That's a lot of domes, and that one on the left-hand side is HUGE! Man oh Man makes me want to learn to blow.
You still have my matching domeNow only if I had a bubbler to put it on...
Your package ships out today.Thanks Wax! By the way, I got interested in glass after seeing fdd2blk on rollitup here making stuff. No reason you cant, too!
I have a few shops near me, I'm just north of you RKitty, That might be interested.ResearchKitty.... How is your luck with the glass shops on your side of the country? I know my shops would eat your glass up!
Is the last one to the right 5th row down a dome or slide? If it's a slide that is beautiful!!
ResearchKitty.... How is your luck with the glass shops on your side of the country? I know my shops would eat your glass up!
I have a few shops near me, I'm just north of you RKitty, That might be interested.
Rkitty, i sent payment out last night, i need an 18mm oil dome. Thanks!
Holy Millidish batman! That's was fuckin FAST Senior Kitty-san! Have a couple packages comin in and when I read "Millidish" on the front I was like "Holy shit that was fast!" And boy did you super package it, took me 5 minutes to get it open hahaha.
I also love that you threw in a blunt wrap, peach too, my favorite, except I haven't smoke anything tobacco related in years, but you've made my roommates happy too!
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And that's one MONSTER of a dabber man, thanks again! (Boris Karloff approves this message!)
I'll get back to you about that slide man! I seriously love it and $35 is a damn deal!
Have to buy a new downstem and stuff today, was going to buy a cheap ice pincher but I think I might just save that for this!
That did get there fast!I'm glad you enjoy the dish and dabber, thanks! To everyone else reading: Please excuse the ugly dabber, it was a freebie to him!
hey RK im wondering if you ever make any downstems? if so do you make colored downstem?
hmm i see ive always been wanting a downstem to match my bowl but dont come across the right colors and they are about 100 dollars....
My dish on dah way?