Trying again the newbie adventure....


Well-Known Member
nice grow,and the girls look great:mrgreen:
thanks a bunch I appreciate 46 and 43 for the 2 ladies in flower, they have been on 12/12 for 30 days hairs are everywhere andI see buds starting to form... I also put 3 more of the HB's into the flower room over the weekend, the fourth I topped (my first attempt) so I am giving it a couple of days to recoup and then it will go in... I did start a seed, just so I can get a system down,so I germinated it in a paper towel, then placed it in rocwool in the veg box, it is now in its own HB, just wanted to do a HB from seed..... here are some pics of the 3 HB's that were put in flower 4-12, I will try and post some pics of the girls later...its funny how different the 2 girls look to have come frm the same bag seed... they are only 3 days apart in age but the older is twice the size of the younger one, guess you never know what you will get with bag seed.... on a sie note of the seeds from the hermie batch 2 are females 1 male...



Well-Known Member
just a couple of pics (poor quality) one is of my smaller female that is budding and a picture of the bud on top... the oneplant that I topped (actually fim) is growing 3 tops now, so it got put on 12/12 as of lights out yesterday. so as it stands I am running 12/12 in my closet I also hooked up my veg box to the timer so its on 12/12 also (didnt have enough room in the closet) i will try and get pics of the whole gang later today, as it stands, I have my 2 females that were in dwc now in HB's that are flowering, I have the 4plants that were in the AG now in HB they are also now on 12/12 I have one that I started from seed in rocwool, it is in 12/12 and I have the clone I took from one of the original females, that seems to have rooted, it is in an HB, and also on 12/12, so a total of 8 I know for a fact tha 3 are females ( clone and 2 from dwc) I am just waiting on the rest to show........



Well-Known Member
they are really starting to smell up my office i have to do something about it, my newest batch of plants all look great, they have gotten a much better start than the 2 that are flowering now, it will be interesting to see how the yields compare... I will probably keep this journal going until I harvest all of the plants I have, but all I can say is hempy buckets saved me, I was starting to get the hang of the dwc but it was more work than I wanted to do..... just a few snpshots I took, while I was doing my daily are they looking, the one that looks bad is actually a clone that is starting new growth, my first attempt at cloningand it worked.... so that is another female....



Well-Known Member
its my slow time of year (tax season) so I have a ton of spare time lol so I just figured I would post some random shots from my crappy camera phone.. I am so pleased with the way things are going right now.... I keep thikinig of making a bigger operation ( I dont want to be a dealer) I just really enjoy this process, and fuck it if I end up making a few bucks from a few friends what the hell lol anyway anybody that is watching chime in let me know what you think of the adventure so far.......



Well-Known Member
I looked up and damn this is post 420 no better place for it than in my grow... I dont have anything to report, everything is running as it should, never did get my damn shipment of nutes, so I am going to have to figure something out.... but this site has helped me a great deal and has helped me start a new chapter in my life....its 420 time....


Well-Known Member
Nice. :)

I wish I had more valuable input. Alas, nice grow, man. I'm watching. :)
thanks for chiming in metagrower,its been a wild ride sofar, but I am glad I did it all, I found a grow method that is working well for me, and I think its all going to pay off big time :joint:....... not much to report ( that is the beauty of HB's) I have been using the nutes from my AG with few problems, got some burn on one of my ladies but I got the dosage down now all is ok (1/2 tablet per gallon) ordered the GH flora grow and bloom (still havent gotten my shipment) so I am going to experiment with water soluable soil nutes on my seedling and see how it goes, that would make this even better, I have a ton of nursery stores in my area (none carry hydro specific supplies) but if I can run good soil nutes in this system, it will eliminate me ever having to go to a hydro store or order things online ( I am a little paranoid) so we will see, anyway I am rambling ... took a few more crappy photos figure bad pictures are better than none.. some of my big girl that is flowering (when does the vertical growth stop?) some of the 3 HB's that just started 12/12 the other day inside the grow box ( when they started had them each on top of 4 cd cases to keep them close to the light) today no cd's lol, a bud shot and h yeah my fisrt attempt at topping or fim sucess, got a pic of the new heads coming out AND, my first attempt at cloning sucess, now I wish I would have taken a clone from both of them.. oh well I got a pic of the new growth on the clone....enjoyand sorry for the rambling :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
just another day in paradise, i ordered a LED spotlight from ebay today I just want to seewhat it does, screws into a regular socket so I will swap out one of my cfls for it when it gets here..., I had 2 flouro tubes I broke one so I will be replacing that also... I am having so much damn fun with this... going to talk the wife into using another section of my closet so I can expand the operation....... more HB's and probably led and cfls stay tuned... annway all plants are doing great I couldnt ask for anything better...going to eperiment with soil nutes and find my perfect combo I am thinking I may just go with something balanced and used it all throughout, since I only veg for 2 weeks seems like veg nutes are a waste just get something with some n but more k??? ok rambling again a bud shot and some pics of the garden



Well-Known Member
the girls are filling out nice....but when you get thet led in there...they'll explode:mrgreen:.....ive seen what an led can i hope you have an little extra space in your growing area:hump:


Well-Known Member
the girls are filling out nice....but when you get thet led in there...they'll explode:mrgreen:.....ive seen what an led can i hope you have an little extra space in your growing area:hump:

I hope to have it by next week, but I have no complaints on what my cfls have accomplised, I think using cfls above and then some flouro tubes around for side lighting is working great, i have bud sites all over my 2 that are floweirng, and one of the most recent plants that was put in 12/12 showed her first female preflowers today, no males, so far, funny males normally show first......


Well-Known Member
just another day in hempy town.. I shut down my grow box the plants were getting too big for it, so I am redoing the grow room, I am adding the light fixture from the AG to my flower room and with that addition and some creative space management, i will plan to have a max of 8 plants in the area to flower, I will be putting the box back together it will be for seedlings/clones, and at most 2 week veg, and this will be my system, i will post pics when I am done with everything, in the mean time a shot of the new confirmed female, (she has a small lower branch begging to be cloned) and a bud shot



Well-Known Member
Hempies are the shit dude, as soon as my clones show sex I'll clone the shit out of whatever females I have and flower them so they dont get big since I already have a monster flowering too, I'll be doing SOG/Hempy/CFLs all the way....

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Just re-read your thread and everything looks great! What's up with the LEDs though? Aren't they really expensive? Do think it's a better way to go, over HIDs?



Well-Known Member
Hey thanks WWW some of them are pretty pricey I just bought one spotlight I am going o focus it on one plant in my room and see if that addition makes any difference if it works I will add more if not no big deal... I am only using cfls now and I cant complain I have learned alot along the way... I am still trying to find the perfect lights for my setup I may even get a 100 w hps just so I can draw my own conclusions this is just a hobby I am in love with and the end result makes itall worhtwhile


Well-Known Member
Its funny what bud can do, my wife looks at my grow every once in a while today was the first time since the buds started to develop... now she is excited, and I may be able to get whatever I need, so I may get a small hps also, or maybe t5s still dont want the hid heat, and my area is too small I think unless I get like 150w maybe but we will see..... No major news, I tried some soil nutes for the first time on my clone and one of the others, the new growth is light green, and the tips are burned a bit.... much to hot and that was 1/4 strength, so I am done with those, I did some reasearch I am going to use superthrive and a bloom nute with a npk of 3-12-6 all the way through from now on and just increase the dosage as they grow, should work in my system at least in theory, so the hydrostore will get a visit this weekend, otherwise no problems buds are developing the 2 older plants are 50 and 47 days old today and have been on 12/12 for 35 days, the next generation started on or around 4-1 and have been in 12/12 for 6 days, they are all growing great, I think the older 2 finally stopped growing up and are now just filling in, 2 totally diff strains from the same bag one more indica the other looks sativ, but I am no expert, and to be only 3 days apart in age they are maturing at a totally different pace, very interesting to see anway enogh rambling here are a few pics



Well-Known Member
same here, at first it was my project and my plants but now with all the white hairs my girlfriend calls her "our" girl........she had said no to the expensive light but we'll see in a couple of weeks when buds start to fill up the plant......


Well-Known Member
another day no problems to report... I decided that the 44 oz cups were just to small for may babies so I wnt to the dollar store, grabed some small trash cans, went to the garden store and bought another bag of perlite (biggest bag tey have this time) went to the hydro store and got a well balanced nute formula 10-15-10, with 11 micronutirents, guy at the store said its all he uses on his "tomatoes" just up the dosage as they get older, and some other plant tonic additive I bought, all in all I was pleased

I cut the cups away had a ton of roots, even my clone had a tap root all the way to the bottom of the cup, all white and healthy, and did the transplants. I mixed up 1/4 strngth of my new concotion and fed it to all the transplants, and man they look amazing right after the trans plant they were a little droopy not standing upright, now it looks like they have all grown an inch or so.... here are few pics of the garden and a bud or 2 and oh yeah the plant i fim'd there is a pic 2 new heads grew up and thre are 2 more that are coming just much slower is that normal?

