1st grow =) with pictures, would love any advice!


Well-Known Member
Ster, nice set up, plants look bushy. Are you worry about the yellowing on some leaves. A lot of stuff happens along the way, you watch see if it get worst and you can tell easier. Watch nutes, if your giving low doses use more. Happy 4/20 bongsmilie :joint:..rw


Well-Known Member
yeah man ur settup is hella nice, whats thats bulb ur using ?

the thing about superthrive is that they won't tell you what's in it. some proprietary collection of ingredients. I'll pass and go with stuff that i know the ingredients of. also, i can't prove this, but i think my kitty drank some water with that superthrive in it one year... she developed a serious liver problem. We now call her "the $2,000 cat"

" We now call her "the $2,000 cat" EPIC!!!!!


Active Member
quick update! they are definitely on their way!! The one plant is still a lot smaller than the rest not sure it is going to make it, I'm beginning to think it might have poor genetics or something, just doesn't look like a strong plant but I'll keep her going until she gives up. Today thought I noticed a couple of my leaves on one plant. It almost looks like something chewed on it but I didn't see any bugs anywhere. I took some close up pictures of the damage maybe y'all can identify. And nedguy I'm using Plantmax 400W MH Bulb! As soon as I switch to flower I will purchase a HPS bulb! Take it easy y'all!!! :weed::weed::peace:



Well-Known Member
Yea I hope he's not hangin out in there waiting... Like a plant ninja!

Now that I conceptualize how your plant got nomed on with no bugs there. I envision this scenario where a caterpillar a spider and a hawk have an epic battle with swords n shit in your grow room!


Well-Known Member
you should look again man, that looks really serious, id seperate that particuar plant a few inches away from the othesr now that the leaf span is considerable


Active Member
hey guys quick update!! on 4/26/2012 they will be exactly one month old since germination. They are in 3 gallon pots and I'd really like to keep them in the 3 gallon so I was thinking about putting them into flower on 5/1/2012 or 5/3/2012 what do you guys think?? Thanks for the replies yall!! Oh and the "caterpillar" I thought I had turned out to be my little puppy having too much fun on behalf of my plants! I guess he liked to nibble on them but that problem is resolved haha



Well-Known Member
hey guys quick update!! on 4/26/2012 they will be exactly one month old since germination. They are in 3 gallon pots and I'd really like to keep them in the 3 gallon so I was thinking about putting them into flower on 5/1/2012 or 5/3/2012 what do you guys think?? Thanks for the replies yall!! Oh and the "caterpillar" I thought I had turned out to be my little puppy having too much fun on behalf of my plants! I guess he liked to nibble on them but that problem is resolved haha
Damn catadogs!! They look AMAZING man! You top them or FIM or anything? You gonna LST or are you just gonna let em grow strait up?


Active Member
thanks y'all! damn catadog is right lol!! And I figured since this is my first grow I think I'm going to let them just grow naturally, I'm not worried about my vertical height so I figure just let them grow up!


Well-Known Member
Yea! I wanna do some crazy vert sativa I think it will be cool as fuck!

You should check my thread vvv down there! In my sig! I just put picks up!


Active Member
got bored and decided to take some pictures hah but today is exactly 1 month since germination! I decided to kill the weak plant it just was looking so puny. Decided to put my efforts into the stronger 4 plants. And man they are starting to stink!! I didn't think it would be an issue this early lol! I guess White Widow does that lol! Going to get a filter soon. Much love yall!! :joint::hump::peace:



Active Member
Hey y'all just wanted to give an update! My plants are 14" tall and have been vegging for 4 1/2 weeks so I decided to start the flowering schedule. Today is Day 2 on the 12/12 schedule. When I went to the hydro store and asked about a scrubber, I told him I have a 6"in line fan as my exhaust and asked which scrubber size would work. Well he tells me that I need another 4" fan to attach to the scrubber, does this sound right?? I feel like he was just trying to sell me an extra fan. My setup is in the pictures below. Anyway I also added a Hortilux 400w HPS bulb to the mix. I'm guessing it will be a few weeks before I see signs of sex but I'm excited hah hoping they are girls!! :weed::hug::peace:



Love this journal. Your plants are looking BUSHY, with no stretch at all! I can't wait to see how they end up, I commend you on your journey!


Well-Known Member
I would like to start off by saying your grow looks AMAZING! Second... Fuck that dude! don't get a 4" fan. If they don't have a 6" carbon filter @ your hydro store you can get one on Amazon (what I did) and it's probably cheaper there. No need for another fan. My next setup I'm going to attach a fan to my filter and then pass it through my lights with a booster in between my lights. That way I filter and cool the lights. If it ends up being too hot then I will figure something else out! But I got a basement calling my name!