Why such a derogatory term for such a good time

Just sayin ' I don't look at it as sluttiest, but cummiest. I guess to each their own
If your looking for righteous morality...go to a church, a home to the perfectly morally sound people. We are humans, not morally correct beings, but human beings. Our nature is very hard to change, especially on a clause of something "righteous". Like it or not, mankind, is not a "righteous" species.
Let's not forget just how inhumane man is indeed, to his fellow man alone. Think about it. Just us humans, forget the rest of the world that we are inhumane to. The largest killer of humans in all of human history has been and always will be,...... humans. We love to make those people out as anything but human. Call them sub-humans, lowlife, outcast, whatever...they are still in all technicalities, a human. Perhaps a bad one in your eyes, but none the less, a human. I don't think its logical to expect morals and values from a species that has a history like ours.
I'm not saying that some don't, but the most who claim to, are fronting. Its profitable in todays age to have moral, and values. Its a righteous "claim" to fame, especially in 21st century times.
For example, if you claimed to be 100% truthful and openly admitted your no notion of anything "righteous" but your honest to the bone....would you have a job?????? Any job???????? Own your own company????? It would be hard to imagine, but perhaps its possible, but certainly not nearly as profitable as the all honest all righteous blokes down at Chase Bank
But, for the most part, man is inept to having a merit capacity for morality and values. Its a non-stop 24/7 feeding frenzy on planet earth.