Well-Known Member
Buck: But, but..... but, wait, but...
that's more like you. i posted proof, kiddo.
planning on a new grow to hide from mommy and daddy now that your 4 month endeavor has netted you a few grams?
Buck: But, but..... but, wait, but...
that's more like you. i posted proof, kiddo.
planning on a new grow to hide from mommy and daddy now that your 4 month endeavor has netted you a few grams?
I know I got your feathers ruffled when you repeat yourself 15+ times. LOL.
you think you got my feathers ruffled? you fell into a trap that i laid.
pat yourself on the back for that one, kiddo.
Patting now.
Saying you set a trap, just because your feathers are ruffled? Good one. LOL.
how many times did you say i got called out, only to be proven dead wrong?
Yup, he got called out again.
Surprising right? LOL.
LOL. He gets called out once again.
Ironic isn't it, how he calls people cowards when he can't even admit his wrongs?
And you do make sense? LOL.
You've been called out so many times now on this thread, it's not even funny. I will still LOL to that though.
lying, thieving, mooching, homicidal grade school kiddo.
Called out, with nothing to say. Surprise... a grown ass, man-bitch, none the less.
Man up, bitch... it's about that time. LOL.
sounds like the psycho is mad.
sorry i keep proving you wrong, it's too irresistible.
LOL. You proving me wrong? You mean how you're proved wrong all over this forum? What exactly have I been "wrong" on... a typo (thanks for correcting me by the way, lol)?
You were wrong on your very own taxes, LOL. Your ignorance is on a level of it's own.
Check yourself. You're the one who believes in incomputable math, which is the epitome of wrong. Don't get what I'm talking about? Don't ask, you're too far off in the yonder.
you're going psycho tonight.
you were wrong when you presumed my tax rate.
I never presumed your tax rate. I simply said your "guess" of your very own tax rate is flat-out-wrong, which it was.
you were wrong when you said you never called me out.
So I was wrong when I never called you out? You want to call me on typos but apparently don't understand English grammar or sentence structure. Take a look at that sentence again, then you can call me out on some more typos. LOL.
i posted the solid evidence to prove it.
Sure was "solid" evidence. LOL. Lets say it was solid evidence... the tax percentage you proclaimed was still wrong. You really can't be fucking serious right? Some evidence that was...
"beenthere"trashed you on your own taxes. That's a LOLLOLOLx9.
You don't even know your own tax rate buddy, when you proclaim to be a know-it-all "I know what my taxes are, this shit is unfair" specialist. It's hilarious.
get fucked, kiddo.
So you're mad or what? No you get fucked? lol....
are you done yet?
No, apparently he just wants to be trolled.
i mean, he called me out for not posting my taxes, and i posted them quite clearly.
then he goes on to talk about killing the poor and killing anyone who wants to support the poor in an organized fashion.
i mean, i could understand voting against helping the poor schemes i disagree with, but to kill the people who support them and benefit from them "righteously"?
that kid is psycho and needs major help.
I suppose it really depends why theyre poor tho.
If they're poor through laziness leave them in the gutter, if they're poor cos they lost their job, etc they should be supported cos they paid into the system.
Cest n'agreeable??
No need to wait Bucky, show us all that tax return where you paid 25% on $35k a year!
You're not waiting in hope this thread fades away, are you? LMAO
He is probably including his social security and medicare tax and can't take his exemption because it is taken on his mommy's return.
So you like taxes then?Yep, your whole sentence is correct.
Buck has said his taxes would be less, if he wasn't falling on the sword for his wife.