If you were God what would you do?


Active Member
After a day of thought, I think, I have to change my answer. After all, I am god, and I can. So,

If I was god, I'd shebang just about every nun from here to honolulu :) Prob rest on the seventh day, maybe order some thai,bring my boy blue over, and get back to biz with the remaining flock of nuns....Now I know what your thinking, but I have to be frank here...Someones gotta do it, I just cant let all that unused , tang go to way side, not sure Id be god anymore if i did :)

Cheers World~


Well-Known Member
after a day of thought, i think, i have to change my answer. After all, i am god, and i can. So,

if i was god, i'd shebang just about every nun from here to honolulu :) prob rest on the seventh day, maybe order some thai,bring my boy blue over, and get back to biz with the remaining flock of nuns....now i know what your thinking, but i have to be frank here...someones gotta do it, i just cant let all that unused , tang go to way side, not sure id be god anymore if i did :)

cheers world~


Well-Known Member
God created man from dust. He created woman from the rib of Adam.
Well if we are talking inconsistencies...Here is the one that got me....The Book of Genesis made it sound like Adam and Eve were the first and only people created, but then it says once they were kicked out of the garden that the sons left and found wives from somewhere else...so then it is kind of like...so God was a guy that created a perfect world in a world ongoing, and it all fell to shit as well...so...perhaps there is a little truth to it...
The bible is written in such a way that you can find whatever you are looking for if you look hard enough and use your good reading comprehension skills...but the idea that The book of Genesis is written not about the whole world, but a small part of this one, just speaks to me, and puts the whole bible into a better context..but of course, like the founders of Mormonism I am just taking a line and then running with it making up the rest...so whatever...it is all crap...and I think most people know that regardless of whether they are believers or not...if not then they haven't read the bible for what it is...and to not see it for what it is, is to misunderstand it's whole purpose...


Well-Known Member
You've never owned a cat.

I like that. cn

<edit> And I'm late with this observation.
Ummm, dogs are also mean for fun...lol...We had a dog that would lay really really still right by her large wade pool cuz these little birds would come up to take baths and she would lay there like she was asleep then all a sudden she would snatch one, and hold it's wings with her feet and tear it's body from the wings...that is awful...


Ursus marijanus
Ummm, dogs are also mean for fun...lol...We had a dog that would lay really really still right by her large wade pool cuz these little birds would come up to take baths and she would lay there like she was asleep then all a sudden she would snatch one, and hold it's wings with her feet and tear it's body from the wings...that is awful...
The true sign of a failed&angry cat chaser ... cut out the middleman ... cn


Well-Known Member
Well if we are talking inconsistencies...Here is the one that got me....The Book of Genesis made it sound like Adam and Eve were the first and only people created, but then it says once they were kicked out of the garden that the sons left and found wives from somewhere else...so then it is kind of like...so God was a guy that created a perfect world in a world ongoing, and it all fell to shit as well...so...perhaps there is a little truth to it...
The bible is written in such a way that you can find whatever you are looking for if you look hard enough and use your good reading comprehension skills...but the idea that The book of Genesis is written not about the whole world, but a small part of this one, just speaks to me, and puts the whole bible into a better context..but of course, like the founders of Mormonism I am just taking a line and then running with it making up the rest...so whatever...it is all crap...and I think most people know that regardless of whether they are believers or not...if not then they haven't read the bible for what it is...and to not see it for what it is, is to misunderstand it's whole purpose...
I've thought about that too. And it's quite possible. Everybody always says Jesus couldn't have been married to Mary because that would mean Jesus had a "favorite". But God had favorites all throughout the Bible. David was a man after God's own heart. Moses was chosen as a favorite. Noah was a favorite. Elijah. Lots of favorites. Maybe Adam and Eve were just another set of favorites because they were without sin. At first.


Well-Known Member
Here's what God should do with Infinite Imagination:

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Without religion god wouldn't have even come to mind. We came up with god as a way to explain the origin of life.. We are slowly finding the real answer. Why believe in a god? What is he/she/it going to do to help me or others?
Definitely not pamper the world like we're a bunch of confused children lol.


Active Member
I'd give humanity a couple of global catastrophes to deal with, just to see if they could put aside their petty squabbles and unite under a common goal - survival.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I'd give humanity a couple of global catastrophes to deal with, just to see if they could put aside their petty squabbles and unite under a common goal - survival.
like what? we already had 2 world wars, tsunamis earthquakes volcanic eruptions hurricanes, and a Backstreet Boys reunion. what more can the fucker do to us?


Well-Known Member
Well if we are talking inconsistencies...Here is the one that got me....The Book of Genesis made it sound like Adam and Eve were the first and only people created, but then it says once they were kicked out of the garden that the sons left and found wives from somewhere else...so then it is kind of like...so God was a guy that created a perfect world in a world ongoing, and it all fell to shit as well...so...perhaps there is a little truth to it...
The bible is written in such a way that you can find whatever you are looking for if you look hard enough and use your good reading comprehension skills...but the idea that The book of Genesis is written not about the whole world, but a small part of this one, just speaks to me, and puts the whole bible into a better context..but of course, like the founders of Mormonism I am just taking a line and then running with it making up the rest...so whatever...it is all crap...and I think most people know that regardless of whether they are believers or not...if not then they haven't read the bible for what it is...and to not see it for what it is, is to misunderstand it's whole purpose...
what i never got about that story is that before adam and eve could talk fluently, but yet the earliest humans we think talked by grunts and sounds...so how did we devolve before we started to evolve? odd anyways if i was god id do whatever i felt like. id help starvin people and the innocent. if fuck people up that killed in cold blood or for no reason. id aslo make it very known to humans that i am in fact real and i will in fact FUCK you up if you start actin like a douche. id have a lot of fun fuckin with people too.


Active Member
like what? we already had 2 world wars, tsunamis earthquakes volcanic eruptions hurricanes, and a Backstreet Boys reunion. what more can the fucker do to us?
lol @ the Backstreet Boys reunion.

I was thinking I'd fire off a nice big fat asteroid or two, or maybe send an alien race to earth to raise some hell. Screwing around with the arrangement of the solar system would be fun too.


Well-Known Member
Man fuck all of this.. We should just be happy and realize we are ourselves and no higher being controls us. IDK about you guys but this talk of higher beings is getting to me.. People start wars and learn to hate each other over these higher powers.. I thought we were a little smarter than that.. Just my opinion even though it's sort of irrelevant..