we would have to withdraw all christians, jews, atheists, polytheists, agnostics, animists, zoroastrians, buddhists, shintos, wiccans, satanists, people who like wine or beer, cannabis smokers, homosexuals, lesbians, and trade unionists out of every place ever to fall under the flag of Dar al Islam, including austria, spain, most of eastern europe, indonesia, the philipines, parts of france, portugal, all of north africa, sicily, parts of southern italy, most of central asia, and parts of china. These guys are serious when they say "all the world shall serve allah" and "We shall fight the Jews until the last Jew hides behind a stone, and the stone shall cry out Oh Abdullah! there is a jew hiding behind me, come and kill him!" Usama was fresh off his victory over the russians, full of piss and vinegar, and spoiling for a fight. He didnt create his "Al Quaeda" database of mujahadeen to pick wildflowers and organize birdwatching excursions. He also didnt create it because the US sent troops to help saudi arqabia against saddam hussein. He was, and his successorrs ARE madmen bent on conquering the entire world, in the name of a fucked up and particularly un-forgiving religious and political dogma.
Once you read the koran, and hadith, and understand that they believe this is the literal word of their god, and it must be obeyed by ALL PEOPLE then droppin a few predator missiles on these fuckwits starts to make more sense.
And no, Not all moslems muslims mohammedans musselmen or islamic type people are extremists or terrorists! Just a few. a really crazy few. a few who need to get blown up before they blow themselves up in a primary school or shoot up a kindergarten.