, YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE! Not one single positive result.

Not tryin to impress you.
WOW you are uneducated.
Nothing postive huh, Saddam killed right a Millon people for no reason, that for me was enough to go in. Fuck the other shit.


Well-Known Member
Not tryin to impress you.
WOW you are uneducated.
Nothing postive huh, Saddam killed right a Millon people for no reason, that for me was enough to go in. Fuck the other shit.
Oh yes, we made things better, as soon as we came, there were suddenly less Iraqis dying and everyone over there started loving eachother, Sunnis and Shiites dancing together in the streets. So glad America fixed everything in Iraq.


Well-Known Member
LOL, one of hollywoods best reps of us. There is a little Col Jessup in all Marines

And you heard me,,,,,, FOLKS LIKE U

Dude, Jessup was the antagonist in A Few Good Men, not the good guy... That right there should let you know, to the majority of people, his actions portrayed in the movie are wrong. To people like him, you, the ends justify the means. At least in Jessup's world, there actually is an end.

1. I don't give a shit what you think be sure of that.

Sadly, I believe you. Just like police, sworn to serve and protect the citizens. Their mission today couldn't be more disconnected from that actual goal. It's no longer about what we want, it's all about what you want.


3. You seems to want to think that you are smarter than service member, They know they are smarter than you and we don't give folks like you a second thought.
You're better than us, and you know it.

Got it.

5. Whether you want to believe it or not, your ungrateful ass sleeps under the very blanket of the freedom of which people like me provide.

5. If it wasn't for US Military we would already be someone elses bitch.

We don't need you, or want you to do that. Can you simply not understand that?

When did I ask you to protect my freedom? You're living in a fantasy world where you're the hero and anyone in opposition to US policy is the enemy, even American citizens. American citizens. Have you ever just sat and thought... "what the hell am I even doing?".

While you think you're playing hero protecting freedom, you're actually helping dissolve it in a much more rapid pace than ever could have been achieved by a real threat to American safety and security.

To be proud of that, of any of that, is nothing but shameful. And to act morally superior for being tricked into a game you weren't savvy enough to recognize from the start makes you ignorant.

Just brush this off, pretend you didn't read any of it.. Pretend I'm just some liberal douche bag who doesn't know what the fuck I'm talking about.. Whatever it takes to put the real thoughts in the back of your head, to get through to the next day...


Well-Known Member

Dude, Jessup was the antagonist in A Few Good Men, not the good guy... That right there should let you know, to the majority of people, his actions portrayed in the movie are wrong. To people like him, you, the ends justify the means. At least in Jessup's world, there actually is an end.

Sadly, I believe you. Just like police, sworn to serve and protect the citizens. Their mission today couldn't be more disconnected from that actual goal. It's no longer about what we want, it's all about what you want.


You're better than us, and you know it.

Got it.

We don't need you, or want you to do that. Can you simply not understand that?

When did I ask you to protect my freedom? You're living in a fantasy world where you're the hero and anyone in opposition to US policy is the enemy, even American citizens. American citizens. Have you ever just sat and thought... "what the hell am I even doing?".

While you think you're playing hero protecting freedom, you're actually helping dissolve it in a much more rapid pace than ever could have been achieved by a real threat to American safety and security.

To be proud of that, of any of that, is nothing but shameful. And to act morally superior for being tricked into a game you weren't savvy enough to recognize from the start makes you ignorant.

Just brush this off, pretend you didn't read any of it.. Pretend I'm just some liberal douche bag who doesn't know what the fuck I'm talking about.. Whatever it takes to put the real thoughts in the back of your head, to get through to the next day...
One mind at a time.


Well-Known Member
my best buddies uncle put his blue's up against a tree and tore them to fucking hell with a benelli 12 gauge. said he'd never get those years back.


Well-Known Member
Uncle Buck the resident POS mod here on RIU. As usual these pot board are full of people like you and AC and PW. The sad is you believe what you say.
The Marine corps has been around for 235 plus years I think they got a pretty good handle on how this stuff works, I'll stick with them. BTW anytime any of you feel you can do better please enlist and make a difference. Don't sit around and be lead by the nose by people like UB. Sitting around bitching does no good.

WOW 13,000 post go get a life Buck.