Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

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That's a lot of domes, and that one on the left-hand side is HUGE! Man oh Man makes me want to learn to blow.

Your package ships out today. :) Thanks Wax! By the way, I got interested in glass after seeing fdd2blk on rollitup here making stuff. No reason you cant, too! :)

You still have my matching dome :mrgreen: Now only if I had a bubbler to put it on...

I know?! Surprised it didnt sell yet! One guy was close to buying it but decided on a different color base......... :)
Your package ships out today. :) Thanks Wax! By the way, I got interested in glass after seeing fdd2blk on rollitup here making stuff. No reason you cant, too! :)

Woot, will let ya know when it gets here! And I plan to blow glass someday, but at this point though I have other things I should worry about, like getting the income to GET all the lessons and equipment and stuff. Looks like you paid a pretty penny for your setup and only seems logical I should have a place of my own and a fair amount of cash saved for such an endeavor. Give me 5 years or so, I've always been a bit of a late bloomer lol.
ResearchKitty.... How is your luck with the glass shops on your side of the country? I know my shops would eat your glass up!
Is the last one to the right 5th row down a dome or slide? If it's a slide that is beautiful!!

That is a 2 gram ice pinch martini slide, with red blizzard alternating line tube. You can have it for $35 delivered! :)

ResearchKitty.... How is your luck with the glass shops on your side of the country? I know my shops would eat your glass up!

I hate walking into pipe stores and trying to talk to shop owners. I only sell to one local store now, the local glitz and glamour glass store with all the toys there. I plan to move to the Southeast USA in five months, so I probably wont market much till then. Its still a hobby, of course, no full time production. :)

I have a few shops near me, I'm just north of you RKitty, That might be interested.

I'm still waiting on your Slyme to get here VLRD! :) So you want to be my broker? :) :)

Rkitty, i sent payment out last night, i need an 18mm oil dome. Thanks!

Got it! Your matching dome for your tube is being made in about an hour today, and ships out tonight or tomorrow morning. :) Thanks!

Thanks to everyone for the recent orders, god damn you guys kept me busy the last few days melting and shipping stuff out.
I'll get back to you about that slide man! I seriously love it and $35 is a damn deal!
Have to buy a new downstem and stuff today, was going to buy a cheap ice pincher but I think I might just save that for this!
Holy Millidish batman! That's was fuckin FAST Senior Kitty-san! Have a couple packages comin in and when I read "Millidish" on the front I was like "Holy shit that was fast!" And boy did you super package it, took me 5 minutes to get it open hahaha.

I also love that you threw in a blunt wrap, peach too, my favorite, except I haven't smoke anything tobacco related in years, but you've made my roommates happy too! :-p

And that's one MONSTER of a dabber man, thanks again! (Boris Karloff approves this message!)
Holy Millidish batman! That's was fuckin FAST Senior Kitty-san! Have a couple packages comin in and when I read "Millidish" on the front I was like "Holy shit that was fast!" And boy did you super package it, took me 5 minutes to get it open hahaha.

I also love that you threw in a blunt wrap, peach too, my favorite, except I haven't smoke anything tobacco related in years, but you've made my roommates happy too! :-p
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And that's one MONSTER of a dabber man, thanks again! (Boris Karloff approves this message!)

That did get there fast! :) I'm glad you enjoy the dish and dabber, thanks! To everyone else reading: Please excuse the ugly dabber, it was a freebie to him! :)
I'll get back to you about that slide man! I seriously love it and $35 is a damn deal!
Have to buy a new downstem and stuff today, was going to buy a cheap ice pincher but I think I might just save that for this!

Oh and is that slide 14mm?
That did get there fast! :) I'm glad you enjoy the dish and dabber, thanks! To everyone else reading: Please excuse the ugly dabber, it was a freebie to him! :)

Haha, I really don't think it's ugly man, in fact my friends who came over where like "woah dude, nice dabber" lol, I'm super stoked on it, I like the fact that I can dab with it, and potentially shatter someone's temple with the fat end :-D

I love freebies!
hey RK im wondering if you ever make any downstems? if so do you make colored downstem?

I've never actually made one thats been used before, I've tried a few unsuccessfully. I'd be worried that if I made the downstems that it'd be too long or too short or the joint wouldnt fit the joint on the tube perfectly etc....
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