Portland area greenhouse grow

Good luck! Fucking lowlife thieves....

i've never been thieved at all in my life until two weeks ago. i was just going to meet a friend and left my car unlocked for a couple minutes while i went up. i left a pack of cigarettes and a one shot bottle of booze on the passenger seat, and my wallet with $150 in the center console.

got back to the car and went to grab a smoke, searched around for a while before i realized they had been jacked. they left the booze and the wallet though, lol. fucking kids.

anyhoo, i just set up the motion sensor alarm, and i think i'll know if anyone pays my GH an unexpected visit. 100 decibels of fury!

oh, wait. someone did steal my car back when i was 20, but i got it back. they burned out the clutch in one day and took all my tools, but most importantly they left my golf clubs. i found a walmart receipt in my car and that led the cops right to the thieves. had them on camera inside the walmart and everything. LOL!
Thats an awesome set up man. this is the first time i come across it, would have repped you a while back...

QUOTE=UncleBuck;5897471]View attachment 1667396

this is my first time outdoors, so i have more questions than answers.

i built a 12x24 greenhouse that is about 10 feet high at the apex.

planted them outside on the first day of summer, not much sunlight here lately, so not much new to report.

on the right are 3 god bud plants. on the left are 2 wmd plants, and 1 rainwreck (not trainwreck) plant in the way back.[/QUOTE]
lol i think im stressing more than you are about the situation, nothing gets me going like rippers. especially a dirtbag walking down the street taking notes on who to jack.

with that said i like the greenhouse and how you grow. nice setup. and goodluck this year
lol i think im stressing more than you are about the situation, nothing gets me going like rippers. especially a dirtbag walking down the street taking notes on who to jack.

with that said i like the greenhouse and how you grow. nice setup. and goodluck this year

thanks bud!

padlock is installed on the gate and works well. i put up one motion detector out in the GH and it works well too, although i'll probably put a few more in there to be sure.

i'm gonna go fart around the web and try to research my other idea, which is wire around the perimeter of the GH on a closed circuit. if someone tries to cut the wire to gain access to the GH, the circuit is then open and the alarm sounds. my brother, who does alarms and audio systems, says it's easy enough to do.
thanks bud!

padlock is installed on the gate and works well. i put up one motion detector out in the GH and it works well too, although i'll probably put a few more in there to be sure.

i'm gonna go fart around the web and try to research my other idea, which is wire around the perimeter of the GH on a closed circuit. if someone tries to cut the wire to gain access to the GH, the circuit is then open and the alarm sounds. my brother, who does alarms and audio systems, says it's easy enough to do.

Should be a piece of cake, and sound like a pretty decent deterrent. I can imagine if an alarm starts blaring at 4:30 in the morning, whoever set off that alarm would be out of there in a heartbeat. Are you and the missus doing allright? Sometimes it can really shake a person to their core when they get ripped on their own property. So violating. But you seem to be handling it a lot better than I would.
Should be a piece of cake, and sound like a pretty decent deterrent. I can imagine if an alarm starts blaring at 4:30 in the morning, whoever set off that alarm would be out of there in a heartbeat. Are you and the missus doing allright? Sometimes it can really shake a person to their core when they get ripped on their own property. So violating. But you seem to be handling it a lot better than I would.

that's the emotion i felt, violated. not angry. i'm pretty LOL about a thief stealing veg plants.

just told my neighbor about it and apologized for the thief magnet (GH). they have a pretty good idea of who might have done it, they've been living in the neighborhood for decades. found out my neighbor killed a guy once that was in her home. apparently, the neighbors are packing some heat.

looks like i'll need some sort of closed circuit alarm with some sort of resistors to detect tampering/cutting of the line. still not quite sure how to do it. i'm going to head off to the gizmo store and talk to the brains over there to see if they can't clue me in while i wait for my brother's advice.
What about a electric fence they use for cattle..or make him read some of your political post...that will teach him...lol...just kidding
I think I have one of the rare phenos ...she turns dark purple around 55 days in flower and smells like fruity pebbles cereal.

nothing rare about that.

mine finishes indoors in 45-50 days and will turn purple if left much longer.

and fruit pebbles is how my wife did describe it if i recall correctly. i'll have her go into the garage tonight and sniff the one that's almost ready for ya.
What about a electric fence they use for cattle..or make him read some of your political post...that will teach him...lol...just kidding

god, that would be fun. catch the punk, hog tie him, drag him into the garage, and make him read my 10k+ politics posts aloud.

fuck, i could have me my own gimp. that would be fun.
If you don't mind me asking, what type of plastic did you use ??? Reg 6 mil poly or the reg greenhouse plastic poly. I know the reg 6 mil will not last in the sun. Your grow looks great. I'm First time grower for self medical. Thanks.
If you don't mind me asking, what type of plastic did you use ??? Reg 6 mil poly or the reg greenhouse plastic poly. I know the reg 6 mil will not last in the sun. Your grow looks great. I'm First time grower for self medical. Thanks.

it's actually 3.5 mil plastic, same as i used lat year.

it works for one season, which is all i need this to last for.
so i'm out back watering the ducks when the wife comes to tell me there's a police officer at our door.

i step out to talk to her. she has a piece of paper in her hands. it was a piece of paper that i wrote planting plans on, what plants to put where. it was on the back of an envelope with my name and address on it.

apparently, a city worker found the plants somewhere today. turned them over to the police, my plants are now in the back of her trunk. told her about the incident and showed her my paperwork. she asked to see the greenhouse but i declined.

immediately she asks "is it because you're over your limit?" and i said no, it was based on legal advice i received upon joining the program.

a little more back and forth with her asking why i would not consent to a search if i was legal, me returning the same line. her asking why i didn't call them to report this, me telling her that i did not feel it necessary to get them involved.

she said she would talk to the chief about getting my plants back to me and left.

i am officially shitting my pants in the calmest fashion possible. fucking thieves. they got nothing except a shit stain in my pants.

lol damn that is something, way to handle the policewoman. You should have asked her to water them and put them in a sunny spot lol.

Im wondering if she will claim suspicious activity to get a warrant?
lol damn that is something, way to handle the policewoman. You should have asked her to water them and put them in a sunny spot lol.

Im wondering if she will claim suspicious activity to get a warrant?

yeah, i'm wondering about a possible warrant now too.

i'll know soon enough. not much they can do though, i have the law printed out and set by the door.

just fuck.
would you prefer i use my open hand, closed fist, or blunt side of my axe?


And you tell me I'm Savage burying people up to their necks and making it difficult for them to call for help...I just thought it would scare the life outta them so they think twice about stealing again :-P
And you tell me I'm Savage burying people up to their necks and making it difficult for them to call for help...I just thought it would scare the life outta them so they think twice about stealing again :-P

what you're describing is vigilante justice. taking someone out to the desert, burying them so they can't move, waterboarding them, and giving them no recourse to save themselves is effectively murder.

roughing someone up who is trespassing in my backyard with a razor is not murder.

little bit of a difference.
so i'm out back watering the ducks when the wife comes to tell me there's a police officer at our door.

i step out to talk to her. she has a piece of paper in her hands. it was a piece of paper that i wrote planting plans on, what plants to put where. it was on the back of an envelope with my name and address on it.

apparently, a city worker found the plants somewhere today. turned them over to the police, my plants are now in the back of her trunk. told her about the incident and showed her my paperwork. she asked to see the greenhouse but i declined.

immediately she asks "is it because you're over your limit?" and i said no, it was based on legal advice i received upon joining the program.

a little more back and forth with her asking why i would not consent to a search if i was legal, me returning the same line. her asking why i didn't call them to report this, me telling her that i did not feel it necessary to get them involved.

she said she would talk to the chief about getting my plants back to me and left.

i am officially shitting my pants in the calmest fashion possible. fucking thieves. they got nothing except a shit stain in my pants.

srry i got lost here, so what plants did they get, ur plants are still in the greenhouse right, and how'd the city worker just stumble upon them, forgive me if im asking to much