1st "real" grow.. Advise from experienced ppl appreciated


Active Member
Think hiding stuff in books they meant money lol but i was trying to reply last night sims that you can have to plants that are the same strain but they can be almost completly different no two plants are genetically identical unless they are clones and they will be identical to the mother. So within the same strain you can have many many different type of phenotypes some may be great some may lack in certain areas. So with the mexican shwagg every seed you plant is going to be different some may be good and some may be shit. Thats why when you pick a mother you flower her out and keep a clone or you flower the clones first then whatever has the best end result you make that clone or mom the mom. You can buy a ten pack of seeds from any of the seed banks and plant them all no two plants are going to be entirely the same there may be small subtle differences or big differences. When talking about phenotype the things you take into consideration are height and stature pretty much all the visible characteristics such as resin production. I hope this answers your question with the shwagg thing and mexican cartels im not trying to prove or argue anything just putting more into the conversation on the subject

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
With what he said theres not really two answers there i say yes there is good mexican strains but there is also shitty mexican genetics its all in the genetics is what im saying theres good genetics all over the world thats why seed banks go to different parts of the world in search of genetics to cross into the gene pool watch the strain hunters from greenhouse seeds on you tube its pretty cool they have three expeditions they go on africa, india, and morroco. I dont know how to respond to the homegrown question because when i say seed bank stuff i know for a fact that i can grow as good as any of the commercial dispensaries its not that hard im not saying thats the case with all strains but something like master kush or something yes i have grown some better bud than some of the dispensarys here in montana and it is true that its all in the flush and most importantly the slow dry and cure. I let my bud dry slowly any were from seven to ten days then it goes into jars were its burped when its needed then it gives the bud a chance to dry evenly throughout from the middle out because when the moisture in the bud dries out its converted to thc cbd and cbn over time it also creates a smoother and more tasteful smoke if you dont flush the smoke will burn all black and nasty you can always tell a bud that wasnt flushed properly the buds all black and oily ash wise bud thats flushed properly will burn down white and all the way. A few months in jars and its excellent much better than just dried the taste comes out so much more.
Alright.. That's pretty much what I thought, I just didn't want to hype myself up & get disappointed in the end, if I'm going to grow bud I don't even want to smoke.. I could just save myself the trouble & buy my weed like everybody else.. But as I assumed... There must be a better way, and hopefully I found it . Home grown medicinal grade seed bank seeds!! I better be smoking good this summer, there's a few friends that I let know wassup, some are still sceptical.. They don't know about seed banks and think I'm probably getting ripped off or something, or that I'm gonna grow some b.s. .. I want to prove them wrong! & I feel like I will, I guess I jus need a little reassurance

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Think hiding stuff in books they meant money lol but i was trying to reply last night sims that you can have to plants that are the same strain but they can be almost completly different no two plants are genetically identical unless they are clones and they will be identical to the mother. So within the same strain you can have many many different type of phenotypes some may be great some may lack in certain areas. So with the mexican shwagg every seed you plant is going to be different some may be good and some may be shit. Thats why when you pick a mother you flower her out and keep a clone or you flower the clones first then whatever has the best end result you make that clone or mom the mom. You can buy a ten pack of seeds from any of the seed banks and plant them all no two plants are going to be entirely the same there may be small subtle differences or big differences. When talking about phenotype the things you take into consideration are height and stature pretty much all the visible characteristics such as resin production. I hope this answers your question with the shwagg thing and mexican cartels im not trying to prove or argue anything just putting more into the conversation on the subject
Yo, u couldn't have explained that any better.. That gave me a new perspective on bagseeds or any seeds for that matter.. Givin u sum rep

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Well I was gonna rep u .. But it won't let me, said I gotta spread some around first.. I don't even remember reppin u in the past.. Prob cuz I smoke to much tho

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Well anyway .. Quick plant update.

Cotton candy- 20 inches. Plant is growing a lot but I still can't figure out what kind of deficiency it has.. Leaves start with little brown freckle like dots on the outer portion of fan leaves, as the leaves get older the brown spots get worst until the leaves look rusty.. And the fan leaves on the bottom of the plant just dry out & die.. I'm thinking of a heavy feeding of only fox farm big bloom.. Or maybe I might use the sea minerals from advanced floriculture.. I'm not sure yet . I have another day or two b4 watering to figure it out. & I have been thinking of topping this plant, but I wonder if it is a little late with a plant so talk & lanky.. Idk if it could support two main buds.. Or if it is really worth doing on such a skinny sativa, (yield wise) being that I have a lot of room and not too many height restrictions.

White widow- this is the runt out of the bunch. Its 7 inches now. And this is day 38 from seed.. A dissapointnent, I did top it so that stunted it a little I suppose, it now has two Main tops that are about 3 inches , and the under growth from the internode below it has risen so it looks like I will have 4 top colas.. But at 7 inches idk what kind of yield should I expect?? I guess each top should give me atleast 5 grams.. So u would think at a minimum atleast an oz.. Am I dreaming?? I know 7 inches is small so maybe if I flowered today I should expect 1/2 oz.. Somebody please let me kno what u think

Green love potion- 9 inches, maybe only 8 1/2. But it has a 13-14 inch wingspan, so I'll accept that. This is definitely my favorite & the easiest to grow of the 3.


Well-Known Member
Well anyway .. Quick plant update.

Cotton candy- 20 inches. Plant is growing a lot but I still can't figure out what kind of deficiency it has.. Leaves start with little brown freckle like dots on the outer portion of fan leaves, as the leaves get older the brown spots get worst until the leaves look rusty.. And the fan leaves on the bottom of the plant just dry out & die.. I'm thinking of a heavy feeding of only fox farm big bloom.. Or maybe I might use the sea minerals from advanced floriculture.. I'm not sure yet . I have another day or two b4 watering to figure it out. & I have been thinking of topping this plant, but I wonder if it is a little late with a plant so talk & lanky.. Idk if it could support two main buds.. Or if it is really worth doing on such a skinny sativa, (yield wise) being that I have a lot of room and not too many height restrictions.

White widow- this is the runt out of the bunch. Its 7 inches now. And this is day 38 from seed.. A dissapointnent, I did top it so that stunted it a little I suppose, it now has two Main tops that are about 3 inches , and the under growth from the internode below it has risen so it looks like I will have 4 top colas.. But at 7 inches idk what kind of yield should I expect?? I guess each top should give me atleast 5 grams.. So u would think at a minimum atleast an oz.. Am I dreaming?? I know 7 inches is small so maybe if I flowered today I should expect 1/2 oz.. Somebody please let me kno what u think

Green love potion- 9 inches, maybe only 8 1/2. But it has a 13-14 inch wingspan, so I'll accept that. This is definitely my favorite & the easiest to grow of the 3.
Just a bit of advice, don't be so caught up with trying to guess your yield. It will make you crazy. Grow a couple times with a strain and you will know what to expect. For now it's all speculation.

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Just a bit of advice, don't be so caught up with trying to guess your yield. It will make you crazy. Grow a couple times with a strain and you will know what to expect. For now it's all speculation.
I kno .. I'm already going crazy lol.. Really, my goal was 1 oz per plant. I'm just trying to make sure when I start flowering I have given my plants enough veg time to make that a realistic goal.. Basically , if 7 inches is way too small to flower and not get an oz or anywhere close , I just want somebody to let me kno that I'm wrong & and need to wait...don't spare my feelings.. I can handle the truth, I also know there's so many variables it would b hard for anyone to predict my yield.. But if u or no one u kno has ever pulled an oz of a 7 inch plant b4 flower.. That would b a nice bit of info to have.. Pretty much I kno no one can give me an exact number, but am I atleast in the ball park??

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Hold on.. Dumb question alert!! I can answer my own question, if people can go 12/12 from seed and pull an oz or two... I'm guessing plant size & probably genetics have the most influence on yield.. But correct me if I'm wrong


Active Member
Hey sims i already told you that your going to for sure get over an ounce off each plant and i stick by that and if im wrong i will let you come to montana and punch me in the face and i will give you a qp of my bud. Back to the bag seed tho your not geting ripped off by the seed banks i havent been dissapointed since ive been ordering them each plant amazes me more than the last usually. I did grow some mexican bag seeds and the bud was ok like i said but it was a waste to grow being the conneseur that i am most of it was turned into hash and sold for a great price. You better start thinkn about flowering those girls if you want to make your summer goal cause the flowering can take up to three months with some strains the flowering time from the seed banks you usually have to add a few weeks to because there growing at optimul conditions. then another month or two for drying. as long as those plants you topped have new branches that are atleast 6-8 inches long your ready to get her started. the fox farm big bloom will not burn your plants that particular nute in the fox farm line can be used alot cause if you look at the npk ratio its all less than 1 % its just basically a organic tea the stuff does work good tho for healthy roots and plants use it frequently thegrow big is what you have to worry about cause that can burn your plants ive done it a time or two


Active Member
You dont want to top that sativa now just let her be when you do any topping its best to do it early in veg that way the branches have a lot of time to grow big


Occasionally.. But not so much.. For the most part it acts like any other pot.. As long as your soil is loose & airated ( idk if that's spelled correctly) the water should flow through the path of least resistance . Only if I never turned the top of my soil do I think I might encounter a problem with water dripping out the sides.. But I obviously give my soil a nice turning at the top every now & again, so I've never got to see.. But really.. If u get air-pots u can pretty much treat them the same as any regular pot.
im using canna coco u think those would work with my set up im totally hooked on getting some

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Hey sims i already told you that your going to for sure get over an ounce off each plant and i stick by that and if im wrong i will let you come to montana and punch me in the face and i will give you a qp of my bud. Back to the bag seed tho your not geting ripped off by the seed banks i havent been dissapointed since ive been ordering them each plant amazes me more than the last usually. I did grow some mexican bag seeds and the bud was ok like i said but it was a waste to grow being the conneseur that i am most of it was turned into hash and sold for a great price. You better start thinkn about flowering those girls if you want to make your summer goal cause the flowering can take up to three months with some strains the flowering time from the seed banks you usually have to add a few weeks to because there growing at optimul conditions. then another month or two for drying. as long as those plants you topped have new branches that are atleast 6-8 inches long your ready to get her started. the fox farm big bloom will not burn your plants that particular nute in the fox farm line can be used alot cause if you look at the npk ratio its all less than 1 % its just basically a organic tea the stuff does work good tho for healthy roots and plants use it frequently thegrow big is what you have to worry about cause that can burn your plants ive done it a time or two
Lmaoooo.. Nah, no need for all that. & thanks. Not to get all mushy & shit, but I get this way when it comes to my marijuana. I really appreciate all the help & support, u really give me the confidence to continue my grow when I start second guessing shit.. I do have faith (I guess) in seed companies , hid lights, fox farm nutes etc. I mean I have to.. I invested a lot of time & $ n2 this. & before I did that I did a whole lot of research so it's not like I just went into this blind.. But every now & again I just have a little doubt.. & all I kno is commercial bought bud!! So even though I have seen all these threads of people with this amazing looking bud... I have never actually had a friend or known anyone who has been successful nor have I done it myself.. So I can't help but think.. Is this really what they say it is?? & am I really capable of making quality "high grade bud" and completely support my habit with only my home grown??? But I thought hard about this before I even made these investments & felt like I could accomplish this & my investment would b worth it.. So I guess I shouldn't be second guessing now. But anyway .. Thanks again

& as far as me Lettin the white widow veg out it's top branches to 6 inches.. They were doing well , got to about 4-5 inches I'd say, but unfortunately I just topped all four of the tallest shoots before I read your response lol.. It didn't really matter tho because I had remembered u told me before to veg it out to 5-6 inches before flower. So I knew before going in to top that this would be extending my veg period a little. So after debating on it (I really wanted to top the cotton candy but didn't have the heart lol) I decided that it didn't matter if I topped right now because I still have to wait about another 5-6 days to get in the area that will be my permanent grow room.. Only then will I begin flower because right now my area is not 100% light proof. When my mh goes off at night, light from outside the panda filmed area can creep in through tiny spaces. It sucks because since this is in my bedroom right now the only way I can control this is by cutting off all the lights in my room. So basically until my permanent grow is ready I have to go to sleep when my lights go off. Or I have cut my lights of (ceiling light not mh) & leave the room until I'm ready to sleep.. I'm basically being held captive by my plants, I'm living on an mj grow cycle.. I wouldn't be surprised If I grew a cola from my head when I switch to 12/12 lol.

& as far as the feed I decided to go with to help the fan leaf situation that cotton candy is experiencing... I didn't use the fox farm big bloom.. I instead used the sea minerals form advanced floriculture, it has most of the same ingredients as the fox farm big bloom but is a tad bit more concentrated tho.. If this doesn't work.. I will go to my last resort, flushing.. I think that maybe my cc might have a salt build up in the soil from me feeding & I fear it may be killing al the small "feeder roots" or something.. So if I see no improvement from the sea minerals .. I will probably flush next week or atleastcvefore I begin flowering

On a side note I noticed something a little weird with my green love potion that started earlier this week, I never mentioned it because I just didn't think it was too important & I would simply keep an eye on it. I noticed a small black line on a fan leaf like somebody rubbed tar on it , or it looks kinda like someone took a black magic marker and made a line.. I saw another black line just like it appear about a day or two later... Now today both of those leaves with the lines have a spot or two on them thatclooks like it was bleached or something, it's a light yellow spot really but it's really pale .. Like if u spill bleach on a Colored shirt.. Idk, just something to watch I guess idk if I'm going to have access to a camera today, but if I do I'll try to take pics of everything so u can see

& my my second batch of clones all look VERY healthy.. I still can't see roots in the plastic cups so idk if it really made a difference from the jiffy cups besides the fact that the plastic cups were bigger & so where the clones from the second batch which ivthink contributed to the overall health of this batch. Even though I can't see roots, I do believe these clones probably rooted about 3 days ago.. I have removed the humidity dome about a day & half ago & all 3 clones are heathy and the leaves are perked up like photosynthesis is already occurring. I have also been plucking at the stems every now and again to check & they feel pretty sturdy!! When can I place clones directly under metal halide light??

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
im using canna coco u think those would work with my set up im totally hooked on getting some
I'm not going to lie to u.. I'm not that experienced & I have no experience with canna coco. I did research it while I was deciding on growing mediums & liked it.. But when I went to the hydro shop & discussing it with the owner I decided on soil. (can't really remember y tho)

But even with all of that said.. I don't see y it wouldn't work. These pots work like any other & I had a hard time not understanding how water or soil doesn't fall out the holes. But believe or not it doesn't. I guess people that are way smarter than us have figured out all the physics & angles & all that other good shit that allows these pots to work.. I just know they work , don't know exactly how they work , but they work! So.. Just go buy a few & try them out, they are not expensive.. Atleast not at my hydro shop

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
You dont want to top that sativa now just let her be when you do any topping its best to do it early in veg that way the branches have a lot of time to grow big
Cool.. I didn't have the guts to top it anyway lol.. Since I already topped the white widow I just decided to top it again (four more times actually)

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
This is the white widow

She had two main tops from me topping her once & the two shoots from the internode below where I topped grew tall & became just as big as the two main tops.

But if u can see, all of those "would be" tops. Got topped. That would put me at eight tops.. And if the undergrowth does the same as it did when I topped it the first time I would have 10 tops.,not to mention what if I fuked up on one or two and fimmed it, I would have even more!! Fuk it, let's see what happens.. I guess the white widow is my experimental plant.. That's what it gets for being the smallest of the 3

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
This is the new discoloration I have been seeing in my green love potion, it's disappointing because I was just saying how this is my fav plant & it's so easy to grow, and now this...
