Well-Known Member
This thread is getting ammo.
I be as white as white can be and get me lots of free shit.
I guess I need to step up my whore game. The only "handout" I get is the earned income credit. But I'd gladly give it up for the government giving up corparate handouts, like in the medical scam. I pay premiums, a deductible and 20% of the bill. Before government stepped in, people were paying less than the 20% out of pocket. What people don't get, nothing's free. You end up paying in the end with higher taxes and government fees. Most of the gas price is tax. $2.00 gas would be here if no taxes were applied.
Wikipedia is hardly an acceptable source.The fill factor is defined as the ratio of the actual maximum obtainable power, to the product of the open circuit voltage and short circuit current. This is a key parameter in evaluating the performance of solar cells. Typical commercial solar cells have a fill factor > 0.70. Grade B cells have a fill factor usually between 0.4 to 0.7. The fill factor is, besides efficiency, one of the most significant parameters for the energy yield of a photovoltaic cell.[SUP][14][/SUP] Cells with a high fill factor have a low equivalent series resistance and a high equivalent shunt resistance, so less of the current produced by light is dissipated in internal losses.
Single p-n junction crystalline silicon devices are now approaching the theoretical limiting power efficiency of 33.7%, noted as the Shockley–Queisser limit in 1961. In the extreme, with an infinite number of layers, the corresponding limit is 86% using concentrated sunlight.[SUP][15]
[/SUP]High-efficiency solar cells are of interest to decrease the cost of solar energy. Many of the costs of a solar power plant are proportional to the area of the plant; a higher efficiency cell may reduce area and plant cost, even if the cells themselves are more costly. Efficiencies of bare cells, to be useful in evaluating solar power plant economics, must be evaluated under realistic conditions. The basic parameters that need to be evaluated are the short circuit current, open circuit voltage.[SUP][17][/SUP]
I'll bite, who are these true engineers? Assuming you are correct, would you say all the brilliant Profs who taught me quite the opposite are in the conspiracy or are they completely gullible? When they go out into the field, are they scewing the numbers or is Big Bro changing them while they sleep? Pa leeze
Wow, I am a low class whore, bummer.I guess I need to step up my whore game. The only "handout" I get is the earned income credit. But I'd gladly give it up for the government giving up corparate handouts, like in the medical scam. I pay premiums, a deductible and 20% of the bill. Before government stepped in, people were paying less than the 20% out of pocket. What people don't get, nothing's free. You end up paying in the end with higher taxes and government fees. Most of the gas price is tax. $2.00 gas would be here if no taxes were applied.
Wikipedia is hardly an acceptable source.
however, if it were correct, you are completely overlooking AGAIN, that these super efficient cells would have likely been around a few decades by now if not for Ronnie.
Next, as China India etc become more dependant on black gold demand will increase while supply can only decrease forcing prices to climb and climb.
Also, when you finally rape Mother Earth of black gold what will you do then? Start researching? Thank us for doing your work now
you state nothing is free, you point out the gas tax, but forget to mention what it funds.
you think roads and bridges build, maintain and repair themselves?
How about W give back 1/2 of what we paid him for all of his vacations? Are you bloody serious? the African hand job tax for one rofl do you have someone from Africa jerk you off so that taxes can be pried from you greedy hand?You think you're so damn clever with that LOL. Gas used to be cheap and not get overly taxed. OMA, Oregon has no sales tax, it must be on the brink of collapse!
Maybe get rid of the African hand job tax for one, hmmm? Lots of other pork could go away. How about Obama pays for his own damn vacations with his salary like I have to? Naw, those greedy politician fucks need every cent they can steal from me! What was I thinking. The biggest shocker, how about taxing the corporations who profit off the roads, pay? Instead of taxing the ever living shit out of the more efficient diesel. No way! Cause only semis and other commercial delivery trucks use it. Screw all that, punish the poor, like Canna Sylvan at the pump so politicians can stick their dick in Thai little boy ass. That's the American way!
the African hand job tax for one rofl do you have someone from Africa jerk you off so that taxes can be pried from you greedy hand?
Bucky actually agrees with that tax, which is why I brought it up. It's a preventative tax or something.
ARRA wasn't funded by taxes? I forgot, government feel good programs are paid for by the liberal fairy.
ARRA was mostly borrowing, but even if it all came from taxes, it can only be described as a one time tax that expires.
Re-elections are simple equation. The challenger only has promises. The Incumbent just defends his record. So, let's talk about Obama's achievements.
I'd like to start off, but, I'm drawing a blank.